He had a plan, but first he had to extricate himself from her hot depths. And that wasn’t going to be easy. Leaning her against the wall, he waited until he was sure she was steady before slowly pulling away from her. He had to grit his teeth to keep from losing it there and then. The last thing he wanted to do was come prematurely.

Emerald moaned as Jackson pulled his cock from her. “No.” She wanted him inside her, stretching her. He was so hard and hot and she wanted to feel him thrusting into her.

“Have to,” he growled. His face was harsh in the artificial lighting, as the sunlight didn’t reach this far into the barn. She could see the strain on his face as he struggled to keep it all together. She was hanging by a thread herself and she’d just had one orgasm.

“What,” she panted heavily, “can I do?”

He didn’t answer, but turned her so she was facing the low wall. When he wrapped her hands over the edge, she understood. Leaning forward, she stuck out her ass and spread her legs. “Now, Jackson,” she pleaded. She wanted to be joined with this man, to feel his orgasm within her, to bring him the kind of mind-blowing pleasure that he’d given her.

Between her legs, she ached with a growing need. Cream leaked from her core and trickled down her inner thighs. Her breasts ached for his touch. They felt heavy as she leaned forward.

His hairy thighs tickled the backs of her legs and she quivered as the broad head of his cock was pressed just inside her slit. His large, roughened hands slid up her sides and around to cup her breast. “Now,” she moaned, digging her fingers into the wood railing for support.

“Fuck, yes,” he hissed as he drove deep with one heavy thrust. He was thick and long and she took every inch of him into her. He stretched her inner muscles, filling her completely. If she hadn’t been so prepared, it might have hurt. But instead, it felt gloriously right.

His fingers toyed with her nipples, pinching them lightly. Sensation flowed from her breasts to down between her thighs where she ached with a growing need. Sweat dripped from her temple and she could feel the slickness of Jackson’s chest against her back.

This was no pleasant tumble in bed. Emerald thought she’d known what real desire was, but now she knew that what she’d had before had only been the tip of the iceberg. This was real and elemental. It was messy and noisy. And she loved it.

As Jackson began to thrust, the sound of his stomach hitting her ass filled the space around them. Sex, musky and real, permeated the air like some rich perfume. She could smell the remains of Jackson’s spicy aftershave mixing with the remnants of her floral soap. Masculine and feminine. Dark and light. They came together over and over, one dominating, the other yielding, both giving and receiving pleasure.

His hips hammered against her, driving his cock into her waiting pussy. She’d never felt so filled, so needy in her life. Clenching her jaw, she met each heavy thrust, pushing her bottom back to meet him.

“Harder.” She wanted more. Needed more.

One of Jackson’s hands slid down her belly and between her thighs. He didn’t break his rhythm as he fingered her swollen clit. His other hand continued to tease and torment her taut nipples.

Emerald felt as if she were a wire pulled too tight. “Jackson,” she screamed as he rammed himself deep one final time. She felt the pulsing of his cock as he came and it set off her own orgasm.

Her entire body shook and shuddered as she came. Liquid flooded her core as tears filled her eyes. For the first time in her life, she bitterly resented the need for a condom. She wanted to feel the rush of her lover’s release and the wet heat as it filled her. Still, it was amazing. His body jerked and heaved against hers as he gave several short thrusts. His hands finally fell away from her and he leaned heavily against her back.

Her knees began to buckle. Jackson swore as he lowered them carefully to the ground, still buried deep within her. She rested her head on the plank floor and sighed. She was dirty, sweaty and sticky, but she felt wonderful. Two orgasms in such a short period of time were practically unheard of for her. And never had they been so intense.

Jackson stirred behind her and they both groaned as he pulled his now semi-erect cock from her still-pulsing body. She collapsed onto the floor, rolling to her side and watched as he staggered to his feet. He dug a tissue out of his back pocket and removed the condom, wrapping it inside. Then he hitched up his jeans.

It was only then that she realized that he was still mostly dressed and she was naked. Well, almost naked. She didn’t count her bra that was still tangled around her upper body or the necklace wrapped around her throat. What was left of her panties was crumpled on the floor over by the punching bag. They must have fallen off when she’d hooked her legs around him. Her jeans and top were in a heap on the floor.

His eyes were unreadable as he leaned down and scooped her off the floor. She wasn’t a small woman by any means, but he was so strong, he did it as if she weighed nothing at all. Holding her tight, he strode from the barn. “My clothes,” she protested.

“I’ll get them later,” he promised. The sky was still light when he stepped outside the barn, but barely. The sun was just sinking below the horizon. Totally unconcerned about her nakedness, she relaxed against him as he carried her to the house. His heart was a reassuring heavy thud beneath her cheek. She felt totally sated and absolutely safe as he elbowed his way in through the back door and up the stairs.

“We’ll get you cleaned up first.”

“First?” she questioned as he bypassed his bedroom and went straight to the bathroom.

He let her legs slide down his arm until her feet were flat on the floor. She stared up at him and was instantly ensnared by the look of pure lust shining from his eyes.

“I’m not done with you yet.”

Her toes curled into the tile flooring and heat suffused her body. Maybe she wasn’t done either.

Chapter Eleven

Emerald stretched in bed, ignoring the slight aches and pains that rippled throughout her body. They were nothing compared to the pleasure that Jackson had given her last night.

Once again, he’d surprised her. She’d thought for certain they’d make love in the shower. Instead, he’d taken his time, washing every inch of her body, paying special attention to her breasts and between her thighs. She’d returned the attention, stroking his chest, cupping his testicles and wrapping her wet, soapy hand around his stirring erection. By the time he’d patted her dry with a fluffy white towel, she was so aroused she thought she’d scream.

Jackson had scooped her into his arms and carried her back to bed. Their first time in the barn had been quick and almost out of control. This time had been slow and measured. He’d taken his time, kissing and touching every part of her—her arms, neck, torso, hips, thighs and legs. No part of her had been missed.

Then he’d sheathed his cock with a condom and slowly eased into her waiting heat. With his arms braced on either side of her, he’d rocked them to completion. Her orgasm had been deeper and more satisfying than she’d expected.

Once they’d both recovered, Jackson had hauled her into his arms and tucked her against his chest, holding her as they drifted to sleep. She’d stirred once during the night, turning away from him. He’d followed her, wrapping one arm around her waist and cupping her breast. His other arm was tucked under her head. She’d been totally surrounded by him.

She was alone in bed now though. The sheets beside her were cool and the room seemed emptier somehow. Emerald rolled over and squinted at the light peeking in through the curtains. Groaning, she sat up, resting her elbows on her knees. The sheet slipped, but she barely noticed as she scrubbed the sleep from her eyes.

A quick glance at the old-fashioned wind-up alarm clock sitting on Jackson’s nightstand told her that she was already late. It was past eight o’clock. Jackson had probably been up and gone for hours. She’d been looking forward to having breakfast with him.

Shrugging, she scooted to the end of the bed and sat there taking inventory of her body. Yes, she ached, but she felt good too. Better than good. Already her body was beginning to thrum with energy. She glanced around, but there was no sign of her clothing. Wrapping the sheet around her, she padded downstairs.

A white sheet of paper sat in the center of the table and she stopped to read it. Sure enough, Jackson had left her a note. “Hope you slept well,” she read aloud. “You looked too peaceful to wake. Coffee is ready. Took lunch with me, so I’ll see you at supper.” He hadn’t even signed it. Yet she held it to her chest like some lovesick schoolgirl. Shaking her head at herself, she started to ball up the paper. The moment the sheet began to crinkle, she stopped, sighed and laid it on the table, smoothing it out. Then she folded it carefully and carried it into her bedroom.

Her clothing was folded neatly on the end of her bed, and she sent out a quick thank-you to him for remembering to bring them in from the barn. The last thing she wanted was Erin, Abel or Nathan finding them. Quickly, she tucked her note away in her nightstand drawer and picked up the clothing to dump them in the bathroom hamper.

As she sorted out her clothing, she made a mental note to make sure her bra was in the upstairs hamper and not under Jackson’s bed. She had no memory of what had happened to it last night. Speaking of underwear, hers were missing. They weren’t with her jeans and top. Not that they were of much use anymore. Jackson had ripped them from her body last night.