“Is it a shot of whiskey, a clean pair of jeans, or the promise of world peace?” she asked.
Sighing dramatically, she made sure her expression was bored when she finally turned to him, pointing a finger at her face. “Then this is me, interest having waned.”
He frowned before sauntering in that loose-hipped way of his over to the dresser. Flicking off the TV, he said, “I came to give you an update. I just got a call from Steady.”
“Fido?” she asked, dropping all pretense. Throwing back the bed sheet, she swung her legs over the edge of the mattress. “Is he…”
She couldn’t bring herself to voice the next word. Alive? Dead? The first adjective might elicit an answer of no, and the second adjective might elicit an answer of yes.
“He made it through surgery.” She released her pent-up breath. “Steady says, barring anything unexpected, he’s gonna be humpin’ legs and pissin’ on hydrants in a couple of weeks.”
“Thank God,” she whispered, placing her elbows on her knees and bending forward. Her hair fell around her face in a curtain. She didn’t attempt to brush it back. Tears of gratitude had sprung to her eyes, and she didn’t want Mac to see them, see her being weak yet again.
The truth was, she hadn’t known how desperately she needed some good news until she heard it. And the fact that Fido made it out of this horrendous, soul-sucking situation alive stoked the flame of hope burning inside her that perhaps her uncle, too, might just be blessed with the same fate.
And then, a thought occurred…
“I want him,” she said, lifting her head, surprised to find Mac had taken a seat on the bed across from her. She hadn’t heard him move, either because he’d employed his super stealthy covert operator skills or because she’d been too focused on keeping a firm hold on the reins of her emotions to pay attention to anything but her own breathing. Whichever, now he was facing her, his elbows resting on his muscular thighs, his big, tan hands laced together between his knees. Knees that were nearly touching hers, but she did not notice the delicious heat pouring from him. No, she most certainly did not.
“What do you mean you want him?” he asked, his brow furrowed.
“Charlie Sander is…uh…dead, right?” He nodded. “So, I want Fido.”
After all, the dog had saved her life. The very least she could do now was provide the big goofball with a warm and loving home for the rest of his. Besides, every good biker bar needed a resident canine, right? Right.
“Uh.” Mac reached up to run a hand over the back of his neck. “I suppose we’ll have to make sure Sander didn’t have any relatives who want him. But, yeah. Okay. If no one steps up, I reckon he’s all yours.”
“Good.” She nodded, feeling like, for the first time in a long time, she was taking control of the situation. Making decisions instead of just allowing events to blow her around like the wind blew around the discarded peanut shells on the floor of her bar whenever someone entered or exited the place during a winter storm.
And since it felt so darned good to make that first decision, she resolved then and there to make another one. “And you know that one-night stand you were talking about earlier?” she asked, watching his eyes round slightly.
“I agree.”
“Uh…” There went the hand again, rubbing over the back of his neck. She’d never noticed before, but he seemed to do that when he was deep in thought, troubled by something, or else uncomfortable. She figured in this case, it was the latter.
Good. She was glad she made him uncomfortable considering the effect his nearness had on her.
“What do you mean you agree?” he finally asked. “You agree that I was right to—”
“I agree to a one-night stand,” she told him.
And too bad her iPhone was way over on the dresser. Because the litany of expressions that flashed across Mac’s face was absolutely priceless, worthy of being preserved for posterity via a set of digital photos. First there was shock, then disbelief, quickly followed by denial, and finally a penetrating sort of…interest.
And maybe she was nuts, completely off her rocker—or else delirious from lack of sleep, which was entirely possible—but she couldn’t help but think what the hell… After all, she’d been waiting years for him to take her up on one of her offers. And even though he was right when he said she wanted more from him than a scratch for her itch, something was better than nothing, right?
And, besides, there was that whole human tendency to want what you couldn’t have. So, maybe, just maybe, once she had him, she’d stop wanting him.
The little voice in her head attempted to speak up, but she immediately shushed it.
“Y-you’re not serious,” he said.
“As a heart attack,” she assured him, pushing to a stand.
He jumped up like the bed bit him on the ass, and was that…? Holy hell, Mac actually looked a bit scared. She fought a grin as she took a step toward him. He immediately began to skirt the bed like a jumper inching along the lip of a ledge.
“Whoa there.” He held up a hand. “Slow your roll, darlin’. We need to talk about this.”
“I’m all talked out today,” she told him, stalking him across the room. “And, besides, this will kill two birds with one stone.”
He lifted a brow.
“It’ll scratch that itch you were talking about earlier. And it’ll help me take my mind off my uncle.”
She grabbed his forearm and yanked him forward. “Shh.” She placed a finger over his lips, shivering when his hot breath moistened her skin. “I’m handing you the golden ticket, Mac. Giving you the keys to the kingdom with no strings attached. Are you really going to stand here arguing with me?”
His big chest rose on a shaky breath. “No strings?” he asked around her finger.
“No hurt feelings afterward?”
“None,” she promised, ignoring the little voice when it gleefully sing-songed liar, liar, liiiiar…
Chapter Nineteen
Mac knew Delilah was still talking. He could see her lips moving. But, for the life of him, he couldn’t make out her words. All he could hear was his own heartbeat, fast and fierce and…unimaginably hungry.
The golden ticket. That’s what she called it. But it was more than that. It was the golden ticket, a get-out-of-jail-free card, and a royal flush all rolled into one. Everything he’d never dared to hope for but simultaneously fantasized about. Delilah. His for the taking. With no strings attached. With no chance of heartbreak for…either of them.
He wished he could say he hesitated a moment, really thought about it, weighed all the pros and cons. But he didn’t. In fact, the only thing he thought was git along little doggies. Or, in his case, git it on little doggie. Yeehaw!
He grabbed her around the waist and pushed her across the carpet. Lifting her atop the dresser, he slammed his mouth over hers. And that was it. They went from neutral to overdrive in two seconds flat.
The instant their lips met, their tongues clashed and fought for supremacy, his stroking hers, hers tangling with his. Her hands were everywhere, running over his shoulders, knotting in his hair, grabbing his ass. It was like being caught up in storm. He could feel the crack of electricity that was in the air, highlighting the raw, untamed power of it all. The pleasure was searing, seething, all-consuming.
In the back of his mind, he wondered if he should apply the brakes. At this rate, it was going to be over in minutes. Hot, hard, fast sex atop the Noel Motel’s dresser. Fuckin’-A. But, really, who was he trying to kid? Stopping wasn’t an option. Not when he’d already grabbed the hem of her T-shirt, whipped it over her head and tossed it over his shoulder. Not when he was already cupping her plump, beautiful breast and lifting it, running his thumb over the beaded nipple before ducking his chin to suck it into his mouth.
“God, you taste good,” he moaned, dragging the smell of her in deep, reveling in the delicateness of her skin against his lips. Her nipple was a hard button pressing against his tongue. He stabbed at it and was rewarded with her groan of pleasure.
“Oh, yes, Mac,” she sighed, tossing her head back, hooking her heels beneath his butt in order to rub herself over his raging length. He could feel her through the silk of her panties. Feel how hot she was. How wet. His cock pulsed behind his zipper, begging to be set free, pleading to sink into her soft, sultry depths.
A hundred emotions slammed through him. Joy. Passion. Fear…
Because being here, locked in her embrace reminded him of something. Of what it was like to be…home. But at the same time, he was lost. Lost in the feel of her hands. In the heated wetness of her mouth when she grabbed his face and dragged him up for a ravishing kiss.
She opened her lips wide to the bold press of his tongue. But no matter how hard he pulled her against him or how strongly she grasped him to her, it wasn’t enough. Wasn’t close enough. He wanted to dissolve into her softness and warmth. Wanted to lose himself in her completely. And, holy crow, he couldn’t recall anything ever being this hot. This fast. This…crazy.
He knew the bargain she’d struck with him was doomed. Once wasn’t going to be enough. Not nearly enough. But he’d have to think about that, deal with that, later. For now? There was Delilah. Delilah with her warm, lush breasts. Delilah with her fast, feverish kisses. Delilah with her tempestuous, demanding hands…
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