Leaning down, he brushed a kiss across her cheek. “I even added a light switch at the top of the basement stairs in case you have to go down there for any reason.”
She’d told him how much she hated going down into the basement and he’d moved the panel box and added the light switch without her even having to ask. He did things like that without thinking about it. It was no wonder she’d fallen in love with him. She reminded herself for the hundredth time that he wasn’t staying. “That’s great. Just leave me the bill and I’ll be sure you get paid immediately. I really appreciate you doing this so quickly.”
Jonah frowned, his brows drawing together. “You don’t think I’m going to charge you for this, do you? Not now.”
It was her turn to frown. “What do you mean? Of course I’m going to pay you. That was our deal.” Jonah had done so much more this past week than just the electrical work.
He’d helped Shamus repair the drywall, and had helped install the new door to her store.
Besides that, he’d painted and generally helped out, doing anything that needed doing.
“That deal was made before I was sharing your bed.” He stood with his hands on his hips, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
His glib answer made her see red and she took a deep breath to calm her temper before she replied. “One has nothing to do with the other. I don’t trade sex for work. I contracted you to do a job and I’ll pay the bill.” She might feel differently if they were an actual couple, but they were having an affair, not building a lasting relationship. Jonah had made it more than clear from the beginning that this was just about sex. Not to pay him for the work would cheapen their lovemaking and turn it into something else entirely.
“Damn it, Amanda. I didn’t say anything about trading sex for work.” He raked his hand through his hair. She tried not to notice how rugged and handsome he looked wearing work boots, jeans and a long-sleeved cotton T-shirt in a rich green that matched his eye color to perfection.
She crossed her arms over her chest to keep from reaching out to touch him. “Then there is no reason for you not to take the money, is there?” She had to remember that their relationship was purely a physical one and not a deep emotional connection. If she didn’t she was going to be hurt when it came to an end. She swallowed hard. Who was she kidding? It was going to break her heart when he finally left. All her life, she’d been the one to leave first. Since she already knew she wanted to be with him for as long as possible, she knew he’d be the one to call an end to this affair. This time, she would be the one left behind. Although she supposed it didn’t matter. The results were the same—
she’d be alone once again.
“You are one stubborn woman, you know that?” He put his hands on his hips and glared at her, his frustration palpable.
“Yeah, I know.” She tightened her arms around herself. Is this where he called it quits and decided he’d had enough of her? She wouldn’t beg him to stay. She had too much pride for that. But, oh, how she wanted their relationship to continue, even if it was just for a while longer.
And how sad was that? She straightened her spine. She was an independent woman and didn’t need a man to be happy. She didn’t need anyone. She had her business and a few good friends. Her life was full, with or without Jonah in it.
Huffing out a breath, he reached out and clamped his hands over her shoulders, pulling her close to him. “Come here.” His voice was gruff, but his touch was gentle as he pressed her head against his chest. “I’ll send you the damn bill.”
“Yeah.” He pressed his lips against the top of her head and Amanda let out a sigh.
“Listen, I’ve got to go. I got a call about another job.” He pulled away and glanced down at his watch. “I should be back in time for supper.”
“You’re coming back?” He’d stayed with her all week, but there had been no new threats and the job here was done. She’d expected him to pack up the few belongings he had here and leave. Had been preparing herself for it.
His lips formed a thin line. “Of course I’m coming back.” He dropped his arms back by his sides and took a step away. “Unless you don’t want me to.”
Frustration filled her. She was no good at relationships. She couldn’t tell what Jonah wanted. Was he glad she was giving him an out or did he want to stay? Part of her wanted to push him away before she fell even more deeply in love with him than she already was. Another part of her wanted to hold on tight and hope he’d eventually come to love her back. Confusion filled her and she couldn’t think straight, so she threw his own words back at him. “You said this was just an affair. I thought you’d want to get back to your own life.”
“Yeah. Sure.” He turned and walked away. “I’ll be out of your way in a few minutes.”
Her chest ached and her stomach lurched. Had she hurt his feelings? Did he want to stay? Hope rose from a deep dark place inside her as she hurried after him. “You’re not in the way, Jonah. If anything, I’ve disrupted your life totally. You have a family. Friends.
Yet you spend all your time with me.”
He stopped and turned so abruptly, she plowed right into him. He caught her before she fell onto her butt. “You haven’t disrupted anything. I want to be here with you.”
Amanda didn’t even stop to question why her heart leapt with joy at his words. This relationship could only end in heartbreak, but she didn’t care. She wanted to be with Jonah for as long as it lasted. “I’m glad you’ve been here. And not just because of the break-in.” She stared at his chest until he caught her chin in his hand and raised it until she was looking at him.
She knew that if he came back for supper, he’d stay the night. Maybe it was weak of her, but she wanted him. She loved spending time with him, making love with him and having his big body curl around hers late at night. The more she got to know Jonah, the more she found to love about him. “Somewhere between six and six-thirty. Just let me know if you’re going to be late.”
He leaned down and kissed her. There was an almost desperate edge to the kiss. She couldn’t tell if it was coming from her, from him, or from both of them.
He broke away and went back to the basement and gathered his tools. Amanda was still waiting in the hallway when he returned.
“I’ll see you in a few hours. Be sure and keep the doors locked and your cell phone with you at all times.”
“I’ll be fine, Jonah. It’s daytime and nothing else has happened since the first breakin. It was an isolated incident. Bad luck and nothing more.”
“Promise me.” He looked so fierce and protective she found herself nodding. He pressed a quick, hard kiss on her lips and headed for the front door. “I’ll see you at supper.”
Amanda stood in the hallway and listened as his truck pulled away. She touched her fingers to her lips and sighed. Giving herself a shake, she headed to the kitchen. She’d make herself a cup of tea and then she’d start to unpack boxes.
Two hours later, she stood back and admired the progress she’d made. One entire wall was filled with books and seven more boxes were waiting to be unpacked and displayed. She was pleased with her progress.
Her cell phone rang and she retrieved it from her back pocket. She glanced at the caller ID, but it came up as caller unknown. “Hello.”
There was dead silence on the other end, even though she could tell the line was open.
Cold chills raced down Amanda’s spine. “Who is this?”
“He won’t stay forever. I know you’re alone.”
The loud click in her ear made her flinch. What did the caller mean? Was it just a wrong number or was it her assailant? Amanda nervously glanced out the window. “Get a grip. It’s just a phone call. He can’t hurt you through the phone.” He might not be able to hurt her physically, but he could certainly disrupt her mental state.
She started to close her phone, but changed her mind. She dialed the sheriff’s office instead.
A well-modulated female voice answered her call. “Jamesville Sheriff’s Department, how may I help you?”
“May I please speak with Sheriff O’Rourke?”
“May I ask who’s calling?”
“Amanda Barrington.”
“One moment, Ms. Barrington. I’ll check and see if he’s available.”
She tapped her foot against the oak flooring and stared out the window. The room, which had seemed so cozy just moments before, now felt cold.
“Hey there, Amanda, what can I do for you?” Patrick’s deep voice came across the line and she breathed a sigh of relief. Actually, now that she had the sheriff on the line it seemed kind of foolish to even bother him with this.
“I’m not sure.” She gave a small, self-deprecating laugh. “I had a phone call and it spooked me.”
“What happened?” His voice was all business now.
She strolled away from the window and double-checked the lock on the door. “I was just working when my phone rang. It was a male voice, sort of muffled.”
“What did he say?” She heard a distinct rattling sound on the other end of the line. It sounded like he was shifting through papers on his desk. “Was the voice familiar at all?
Why would the caller muffle their voice unless they were afraid you might recognize them?”
Amanda left her shop and went to the front door to check the lock there as well. “I didn’t recognize it, but as I said, it was muffled. He said that he knew I was alone and that he wouldn’t stay forever.”
Patrick paused. “He wouldn’t stay forever?”
Amanda leaned against the front door and sighed. “Jonah’s been staying with me since the night of the attack.”
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