“Has Devril arrived yet?” Lucian asked as they headed to the main room.
“Mr. Devril should arrive shortly.” Matthew grinned, his pale blue eyes lighting in amusement. “I believe he was picking up Miss Hampstead from the airport before coming here.”
Alyssa Hampstead was one of the few subs whose membership had been approved.
She was a delicate, haughty heiress with cool hazel eyes and a cold exterior. Heating her up was a challenge that many of The Club members embraced enthusiastically.
Lucian walked into the main room, a cavernous ballroom that had been remodeled to fit The Club’s needs and was outfitted for the enjoyment of the members. A bar stood at one end; the rest of the room was filled with comfortable leather couches, chairs and small nooks for the enjoyment of its patrons. His welcome was a high-pitched female scream of pleasure and pain.
He paused, his gaze moving to a nearby couple. Sax Brogan had his shaved head thrown back in ecstasy as he held a petite redhead down on the thick cock spearing her ass. The woman’s creamy white skin contrasted sharply with the chocolate tones of the big man’s. Her legs were spread wide as Sax gripped her small waist and lifted her, only to lower her slowly on the rigid shaft parting her buttocks.
Dazed blue-green eyes stared back at Lucian as he watched her lips part in excitement. Her face was flushed, and below, her full breasts were swollen, the pierced nipples standing hard and proud in excitement.
Her pussy was shaved smooth, or waxed. Some of the female patrons enjoyed the painful stimulation of the waxing that the house provided. Her cream stood thick and glistening on the small pussy mound. Her clit was engorged, a shining little pearl standing out from its protective hood as her fingers worked over it desperately.
The woman was younger than most of the female members. Barely twenty-four, she was the daughter of a staid, stuffy Senator who would have a heart seizure if he ever imagined his perfect little girl was a member of an establishment that catered to sexually dominant males.
“Fuck me, Sax.” She was riding the thick pole with halting movements, weak with lust as her head fell back against Sax’s shoulder. “Fuck me harder. Now. Please, now.” Sax groaned behind her. Despite her words, everyone knew that hard and fast wasn’t what she liked. She loved being sexually delayed, being pushed to the boundaries of control and stripped of the natural reserves she had forced on herself for so long.
Sax would have her begging before he was finished with her. Her screams would echo through the window-lined room, her pleas becoming desperate before he would allow her any release.
The sight of it wasn’t doing Lucian’s cock any good, either. Her tender pussy had flowered open, dripping in excitement, flushed and swollen. Unfuckable. It was one of the few restrictions she had stated upon entering the membership. The woman’s pussy had never been breached and for the time being, wouldn’t be.
A fucking virgin with a dick up her ass. It never ceased to amaze Lucian.
Shaking his head at the sight, he turned and headed for the long bar and hopefully a strong drink. Tally had him too angry to even consider fucking the tension out of his system tonight; besides, it wasn’t one of the lovely lustful women there that he was in need of. Tally had created the monster throbbing in his pants and he had just about set his mind that she would be the one to take care of it.
“Hey, Lucian.” Thom Briner, the bartender, greeted him jovially.
Thom wasn’t a handsome man in any sense. He was nearly six feet tall, with long dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. His tobacco brown eyes were cynical, his scarred face sinister. He was dependable and loyal, though, and for the job, that was what counted.
“Give me a whisky, Thom.” Lucian sighed as he tried to ignore the little redhead’s gasps from across the room. He wondered if Tally would let go so easily. Then he grunted. There wasn’t a chance in hell anything with Tally would be easy.
“Sax is going to have a hell of a time pushing her over,” Thom commented as another female cry reached them. “He’s been fucking her nearly half an hour already and she still hasn’t peaked.”
There was an edge of sympathy in Thom’s voice. Lucian shook his head wearily.
Red was a virgin, tested regularly on the orders of her morally upright father. It was rumored that the day she turned up without her virginity, or the benefit of a marriage license that her father had approved, then the vast estate her mother had left her on her death would revert to her father in full. Privately, Lucian suspected there was much more to it.
He glanced back at the couple.
“No. No. Not yet…” she cried out brokenly as Sax thrust hard inside the tight depths of her bottom and began to shudder in release. Thankfully, for her, he kept thrusting, though.
Lucian downed the whisky and slapped the glass to the bar for another. Every time he glanced at the other woman he saw Tally instead. Her long black hair sweat-dampened, her face flushed, her thighs spread as his cock tunneled up her pussy or the tight confines of her ass. He wanted to hear her screaming brokenly in lust, her voice husky, pleading, begging.
It was his own fault. Devril had been after him for months to make his move on her.
His twin, Devril had slightly less patience than Lucian did. He was extremely put out over the fact that Lucian was taking so much time in testing Tally’s limits. They had, as brothers, set their sights on her when she first went to work for Jesse Wyman.
Unfortunately for Tally, it wouldn’t be a matter of sharing a night or two with the brothers simultaneously. It was a matter of sharing her life. The bond Lucian and Devril shared wouldn’t permit otherwise. What Lucian lusted after, Devril naturally knew a hunger for as well.
What Lucian loved, Devril loved. And they were both becoming much too attached to the smart-assed, viperous Tally Raines.
Lucian could feel Devril’s anticipation beating at him. They were each one half of a whole it seemed. What had begun with their separation as children had only solidified as they reached puberty and then adulthood. The natural bond that twins share had been intensified, strengthened somehow, until they could sense each other’s pain, their pleasure, and sometimes their very thoughts.
They had battled it through their teenage years, denied it as they each fought to develop their individual personalities. But as they reached adulthood, they had learned to accept it.
“Hey, Lucian.” Devril took a seat beside him, his dark face reflecting his own tension, deep green eyes concerned.
Lucian turned his head. Night and day, that was what they were. Devril was black-haired and looked like a poster child for lust and sin. His features weren’t classically handsome; rather, they were hard-edged, almost savage. The same features Lucian possessed, except his coloring was almost a pure, vivid blond.
“She’s pushing too far.” Lucian sighed, aware that Devril would know he was talking about Tally. “I’ll start tomorrow.”
Devril tensed in expectation. “What do you want me to do?” Lucian swallowed the drink, wincing at the burn that tore through his throat. “Just be ready. My control is damned weak right now, bro. I’m ready to paddle her ass, and I don’t mean in a good way.”
Devril’s dark brows lifted in surprise before his lips tilted upward in a wicked grin.
“Long as I get to help,” he chuckled. “Remember, keep her off balance. I’ll provide a distraction. We’ll bring her down yet.”
Lucian grunted. “Or she’ll bring us down. Stubbornness should be her middle name. But we’ll see what happens.”
Behind them, Red screamed out in release. Turning, Lucian saw that Sax had bent her over a convenient table, plowing hard and deep up her ass as his fingers tucked between her thighs, milking her swollen clit as she exploded. There was a grimace of pleasure on his face as he filled her ass with his release again, but this time, he had driven her over as well.
Turning back, Lucian sighed heavily. If only Tally were as manageable.
Chapter Two
Lucian Conover was going to be the death of her. Tally Raines inputted the last of the figures he had requested into the data file and sighed in boredom. The afternoon stretched out ahead of her and there was a sale at Brighton’s, the exclusive shoe store in the city.
Sneaking out of the office was becoming harder to do daily. She swore Lucian had hidden cameras in the office to record the time she spent away from her desk. She had one hour for lunch and one hour only. That was barely enough time to get to her favorite café and order a cappuccino, let alone eat or check out the sales. Working for Jesse had been much easier. Whatever had made her think she could tolerate working for Conover?
Of course, she had tried to object to the move, but to no avail. Jesse had been gleefully satisfied at having her out of his office. She snorted. That new battle-axe he had hired probably did his filing for him too. The man was much too spoiled, especially after his marriage to Terrie.
Thinking of Terrie had a bittersweet sadness running through her. Jesse had ordered no more piercings, no more tattoos, and he seemed determined to tag along on every outing she had with the other woman. No more adventures. There were so few of her friends who could appreciate some of her more daring escapades.
Not that there had been any in the past weeks. Trolling her favorite spots had dimmed a bit, though she wasn’t certain why. The fact that it had begun the night she walked in on the little ménage with Jesse, Terrie and Lucian had nothing to do with it, she assured herself. But she couldn’t get the vision of it out of her mind.
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