Emerald caught her breath and nuzzled his hard length before taking him into her mouth again. He’d had other women suck him off before, but at the moment he couldn’t remember one single time. It had never felt this fucking good. Everything with her was deeper and richer than it had been before.

Her tongue stroked the pulsing vein that ran the length of his cock before curling around the head again. She gripped him in her hand and began to pump in earnest as she began to move her head up and down his shaft, taking him deeper with each downward stroke.

Breathing deep, Jackson turned his attention back to her, sliding two fingers past the tight muscles guarding the opening of her pussy. He felt the slight resistance as he pushed beyond it to her heated depths. As he withdrew, he widened his fingers, letting one of them stroke the top of her cunt as he pulled it out. She moaned. The vibration made his balls draw up tight against his body.

Sweat trickled down his forehead and into his hair. Both their bodies were slick with perspiration as they drove toward completion. Jackson didn’t want it to end but knew that he couldn’t stop it from happening. He was too far gone to pull back.

Lifting his head, he flicked his tongue over her clit as he inserted a third finger inside her sheath. Using his thumb, he rimmed the tight opening of her ass before pressing it inside.

Emerald’s hand tightened around his cock, her mouth sucking hard. He felt her inner muscles begin to spasm around his fingers, indicating the onset of her release.

Jackson yelled as he came, his hips jerking upward. His cock pulsed in her hand and mouth as he spilled himself into her. She continued to draw on his shaft and he thought his head might explode with the intensity of his orgasm.

He couldn’t think, could only feel as Emerald sucked him dry. His hands fell away from her body, landing with a thud on the ground. He could see and feel the liquid seeping from her core. Pleased, he couldn’t resist lapping at her pussy. Emerald choked out a cry as she released him and buried her face against his groin.

Jackson’s head fell back against the soft ground and he stared up at the sky. The sights and sounds of the day began to seep back into his consciousness. Everything looked more vibrant, from the blue of the sky to the green of the trees overhead. He could hear the insects buzzing, the occasional blue jay screeching and a crow squawking. The fragrance of the grass and wildflowers tickled his nose, intermingled with the scent of sex and the unique smell of Emerald.

As he lay there with her draped across him, he was startled to realize he was smiling. He felt more content than he had in…well, he didn’t know when. All he knew was that Emerald made him happy. He felt more satisfied with everything in his life when she was with him.

She sighed and mumbled and then raised her head. When she lifted her leg to move, she almost hit him in the head. Deciding he’d better take charge if he didn’t want anything important damaged, he lifted her off him and then rolled to his feet.

She just blinked like a sleeping, satisfied cat as he curled his arms beneath her and picked her up. She settled trustingly against his chest, nuzzling his neck. Emotion surged up within him and tears pricked his eyes. To cover it, he walked straight into the pond and fell backward with Emerald still clasped tight in his arms.

When he surfaced, she sputtered and laughed at him, her smile making his heart turn over. No matter what, he wouldn’t let anything happen to this special woman. And when the time came, he’d let her go with no regrets, no matter the cost to him.

Chapter Thirteen

Emerald sighed as she sat back in the large, cushioned patio chair and sipped her iced tea. The glass was damp with condensation, as the heat still had not abated. She and Jackson had gone for a quick dip in the pond and then had dressed and come home. They’d said little between them, but there hadn’t really been any need for words. There was a connection between them that went deeper than that and with each moment she spent with Jackson it seemed to grow stronger.

She rubbed her finger along the rim of the glass, wiping the condensation aside. Her life had taken some very strange turns lately, and not many of them good. But one thing she couldn’t regret was coming to the small town of Meadows and finding Jackson Connors.

The air was heavy and still, blanketing the farm in its heat. Emerald had no idea when this heat wave was going to break, but she hoped it was soon. Jackson hadn’t said anything, but he had to be worried about his crop. There hadn’t been any rain in about ten days and the ground was cracked and dry. What little grass there was around the house was brown with patches of green. The few flowers scattered around the patio were fine because she’d been watering them.

The screen door was pushed open and Jackson ambled out, glass in hand. He was shirtless and shoeless, wearing only a pair of faded jeans. He had a folder stuck under his arm and she could see the wariness in his eyes as he lowered himself into the chair next to her.

She laid her glass on the porch floor beside her chair. On their stroll home from the pond, he’d agreed to show her some of his photos. Emerald had to admit that she was curious to see his work, especially since she knew it wasn’t something he’d shared with anyone else.

She wiped her hands on her tank top, sensing Jackson following her movements with his eyes, staring at her nipples where they pressed against the thin fabric. There was a built-in bra, but it didn’t help. Seemed that whenever she was around him, her body had a mind of its own. She held out her hand.

Almost reluctantly, he handed her the folder. She had to tug slightly to get him to release it, and when he did, he quickly turned away, looking out over the rows of apple trees in the distance.

Emerald turned back the cover of the folder and stared at the first image. It was stark in black and white and showed the orchard in the dead of winter. Or rather, it pictured one particular tree. The branches were gnarled, the bark rough and dark in sharp contrast to the pristine white of the snow. There were no tracks, no dirt, no sign of life in the thick layer of snow.

It was breathtaking.

Taking her time, she flipped over the photo to reveal the one beneath it. This one was in full color. A squirrel was seated on a log, nut clasped tight in his tiny paws. His face was turned inquisitively toward the camera.

The next one was of the same apple tree from the earlier black-and-white shot. This one was full color and showed the tree in bloom. Apple blossoms covered it as the sun shone down upon it. The sky was an impossible shade of blue that could only be caught in that rare split second in nature.

On and on it went. One photo after another revealing sheer artistic talent. It wasn’t just the subject matter, but the way it was presented. It was, she knew, Jackson’s unique vision. It gave her an insight into the man and how he viewed the land he owned and worked. There was a depth of love and respect that was unmistakable.

She knew then that he’d never leave here.

Her heart ached as she came to the last picture. It was sunset from the porch she was sitting on. The vibrant colors of red, yellow, green, aqua and blue were all there as if painted by the hand of God. She’d never seen anything quite like it.

She closed the folder slowly and let it rest in her lap. She could feel the tension from the chair next to her. Turning slowly, she stared at Jackson, shaking her head. His lips firmed and he reached out for the folder. Her hand covered his, stopping him from taking the folder.

“I’ve never seen anything this beautiful in my life.” Her voice was husky with emotion, but she meant what she said. “No, that’s not quite right.” She struggled to find the correct words. “They’re more than merely beautiful. They’re compelling. They evoke emotion. God, Jackson.” She gripped his hand tight, her nails digging into him. “They’re incredible.”

One corner of his mouth quirked up. “All of that,” he teased.

She could tell he was uncomfortable with her praise and trying to make light of it. She wasn’t having that. “Yes.” She stared defiantly at him. “All of that and more. Whatever they’re paying you, it’s not enough.”

Jackson’s gaze softened, his hand slipping out from beneath hers as he cupped her jaw. Leaning forward, he touched his lips to hers. Unlike the tempest of passion at the pond, this was gentle, a kiss complete in and of itself rather than a prelude to sex.

Her bare toes curled into the plank floor beneath her feet. Her whole body seemed to sigh and relax. Being with Jackson felt right in a way that nothing else ever had in her life, except maybe her artwork. It was scary and exhilarating at the same time.

“Thank you,” he said simply and sincerely as he sat back. He stroked the curve of her jaw with his thumb before sitting back in his chair. She noted that he left the folder in her lap.

He sprawled in his chair, extending his long legs in front of him. His hands were resting lightly on his flat, tanned stomach and even at rest his biceps were huge. He was the picture of relaxation, yet she could see the slight tightening in his jaw and the tension in his muscles.

He turned his head and a lock of hair fell onto his forehead. He swiped it away with his hand, raking his fingers through his hair. It wasn’t overly long, but it was sexy. At least she thought it was. His blue eyes seemed even brighter against the dark tan of his skin. “When are you going to show me more of your work?” There was almost a challenge in his tone, as if he felt vulnerable and needed her to reveal a part of herself as well.