“That’s awful.” I looked at June’s growing belly and thought of my brother in the other room. How were they going to survive? I admired their cautiously optimistic outlook in light of all they were facing. They could have blamed the world, but they stuck together and were happy to have each other. My phone rang and I smiled as Tucker’s name scrolled across the screen.

“Do you mind?” I didn’t want to interrupt as we were finally talking, but I knew Tucker wouldn’t have a lot of free time.

“You take your time, sweetie,” June said with a grin.

I made my way out onto the small front porch and answered the call.

“How was the flight?” I didn’t realize how much I had missed his voice.

“It was great. Really great.”

“How was meeting your dad?”

“Better than I expected. He’s nicer than I remember, and June is really, really sweet. I feel so bad for them.”

“Why would you feel bad for them?”

“They lost everything in that hurricane and are struggling hard to make ends meet.”

He sighed heavily into the phone and didn’t respond.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Did they ask you for money, sweetheart?”

“No. Of course not.” I didn’t know why I acted like I was offended. I barely knew these people, family or not, and was a little too eager to take up their defense.

“Please tell me if he does. I don’t want him taking advantage of you.”

“Geez, Tucker. Can you take a break from trying to save the day just once? If you’re so worried about me getting hurt, why don’t you tell Donna to fuck off?” I closed my eyes, waiting for the backlash to my comment. I shouldn’t have opened my big mouth. Tucker didn’t need me coming between him and the band, and Donna was now part of that group. I was the outsider. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I am just really tired and overwhelmed.”

“No. You’re right. What do you want me to do, Cass, because I’m getting mixed signals. One minute you’re telling me to stay with the band and the next you’re fighting with me about it. I don’t know what it is you want me to do.”

“Nothing. I don’t want you to do anything. Donna and I will work out whatever our problem is. . . . I’m sorry I brought it up.”

“I know she is a bitch to you. I have talked to her about that. Believe me, there is nothing more that I want than for you two to get along. There needs to be some compromise on both sides.”

I wanted to scream. I didn’t do anything to Donna, and she was making it a point to make our lives miserable, but for once I bit my tongue and agreed with him. There was no use in stressing him out before a show.

June stepped out onto the porch and smiled at me, and I grinned back politely.

“I should go. I’ll call you later.”

“You better. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I replied and ended the call, looking up at June.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt. I was just going for my evening walk. They say it helps move things along with the baby. Would you like to join me? Your daddy is putting Ryley down for the night.”

“Sure.” I followed her down the uneven steps of the front porch, and we began to walk down the sidewalk.

The air was muggy and I wished I hadn’t worn jeans because they felt like they were sticking to my skin. Anyone who said Georgia heat is comparable to Louisiana had obviously never lived in this place.

“When are you due?” I asked as we continued our slow pace down the old sidewalk.

“I have three more weeks.” She smiled, rubbing over her belly. “Ryley came two weeks late.”

“Yikes.” We both laughed, and some of the tension eased between us. It was odd talking to the woman my father was in love with and not knowing the first thing about her. “Are you from here?”

“Born in raised in Baton Rouge. Moved here about a year before I met your daddy.”

“What can you tell me about him? I don’t remember much from when I was little.”

“He loves his football and grilling in the summer. He has the biggest heart.”

“He seems so . . . different.” I wasn’t sure if that would be taken as an insult, but it felt like it had to be said.

“How so?”

“I don’t know. I remember him and my momma fighting a lot when I was little, over money, mostly.” I shrugged and turned the corner to round the block.

“Well, that can be pretty stressful.”

I felt like I had touched on a sore subject, but it made me wonder if things weren’t as perfect as they seemed.

“Do you work?” I asked, staring off at a group of people ahead. Someone was playing a saxophone and others were gathered around singing.

“I used to sing at the local joints.” She beamed as she shook her head. “I was something to see. Before this big old belly, I could really draw a crowd. That’s how I met your father.”

“You quit when you got pregnant?”

“Not long after we had gotten together things went all pear shaped.” She glanced down at her stomach. “Wasn’t many wanting to see a big old pregnant woman up onstage, and your daddy . . .” Her voice trailed off, and I could tell the thought had made her sad so I didn’t press her. I remembered all too well how my father wanted my mother to stop pursuing her dreams as a hairstylist so she could stay home and keep an eye on me.

We had made a loop around the block and were coming back up on the tiny yellow house.

“I’m really glad you came, Cass. It is truly great to have the whole family together.”

“Thanks. I was really glad he called me. I mean, definitely a surprise since it has been so long . . . but a good one.”

She made a face but soon covered it with another bright smile and we made our way up the steps to the front door.

My father stepped outside before we could enter.

“Shhh . . . That boy was fighting sleep something fierce.”

“I’m gonna run in and use the ladies’ room.” June stood on her tiptoes and kissed my father on the cheek before slipping inside. He motioned to the steps and sat down on the top one. I took a seat next to him and watched as the sun began to sink behind the buildings.

“You have a nice family,” I said, staring off into the distance.

“Thank you. You know you are welcome here any time.”

I nodded, but it didn’t feel that way. I felt like an outsider.

“June is really sweet. I like her.”

“She’s a spitfire.” He chuckled. “Tell me about this boy you’re seeing.”

“He’s a really great guy. He has an amazing voice.”

“Makes good money at that I’m sure.”

I nodded. I wanted to stay off the topic of money. I didn’t want Tucker to be right.

“We don’t talk about that sort of thing.” I shrugged as I ran my hands over my jeans. “How do you deal with this humidity?”

“You’d be surprised what your body can get used to.” He chuckled. I thought back on the bruises that used to mar my body and nodded in agreement. It was incredibly awkward trying to carry on a conversation with him alone, and I wished June would hurry up, but I was sure she was leaving us be on purpose.

“What a . . .” He cleared his throat. “What happened to your momma?”

My chest tightened.

I explained my turbulent relationship with Jax and how we struggled every day to make it. I hated to tell him about my mother’s drug use, but I felt he should know the desperation she felt. When I told him about my relationship with Tucker and how it had played a major part in the way the events unfolded, I braced myself for his judgment, but he only nodded and listened.

“I didn’t know how bad it had gotten for you,” he said, and his eyes met mine.

June stepped out onto the porch behind us, and I was thankful to be pulled back from our trip down memory lane.

“Am I interrupting?” she asked as she looked between my father and me.

“Not at all,” I replied, clearing my throat.

“I grabbed some beignets from Café Du Monde today. Thought you’d like one.”

“That would be great. What is it?” I looked to my father and he chuckled.

“Fancy donut with lots of sugar on it.”

June went back in the house and returned a few seconds later with a bag full of food. I grabbed one and took a bite as we ate in silence, watching the sunset behind the buildings.

“They are delicious. Thank you.”

June smiled, proud to share a little piece of her home with me.

“Expensive,” my father mumbled.

“You guys didn’t need to spend money on me.” I felt guilty after all of their talk of losing everything that I hadn’t even thought twice about her buying treats especially for me. I pushed the thought of my father being the cause of my suffering as a child to the back of my mind.

“It’s no worry. You’re family.” June waved her hand in the air. “You must be exhausted from all that flying. I’ll go make up the couch for you.”

“That’s great. Thank you.” My father and I sat in silence for a few minutes. I wanted to bring up the fact that he left, what it did to my momma and me, but I couldn’t get up the nerve. He had invited me into his home and it felt wrong. I could feel his eyes on me, and I wanted to break the awkward silence.

“I started writing. Songs mostly. Well, it’s poetry really, but Tucker has sung one at his concert.” I was rambling. I didn’t understand this sudden nervousness and need for his approval.

He nodded but didn’t say anything. I was surprised when it stung to have this man, a stranger by all accounts, not acknowledge what I felt was a big achievement.

“I should get some sleep.” I pushed to my feet and dusted the dirt from the back of my legs.

“See you in the morning.”