I tangled my fingers in his hair and applied a little pressure to keep his head and mouth in place, on my breast. He was now dividing his attention between both my breasts and can I just say, this was heaven, him sucking on me while I was rubbing his cock against my clit.
Eventually he stopped what he was doing and moved his mouth to my ear, nibbling on it and then he breathed out, “I’m gonna fuck you now. That okay with you?”
“That’s more than okay with me,” I purred. I mean, seriously, what kind of question was that?
He turned us so that I was now the one against the wall and reached his hand down to my pussy. I moaned loudly when he pushed two fingers inside me and massaged my walls. “Don’t get me wrong, that feels good, but I need your cock, baby,” I muttered.
He smirked and withdrew his fingers. “Hang on, gotta get a condom,” he said and left me for a minute while he located one. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the foil packet and saw him put the condom on. Time was ticking and I was more than ready for an orgasm.
Coming back to me, he bent so that his face was in my pussy and I almost screamed out when he licked along my wet folds and let his tongue dip into me. Swirling his tongue inside me, he gripped my ass and massaged in between my cheeks.
My mind was duelling with itself; on one hand it wanted him to continue to tongue fuck me but on the other hand it really wanted his cock. In the end the desire for cock won and I reached down and pulled his mouth away from my pussy. He knew what I wanted and stood up, lifting me as he went. I wrapped my legs around him and my pussy clenched in anticipation. Yeah, she knew she was about to strike gold.
His cock hit my entrance and he thrust in, hard and fast. Just how I liked it. My arms were around him and I gripped on to him as he thrust in and out, in and out. The pleasure inside me built as we continued our climb. Silence surrounded us except for the grunts and groans as we fought for our release. His cock was filling me, the friction divine, and when his finger hit my clit to massage it, I felt myself go over the edge. I screamed as I came and he grunted in approval. A moment later his body shuddered as he came and then we just clung to each other as waves of pleasure flowed through us.
He lifted his head to look at me, “You done, darlin’?”
I nodded and smiled, “Yeah.”
He let me down and I headed for his bathroom to clean myself up, grabbing my clothes on the way. Neither of us said a word, but really, what was there to say? We’d both gotten what we came here for.
I locked myself in his bathroom and splashed water on my face, enjoying the cold, cleansing sensation. Turning the tap off, I looked in the mirror. My face had that just fucked flush and my long brunette hair was a tangled mess. The lipstick I had applied before hitting the club was long gone and my makeup was slightly smudged from the sweat. But the thing that stood out the most to me was the dullness I saw in my eyes; the indifference I felt towards life.
The only thing that gave me a buzz anymore was sex, and even that was starting to lose its magic.
Chapter 2
Fifteen minutes later I was on my way home when my phone rang. Retrieving it from my bag, I checked the caller ID. Private number. No way, buddy. I ignored it and threw it back in my bag. However, the asshole was persistent and rang again. I ignored it again but after three more rounds of this I was pissed off.
I stabbed at the phone to answer it and snapped, “This had better be good.”
“Madison, it’s Griff. Got some news for you that you’re not gonna like very much.”
Fuck. Griff was a member of Storm, the motorcycle club that my Dad was President of, and my brother, Scott, was Vice President of. I grew up in the club; it was my family. I’d gotten my hands dirty for the club but two years ago I walked away from that life. Storm was based in Brisbane and I had moved to Coffs Harbour to put distance between us. Now I spent my time working an honest job and tried to keep my nose out of club business. My family had supported my move two years ago, but now they wanted me to come home. Scott often called and visited, trying to convince me, but I never caved. When I had left, I had been a broken mess, and I was still trying to put myself back together. Going home would be going backwards as far as I was concerned.
I sighed. “What’s up, Griff?”
“Scott wants you back here. There’s some shit going down with Black Deeds and he doesn’t want you alone in case they retaliate by going after you.”
Black Deeds MC was a nasty club that Storm often had problems with so I couldn’t see that this would be any different. “Griff, I’m fine, and you can tell Scott that I am not coming back.”
“It’s bad shit, babe. Be best if you did come home.”
“The answer’s no. Not happening,” I was getting impatient with this conversation.
There was a long pause while he took in what I had said. He probably hated this part of the job. Dealing with me. I would. “Right. I’ll pass that on to Scott,” he replied, and then hung up.
I stared at the phone. He gave in way too easily and it made me suspicious. They had to have an agenda and I wondered what would be the next step if I said no.
Storm didn’t take no for an answer. Ever. And they didn’t tend to get involved in bad shit. They barrelled through anything that got in their way. They had a reputation for being a strong and ruthless club so there was only one question on my mind now. What the fuck had they gotten themselves into that made them feel this threatened?
“Hey, honey, I’m home,” I yelled out as I came through the front door.
“I’m in the kitchen, chica,” came the reply, and I headed towards the voice.
The scene that greeted me in the kitchen stunned me. My best friend and roommate, Serena, had filled the kitchen with muffins. It was after midnight and there she was with about fifty muffins spread from one end of the kitchen to the other. Her hair, face and clothes were covered in flour, and there were ingredients and cooking utensils everywhere. My BFF was not a domestic goddess, that was for sure.
“What is all this cooking in aid of?” I asked, because it had to be for a reason. Serena didn’t often bake.
“My mother,” she said simply. And that said it all. Serena’s mother was a domineering woman and when she said jump, you said how high.
“Ah, another one of her charity assignments?” I asked. Her mother was always doing stuff for charities so I guessed this was just another one of those. Usually she didn’t get Serena to bake though, because let’s face it, we all knew her skills in this department were somewhat lacking.
Serena nodded. “Yep, and at the rate I am going, I doubt she will ever ask me to cook for her again.”
I laughed. “Do you want some help, honey?”
She flashed me a huge grin. “I thought you’d never ask.”
We spent the next hour tidying up and getting the muffins packed and ready to be delivered to her mother later that day. At about two am I crawled into bed, exhausted after a long day, but sleep eluded me. Thoughts of Storm and my life before I left assaulted me, and as much as I tried to avoid them, I just couldn’t.
I had been in a living hell for most of the year prior to leaving Brisbane. Actually, to be honest, it had started before that. It had started after Rob attacked me and that was nearly two years before I left. Back when I was dating J, the guy who I had been sure was going to be my forever.
You see, J killing Rob after he attacked me had fucked my relationship up with J and we had never been able to get it back on track. J blamed himself for the attack and I blamed myself for J killing him.
That night had started like any other for me. I had gone to work at Hyde’s, the bar I had worked at for a couple of years. Rob worked with me as a bartender and we had had a fun night with all the regulars. However, after close, while I was waiting for J to pick me up, Rob had turned on me and tried to rape me in the car park outside the bar. J had been late picking me up and arrived mid attack, just as Rob had pulled a knife on me and slashed my arm. Five minutes later, Rob was dead after J shot him and so began our descent into hell.
J and I had been together for just over two years at that point. We had been great friends for a lot longer than that. He had joined Storm when he was nineteen. I had been a seventeen year old schoolgirl at the time and fallen hard for him. However, nothing but flirting happened between us for six years, and during that time we had built a strong friendship. Our relationship as a couple had been fiery. We couldn’t get enough of each other but at the same time we argued constantly. Our main problem stemmed from the club. J didn’t involve me in club business and this annoyed me. I wanted to be a part of every aspect of J’s life and when he refused to talk about the club with me, I felt closed off from part of him. That had led to many arguments.
In the end though, what tore us apart was our inability to deal with the fallout from Rob’s death. After the attempted rape, J tried to wrap me in cotton wool. He constantly monitored my whereabouts and tried to dictate where I could go and what I could do. I was not a woman who could cope with that style of relationship. On top of that, I had started drinking heavily. Feeling responsible for Rob’s death and being unable to work through my feelings associated with that, I had resorted to shutting it all out by hitting the bar. It had started out as a bit of fun but had quickly spiralled into an addiction that I couldn’t get under control. J had lived with an alcoholic parent and had no tolerance for drinking to excess. He had tried desperately to get me help but I had blocked all his attempts. This had gone on for almost a year and the final nail in our coffin had been Jodie, a club whore who J had supposedly cheated on me with. I had believed the rumours, or perhaps I had wanted to, simply to have an excuse to walk away from what our relationship had become.
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