“If you give me a second, I’ll come with you.” I used the back of my soapy hand to brush my hair from my face. He held up his cell phone.

“I’m just gonna call Dorris and see how she is feeling.”

I nodded, focusing back on the dishes and not Donna who was still standing next to me. One by one they left the bus, leaving us alone.

“Things like yesterday are going to happen.”

“Tucker and Eric worked out their issues. And Tuck and I are fine.”

“I meant the shoot. There will be more, and he will always have women hanging all over him. It comes with the territory.”

“I am aware of that.” I turned to look her in the eye. “But it’s between Tucker and me. You manage his band, not my relationship.”

I walked around her, not wanting to give her a chance to respond, and headed outside. I held my hand over my eyes to shield them from the sun as I looked for Tucker. He was a few yards away. He glanced over at me as he took his phone from his ear and began walking toward me.

“How is she?” I asked as I got closer to him.

“Good as can be expected.” He shrugged but didn’t elaborate. “I have an idea.”

“Uh-oh.” He chuckled at my response.

“Let’s ride today. I hardly ever get to use my bike, and I am dying to spend some time alone with you. Maybe we could get a room along the way when the driver stops for sleep.” He flung his arm around my neck and pulled me toward him as we walked, kissing the side of my head.

“That sounds like heaven.”

“Good. I can’t take a full day of those guys and Donna.”

I laughed as we stepped inside a small gas station. The rest of the band was inside loading up on candy, and Sarah was hanging on Derek’s arm. I immediately searched for Eric, hoping it didn’t bother him to see them together. Knowing what I did now and how painful it was for him to watch Cadence with Tucker, this had to be like reliving the past for him.

He was at the back of the store, looking over the beer selection. He glanced over at me as I walked up beside him.

“You all right?”

He nodded, glancing around. Tucker let go of my hand to find some snacks for the road.

“What kind of beer you want?”

“I’m riding on the bike with Tucker.”

He made a face, clearly disappointed.

“Only for a few hours, man.” Tucker walked up behind us and clapped his hand on Eric’s shoulder. “Need some time alone.”

“I hear ya.” His eyes locked on Sarah while he responded. I took a step to the side to obstruct his view.

“Grab some beer for us for later.” I gave him a smile and he returned it.

“Sounds like a plan.” He grabbed a large case of Budweiser and kicked the freezer door shut with his foot. “Grab some beer. Party on our bus!” he called out to the twins who both hooted and hollered in response. Sarah turned around at the commotion and smiled at Eric. He looked like a love-sick puppy and I needed to make sure I pulled her aside and let her know just how fragile his heart was. She wasn’t the type to hurt someone intentionally, but I wasn’t certain she understood how Eric felt. He didn’t care about groupies; his eyes were only for her.

“I’ll bring some liquor from our bus,” Sarah called over to him, and he winked at her. Derek narrowed his eyes and I let out an audible sigh. So much for a drama-free night.

After we had gathered all the junk food and drinks we could carry, we headed back to the bus to load it up. It was already running, and Donna looked livid that we had taken so long.

“Cass and I are taking the bike,” he said as we walked by her. I grinned from ear to ear. I wasn’t going to let her bring me down.

“You need to practice as much as possible,” she called after him, and he stopped.

“We’re only riding for a few hours.” His tone was clipped, and I could tell she was getting under his skin. I didn’t understand why she acted the way she did. If she took off the ridiculous business-type outfits and threw on some jeans, she would fit right in with the rest of us. Maybe that’s why she didn’t. She wanted to put herself above us and keep herself isolated. A lightbulb went off in my head, and I almost squealed with excitement.

“I have an idea,” I whispered into Tucker’s ear. We left the bus, and I was dying to fill Tucker in on what I thought was a brilliant plan. He sat on his bike on top of the small trailer that was hooked to the back of the bus and slowly walked the bike backward off it.

“I’m scared to ask.” He put his helmet on. He held mine out and I took it, sliding it over my hair.

“You don’t need to ask, because I’m going to tell you,” I replied playfully as I slid onto the back of his bike and wrapped my arms around him. “I think we need to hook Eric up with Donna.”

“What?” he yelled and turned his head to try to look at me.

“She’s hot, for an evil bitch.” I shrugged. “Sarah and I could give her a makeover and let her have a few drinks with us today.”

“That is an awful plan. What if she’s an angry drunk? Can you imagine?”

“She and Eric would get along great then.” I laughed. “I’m just saying we see what happens. If she gets laid, maybe she will calm down and Eric may finally stop looking at Sarah with those puppy-dog eyes.”

“Come again?” Derek called from between our buses. He walked out beside the bike and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Shit,” I muttered into the back of Tucker’s shirt.

“What’s up, Derek?” Tucker asked, nodding to him.

“I thought I heard you say something about Sarah.”

“No.” He shook his head. “Just talking about the party. You coming?”

“I think Sarah and I are gonna hang out. Finally have a bus to ourselves.”

“I don’t blame you. See ya down the road.” Tucker started the bike, putting an end to the conversation. Derek waved as we pulled off. I squeezed Tucker, giggling at how close that was. It only convinced me more that we needed to get Eric’s mind on someone else.


WE RODE FOR hours and my legs felt like they wouldn’t hold me as I slid off the back of Tucker’s bike. I groaned as I stretched, my tailbone not liking the ride.

Tucker pulled off his helmet and ran his hand over his messy hair.

“You all right?” He unhooked my helmet and pulled it off my head. I ran my fingers through my hair, wishing I had pulled it up in a ponytail. It was knotted from whipping around in the wind for the past six hours.

“I’ll survive.”

“Not good enough. You need to live.” He pulled me against him and pressed his lips on mine, kissing me hungrily. My body melted against his as his hand slid lower and he grabbed my butt. I pulled back, smacking him playfully on the chest. I loved seeing Tucker happy and carefree. Lately it seemed like everyone was doing nothing but fighting, and for once most of the issues had been resolved.

“Get a room,” Eric yelled from behind us, and we both turned to see the two massive buses now blocking the gas station.

“I was hoping that sound was a tractor trailer,” Tucker joked.

“I wish we could ride the rest of the way by ourselves, but I don’t think my butt can take it. Besides, we have an evil plan to unleash.”

Tucker grabbed my hand, raising it to his mouth and kissing the back of it as we started walking toward the buses.

“Only one problem. If you have Sarah come on the bus to help with your makeover, Eric is going to start acting crazy around her. That is if you can even get Donna to agree to let you touch her.”

I rolled my eyes, but he was right. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get her on Filth’s bus. They lived like a bunch of homeless teenagers. Their manager refused to even stay on it with them, and he drives himself to each gig. I’d only seen him a handful of times, and he had never spoken a word to me.

“How was the ride?” Chris asked as we approached the bus. He already reeked of beer.

“Relaxing,” I replied and snuggled into Tucker’s side. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me tighter against him. That time alone was desperately needed, but it would be nice to spend some time with him where we could actually talk.

“Better load up the bike. Donna is on a warpath and wants to hurry up and get to where we’re going.” Chris rolled his eyes. I reluctantly pulled away from Tucker so he could go get his bike and load it onto the small trailer. I used the time to run over to Filth’s bus so I could talk to Sarah. She was standing outside the door, leaning against the metal side.

“Isn’t that hot?” I asked as I approached her. She shrugged but didn’t look up at me. She was busy pulling a clump of her hair between her fingers and inspecting the ends.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as I walked up beside her and leaned back against the hot metal.

“Boys are dumb.”

“What’s new?” I replied sarcastically, and she looked over at me and laughed. Derek came from the gas station, and he didn’t look happy.

“What’s going on?”

“Just stretching,” she said with a sigh. “I should go,” she replied to me as she rolled her eyes. “He’s in a weird mood.”

I smiled and said good-bye, but my stomach tied in knots. I hoped he believed Tucker when he said we weren’t talking about his girlfriend. I would hate to be the reason they weren’t getting along.

I made it on our bus, trying to think of a way to get Donna to relax. As I stepped inside I could hear her in her bedroom having a heated phone call. She probably thought the bus was still empty. I did my best to be quiet as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I didn’t want to eavesdrop, but I had never heard her mention having any friends or family.