as the roar died off in the distance, Dev crossed the dock to Leslie’s side.

“How have you been?”

“Fine, I’m Þ ne. You?”

“Good.” Dev grinned. “You look great.”

“Thank you,” Leslie said softly. “I’ve been watching you from the house for

about half an hour.”

“Yeah?” Dev leaned toward Leslie, her gaze skimming down her body.

“I want to tear your clothes off.”

“Same here.”

“Should we talk Þ rst?”

Dev watched Leslie’s nipples tighten beneath the sheer blouse.

“No. Not until I’ve heard you come at least once.”

Leslie’s lips parted in surprised pleasure. “You like that, do you?”

“Oh yeah. I’ve been putting myself to sleep for a month remembering how you

sound when you come in my arms.”

“Oh, that’s not fair.”

“I don’t last very long, thinking about it,” Dev murmured, watching Leslie’s lids

grow heavy.

“I’m not sure I can make it to the cabin.”


Leslie took Dev’s hand and tugged her inside. The air was hazy with heat and

dust and thick with the scent of old wood and water. She leaned against the wall

in a dimly lit corner and dragged Dev against her, her hands sliding down to grip

Dev’s ass. “Do you have any idea what you just did to me?”

“I want to make you so hot you’ll come if I just breathe on you.”

“Keep it up and it won’t take that much.” Leslie straddled Dev’s lean thigh. “I’m

so wet already.”

Dev tangled her Þ ngers in Leslie’s hair and kissed her roughly.

Every day for the last month, she’d told herself that Leslie would be here, and

while her mind had believed it, her heart had never been quite sure. Now that

Leslie was this close, all she wanted was to feel that she was real. She sucked

on the tip of Leslie’s tongue and fondled her breasts, her hips pinning Leslie to

the wall. Finally she pulled her mouth away. “I’m not going to fuck you out here.

But God, I want to.”

Leslie dug her Þ ngers into Dev’s tight butt. “You’ll make me come just doing


“Les,” Dev gasped, kissing her neck hungrily, unable to stop as Leslie rode her

thigh harder. “Someone might walk in.”

“No. There’s no one…” Leslie turned her head and plunged her tongue into

Dev’s mouth.

Groaning, Dev pinched Leslie’s nipple, twisting in time to her pumping hips.

“I’m going to come,” Leslie moaned, her head falling back against the wall. “Oh

Dev, God, I’m really coming.”

Dev felt Leslie’s knees buckle and grabbed her around the waist, holding her up

as she trembled, her face buried against Dev’s shoulder to stiß e her cries. As

Leslie’s orgasm trailed off, Dev cradled Leslie, stroking her hair and her back.

“Okay, baby? You okay?”

“I’m totally humiliated.” Leslie laughed softly. “Talk about no control.”

“You’re so sexy I thought my heart would stop.” Dev nuzzled Leslie’s neck.

“You’re beautiful when you’re like that. When you want me.”

“Oh, Dev.” Leslie lifted her head and kissed Dev softly. “I want you so much I

can’t stand it.” She caressed Dev’s face. “And not just like this, either.”

“We better try to get to the cabin.”

“Are you in a bad way?” Leslie asked teasingly, recognizing the low, husky note

in Dev’s voice.

“I’m afraid something is about to explode.”

“You got to hear me come.” Leslie nipped at Dev’s chin. “Let me watch you.”

Dev sucked in a breath. “Here?”

Leslie stroked Dev’s breasts, then reached down and popped the button on her

ß y. “Yes. It makes me crazy thinking about you making yourself come.”

“You’ve got me so hot, it’s going to take about two seconds,” Dev whispered,

bracing her arm against the wall next to Leslie’s shoulder.

She slid her hand into her jeans and groaned. “Touch me too. Just touch me


“Whatever you need,” Leslie murmured, caressing Dev’s stomach and thighs as

Dev tensed, her arm vibrating between her legs. “Feel good?”

“Uh-huh,” Dev managed between gritted teeth. The muscles in her neck stood

out and her thighs quivered as Þ re leapt in her belly.

“Oh, Jesus, I’m close.”

Leslie cupped the outside of Dev’s crotch, spreading her Þ ngers over Dev’s

where they circled beneath the denim. “Mmm, I can feel you getting ready to go.

You’re almost there, aren’t you?”

“Close,” Dev muttered, “soon, ah almost, Les.”

“Need help, love?” Leslie crooned, licking Dev’s neck.

“Push down on my Þ ngers.” Dev groaned as Leslie pressed rhythmically.

“Harder, baby. Harder…har…oh, oh yeah.”

Dev sagged against Leslie as her orgasm hit, and Leslie kissed her, swallowing

her cries of release.

“Beautiful,” Leslie sighed, cradling Dev’s face against her shoulder, caressing her

sweat-streaked cheek. “Thank you.”

“Same here,” Dev muttered, struggling to get her legs under her again. She

braced her arms against the wall once more and pushed upright. Grinning, she

kissed Leslie. “I think we’ve established we missed each other.”

“It would seem that way.” Leslie had never felt anything quite so perfect in her

life, and she wasn’t ready to examine what that meant.

“And since I don’t want to be tempted again until we’re really alone…”

She zipped Dev’s ß y and buttoned her jeans. “There. Can you walk?”

“Just about.”

Leslie wrapped her arm around Dev’s waist. “Let’s go to your cabin.”

“No fooling around on the way.” Dev circled Leslie’s shoulders with one arm,

holding her close. “I have a short recovery phase, and I’ll be ready again soon.”

“I remember.” Leslie rubbed her cheek against Dev’s shoulder. “I have a few

favorite memories for use at bedtime too.”

Dev groaned. “See, you’re starting already.”

“Then we’d better hurry.”

When they reached the cabin, Dev went to the refrigerator and extracted two

India Pale Ales. She opened both and passed one bottle to Leslie, who leaned

against the counter nearby. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“Me too.” Leslie sipped the beer. “Can I ask you something personal?”

The corner of Dev’s mouth rose. “I think we’ve reached that point.”

Unexpectedly uncertain, Leslie studied her beer bottle. “Are you seeing anyone


Immediately, Dev put her bottle on the counter and cupped

Leslie’s chin. She lifted her face and looked directly into her eyes. “No.

I haven’t been with anyone except you for over a year.” She waited, studying

Leslie’s face. “Natalie and I are friends.”

“I had to ask,” Leslie said quietly. “Because if I think about you with anyone

else it makes me…pretty much insane.”

“I like that.” Dev kissed Leslie softly. “I like that a lot.”

“And I…”

Dev stopped her with another kiss, then eased away and retrieved her beer. Still

watching Leslie, she sipped. “When I was younger, I tortured myself thinking

about you with Mike. Last month, when I thought about you with Rachel, it hurt

so much I couldn’t even let myself get that far. I guess that’s some kind of


“There’s no one, Dev. No one I want to touch me except you.”

“I love you, you know,” Dev said softly.

“I love you too. Madly. Do you have any idea what we’re going to do?”

“No,” Dev replied, her expression suddenly unsure.

“Tell you what,” Leslie said, grasping Dev’s hand. “Let’s have dinner with my

parents, because they’ll want to see me and we’ll need to eat if we’re going to

do what I plan on doing for the rest of the night.”

Dev grinned.

“And tomorrow, we’ll talk.”

“That means no touching, then.”

Leslie sighed. “I hope it doesn’t rain, because the only way I can promise that is

if we’re sitting outside in full view of my mother and everyone else in the lodge.”

And considering that just seeing Dev was enough to make her mind melt, she

wasn’t even sure an audience would be enough deterrent.


Do you think my mother will notice if I only show up for meals?” Leslie laced

her Þ ngers through Dev’s as they walked through the woods toward the lodge

for breakfast. “Considering that we disappeared right after dinner last night?”

Dev tugged her to a stop at the edge of the clearing. “If we walk in together

again, and you still have that look on your face, your mother is going to know

what we’ve been doing all night.”

“What look?”

“That ‘I’ve just been fu—’”

“I do not have that look,” Leslie feigned indignation.

Dev dragged her off the trail and pinned her against a tree with the weight of her

body, her forearms on either side of Leslie’s shoulders.

“You do. Your eyes are soft and dreamy,” she kissed Leslie’s eyelids,

“and your lips are a little bit bruised,” she skimmed her tongue over Leslie’s

lower lip, “and it takes you a lonnng time to make sentences.”

She cupped Leslie’s breast and kissed her more seriously. “And you keep

sending me signals that keep me hard all the time.”

“Maybe I want you hard and hungry all the time,” Leslie murmured.