He was regarding me sardonically, reading my thoughts.

“Is that so?” said Joel, surprised.

“By the schoolhouse,” said the Comte.

“I was passing and I saw Mademoiselle Maddox. I thought: That is the excellent Mademoiselle who has done so much good to my daughter. I am glad to have an opportunity of expressing my gratitude.”

He was smiling at me, noting, of course, my flush and he would know that I was thinking of those kisses and my undignified exit.

“My father is constantly singing the praises of Mrs. Maddox’s school,” said kind Joel.

“It has saved our employing governesses

“Governesses can be tiresome,” said the Comte, sitting down beside me.

“They are not of us and yet they do not belong with ;

the servants. It is irksome to have people floating in limbo. Not for us. For them. They become so conscious of their status. Class is something to be ignored. Do you agree, Joel? Miss Maddox? When our late King Louis XV was reminded by one of his friends, a duke, that his mistress was the daughter of a cook, he replied: “Is that so? I did not notice. The fact is that you are all so far beneath me that I cannot tell the difference between a duke and a cook.” Joel laughed and I could not stop myself retorting: “Is that so with you. Monsieur Ie Comte? Could you not tell the difference between a cook and a duke? “

“I am not so high as the King, Mademoiselle, but I am high nevertheless and I could not tell the difference between the daughters of Sir John and those of the schoolmistress.”

“Then it seems that I am not entirely unacceptable.”

His eyes seemed to burn into mine.

“Mademoiselle, you are very acceptable, I do assure you.” Joel looked uncomfortable. He found this conversation in bad taste, I was sure, but I could see that the Comte, like myself, could not resist the temptation to indulge in it.

“I think,” said Joel, ‘that the interval is almost over and that we should return to our seats. “

The girls were coming back. Margot looked amused; Maria a little sour and Sybil noncommittal.

“You are attracting attention, Minelle,” whispered Margot.

“Two of the most handsome men in attendance at the same time. You are a siren.”

“I did not ask them.”

“Sirens never do. They just send out their subtle fascination.”

During the rest of the concert I thought of the Comte. I attracted him in some way. I knew which way. He liked women, and although I was immature, I was fast becoming one. That his intentions were strictly dishonourable could be nothing but obvious. But what was so horrifying was that instead of being angry I was fascinated.

As we were about to descend into the dining hall where cold supper had been laid out, one of the footmen-splendid in the Derringham livery-came into the dining-room, sought the eye of Sir John and discreetly went to him. I saw him whisper a few words.

Sir John nodded and went to the Comte who, I noticed, not without a little chagrin, was talking animatedly to Lady Eggleston, the flighty young wife of a gouty, more-than middle-aged husband. She was simpering a little and I could imagine the course of their conversation.

Sir John spoke to the Comte and after a while they went out of the room together.

Joel was at my side.

“Come to the buffet,” he said. There you can choose what you would like. After that we’ll find a small table. “

I was grateful to him. There was such kindliness in him. He believed that I, who knew no one here, might need a protector.

There was fish of all description and a variety of cold meats. I took little. I was not in the least hungry.

We found a table somewhat sheltered by plants, and Joel said to me: T dare say you found the Comte a little unusual. “

“Well… he is not English.”

“I thought you seemed a little put out by him.”

“I think he is a man who is accustomed to getting his own way.”

“Undoubtedly. You saw him leave with my father. One of his servants has arrived from France with a message for him. It seems as though it may be important.”

It must be for the servant to travel so far. “

“But not entirely unexpected. You will know that affairs in France have been uneasy for some time. I do hope this is nothing disastrous.”

“The situation in that country is certainly grim,” I said.

“One wonders where it will end.”

I visited the Comte two years ago with my father and even then there was a sense of uneasiness throughout the country. They did not seem to be as much aware of it as I was. Living close to something perhaps makes it less obvious.

“I have heard of the extravagance of the Queen.”

She is very unpopular. The French do not like foreigners, and of course she is one. “

“But a charming and beautiful woman, I believe.”

“Oh yes. We were presented by the Comte. She danced exquisitely, I remember, and was most beautifully gowned. I think the Comte is a little more uneasy than he admits.”

“He does not appear to be in the least so … But perhaps ;

I speak rashly. I scarcely know him. “

“He is not a man to betray his feelings. If there should be trouble he would have a great deal to lose. Among other property he owns the Chateau Silvaine about forty miles due south of Paris, and the Hotel Delibes, a mansion in the capital. His is a very ancient family, connected with the Capets. He is very much a man, of the Court.”

“I see. A most important gentleman.”

“Indeed yes. It is obvious from his demeanour, don’t you think?”

“He seems determined that everyone shall be aware of it. I am sure he would be very put out if they were not.”

“You must not judge him too harshly. Miss Maddox. He is a French aristocrat, and aristocracy is a state of being which is emphasized more definitely in France than here.”

“Certainly I must not presume to judge. After all, as I said, I know nothing of him.”

“I am sure he is uneasy. Only last night when he was talking to my father he mentioned the riots which had taken place a few years ago when the markets were raided and boats on the Oise which were bringing grain to Paris were boarded and the sacks of grain seized and thrown into the river. He said something which impressed my father deeply. He said it was a ” rehearsal for a revolution”. But I am boring you with this dreary conversation.”

“Indeed not. My mother has always insisted that we keep up to date with modem history as well as that of the past. We have the French papers which we read in class. In fact we keep them and read them again and again. So I have heard of that alarming period. The trouble was averted, however.”

“Yes, but I can’t forget the Comte’s words.

“A rehearsal.” And whenever something like this happens . servants coming with a special message . I feel uneasy. “

“Ah, there is Minella!” It was Maria and Sybil with a young man. They carried plates.

“We shall join you,” said Maria.

Joel presented the young man to me.

“This is Tom Fielding. Miss Maddox, Tom.”

Tom Fielding bowed and asked if I had enjoyed the music. I told him that I had immensely.

“The salmon is good,” he said.

“Have you tried it?”

“Joel,” put in Maria, ‘if you wish to look after our guests, I know Minella will excuse you. “

I am sure she would if I had that wish,” replied Joel, smiling at me.

But it happens that I have not. “

“Perhaps you think you ought to …”

Tonight I am bent on pleasure. “

I warmed towards him. I knew that Maria was reminding him that he need not treat the schoolmistress’s daughter as an ordinary guest, which was typical of her. Whether he was aware of her meaning or not, I did not know, but I liked him for his response to it.

The conversation centred on trivialities, and I could see that Joel, who was clearly a serious-minded young man, would have preferred to go on with our discussion.

Sybil said: “Mama says that when you leave, Minella, she will send someone to escort you to the schoolhouse. You must not go back alone.”

“That is kind of her,” I said.

“I will take Miss Maddox back to the house,” said Joel quickly.

“I think you will be needed here, Joel,” Maria pointed out.

“You overrate my importance, sister. Everything will run just as smoothly whether I am here or not.”

“I think Mama expects …”

Joel said: “Tom, do try the marchpane. Our cook is proud of it.”

Since Maria had put the idea into my head, I now began to wonder whether it was time for me to leave. It was half past ten and I must certainly not be the last to go.

I turned to Joel.

“It is good of you to offer to take me. Thank you.”

“It is I who should thank you for allowing me to do so,” he replied gallantly.

“Perhaps I should find Lady Derringham and thank her now.”

“I’ll take you to her,” said Joel.

Lady Derringham received my thanks graciously, and Sir, John said he thought it was extremely good of me to come at such short notice. :

I could not see the Comte anywhere and I wondered whether he had not returned after leaving with Sir John. I did see Margot, though. She was clearly enjoying herself in the company of a young man who seemed to be enchanted with her and she with him. I Joel and I walked the half a mile or so from the Manor to the schoolhouse.

There was a half moon in the sky which shed a pale and eerie light on the bushes. I felt as though I were in a dreams Here I was out late at night with Joel Derringham who showed me clearly that he enjoyed my company. It must have been obvious, otherwise Maria would not have been so put out. I wondered what my mother would say for she would be sitting up waiting for me. She would be expecting one of the servants from the Manor to escort me and when she realized it was the son and heir I could imagine her excitement.