not yet. “More. Please, Les. Take me deeper.”

“Oh, I am going to come,” Leslie keened, thrusting onto Dev’s Þ ngers.

“Baby, you feel so good,” Dev said.

Leslie caught her lower lip between her teeth, her eyes wide, the blue eclipsed

by black as her pupils expanded wildly. She pushed Dev’s hand lower,

squeezing Dev’s wrist hard enough to leave the crescent indentations of her nails

in Dev’s skin. Her back arched as Dev entered her completely. The sweet

pleasure of Dev’s palm caressing her, of her Þ ngers stretching and Þ lling her,

was too much.

“I’m coming,” Leslie groaned.

Dev held her breath, watching Leslie’s face, feeling her spasm deep inside,

listening to her cries of pleasure. She wanted to laugh. She

wanted to cry. She wanted to shout with wonder. Leslie clung to her, sobbing

quietly, and Dev buried her face in the curve of Leslie’s neck.

“I love you,” Dev whispered. “Oh God, Leslie, I love you.”

Weakly, struggling to catch her breath, Leslie stroked Dev’s back.

Seconds passed, and Leslie slowly realized that Dev was shaking, her hips

jerking against Leslie’s thigh.

“Dev. Let me help you,” Leslie murmured, sliding her hand between her thigh

and Dev’s body to cup Dev’s swollen sex. She hissed in a breath when her Þ

ngers were instantly soaked. “Oh God, you’re beautiful. Tell me what you


“Squeeze my clit,” Dev gasped. “I need to come so bad.”

Leslie stroked her Þ rmly, squeezing and releasing, feeling her grow impossibly

hard. “Is it good, love? Is it what you need?”

“Oh yeah,” Dev sobbed, “oh yeah, God yeah, you’re making me come.”

Dev jerked in Leslie’s arms and her Þ ngers, still deep inside Leslie, thrust and ß

exed. Leslie cried out in surprise as another orgasm crashed through her, but she

stayed with Dev, stroking her through her orgasm until she lay limp and panting

in Leslie’s arms.

“Can you come again?” Leslie whispered, smoothing the damp hair from Dev’s

forehead. She kissed her, pleased by the hazy bliss in Dev’s eyes.

“Uh, maybe. In a year or two.” Dev sighed. “Jesus, that was intense.”

“Yeah?” Leslie smiled broadly. She had put that sated look in Dev’s eyes, that

lazy slur in her voice. She had done it, and she wanted to do it again. Now.

Immediately. “That was just the warm-up, you know.”

Dev quirked a brow. “You want more?”

“Oh yes,” Leslie said, realizing just how much she wanted. “I want much, much


“I love you,” Dev said quietly.

“I know.” Leslie stroked her cheek. “I’m so sorry it took me so long, Dev.”

“It’s okay,” Dev murmured, but she wasn’t so sure. In the morning, they’d both

return to their lives, and she wondered how she’d survive being without Leslie

after this.

“You look sad.” Leslie frowned with concern. “Dev?”

“No.” Dev forced a grin. “Just gathering my strength.”

With a laugh, Leslie pulled Dev on top of her and wrapped her legs around the

backs of Dev’s thighs. “You’re plenty strong enough for what I have in mind.

Now, shut up and kiss me.”

Dev surrendered willingly to the siren call of Leslie’s desire. The morning was at

least a lifetime away.


When Leslie awoke, lying on her side with her breasts and abdomen pressed

against Dev’s back, the black plastic bedside clock read 3:20 a.m. in big white

numerals. She wasn’t entirely certain, but she thought she’d been asleep for at

least a few hours. The last thing she could recall was coming endlessly in Dev’s

mouth. At the memory, she felt a trickle of arousal tease down her thighs. She

couldn’t believe she was still excited after coming…three times? Four?

She couldn’t remember. Each pinnacle of pleasure seemed to blend into the

next, one sweeping crest of ever-mounting beauty and wonder after another.

Smiling softly to herself, she kissed the curve of Dev’s shoulder blade.

“Hey,” Leslie whispered into Dev’s ear as she slid her hand to the front of Dev’s

body and caressed her breasts. “You promised to make love to me all night


“Mmm?” Dev twitched and sighed, her nipples tightening beneath Leslie’s

insistent caresses.

“You,” Leslie said, holding back a laugh. “Promised.” She guided Dev onto her

back and straddled her hips. “To make love to me.” She swept her palms over

Dev’s breasts and down her abdomen, pressing her thumbs into Þ rm muscle as

she moved lower. “All. Night. Long.”

Leslie slipped her hand between Dev’s thighs and squeezed gently.

Dev’s eyes popped open as her hips jerked. She groaned, her gaze moving

from Leslie’s nude body draped over her to the hand between her legs. “Jesus.”

“Tired?” Leslie asked, her tone honey smooth.

“No,” Dev said, reaching for Leslie’s breasts.

Leslie caught Dev’s wrists, one in each hand, and let her weight fall forward to

pin Dev’s arms to the bed. Her breasts brushed Dev’s face before she arched

her back just enough to keep her erect nipples a breath away from Dev’s

mouth. “Uh uh uh. No you don’t.”

“Come on, Les,” Dev rasped, struggling to lift her shoulders from the bed. “Let

me suck them.”

“Oh, I don’t think so,” Leslie said lightly, even though her stomach quivered at

the hungry look on Dev’s face. It was raw, unvarnished lust, but she knew in her

heart it was for her. Her. Not anyone, not any body. It was her, her body, her

touch, that Dev craved, and she thrilled to the power. “You had your way all

evening, and then”—she leaned down and kissed Dev until they were both


“you dropped the ball.”

Dev made a sound halfway between a groan and a growl. “I was just letting you

catch your breath.”

Leslie’s eyebrows rose. “Really.” She inched her hips higher until her center

rested on Dev’s stomach. She rotated slowly, rubbing over Dev’s skin until the

friction and heat made her clitoris pound painfully.

She rose and glanced down at the wet sheen on Dev’s taut stomach.

“Does that feel like I needed to rest?”

“No,” Dev gasped, her face contorted with thwarted pleasure. “I was wrong.

Jesus, let me touch you. I know you need me to.”

“Oh, you think?” Leslie struggled not to let her arousal show.

Seeing Dev’s desire for her was enough to make her wet, and the heat pouring

from Dev’s body as she writhed between Leslie’s thighs kept her so hard she

feared she’d climax from an accidental brush of her clitoris over Dev’s skin. Her

thighs trembled from keeping herself poised just above Dev’s body. “It looks to

me like you’re the one who needs to come. Do you?”

“Yes. No. Later.” Dev tried to twist her arms from Leslie’s grip, but besides the

fact that Leslie’s full weight held her down, her all-consuming arousal made her

weak. Her arms and legs shook and the muscles in her stomach quivered.


Leslie dipped her head and swept her tongue over Dev’s nipples.

Ignoring her own screaming arousal, she rubbed her sex up and down the apex

of Dev’s thighs. Dev was wet. So wet. “Please what?”

“Oh, Jesus,” Dev whimpered.

“Please what?” Leslie closed her teeth on Dev’s nipple, biting down until Dev

arched her back and cried out. “Hmm? What?”

Dev thrashed her head, Þ ghting for breath. “I don’t know. I don’t know. God.

I need you.”

I need you. Dev’s plea, so unguarded, so vulnerable, pierced Leslie’s heart, and

the heady sensation of control, of absolute power, was instantly replaced by

aching tenderness. She kissed Dev’s nipple, then her mouth. “Shh, love, I’m


Leslie released Dev’s wrists and rapidly pushed herself down the bed until she

lay between Dev’s thighs. She spread her Þ ngers over the soft, smooth skin,

her breath catching as her Þ ngertips glided through the hot, slick patina of

Dev’s desire. “Oh, you’re so wet.”

“For you,” Dev gasped.

“Yes,” Leslie breathed, skimming her lips through the fragrant perfume. “Mine.”

She rested her cheek between Dev’s legs, feeling Dev’s excitement beat against

her face. She turned her head a fraction and kissed the pulse that throbbed in

the center of Dev’s sex.

“So good.” Dev threaded her Þ ngers into Leslie’s hair. “That feels so good.

Suck me?”

Gently, Leslie pulled her between her lips, feeling her own body grow tighter

and tighter as Dev neared orgasm.

“Les,” Dev whispered shakily, “be inside me when I come.”

Leslie groaned, so aroused she feared she would ß y off in a thousand directions

before bringing Dev all the pleasure Dev had given her. Leslie eased into her and

felt the quick tightening of muscles as Dev moaned.

“Okay, love?” Leslie murmured, her throat thick with tears. She’d never wanted

to give so much yet felt so inadequate at the same time.

“Oh yes.” Dev’s Þ ngers spasmed as she tried to stroke Leslie’s face. Her voice

thin with strain, she whispered, “I’m going to come if you don’t…stop.”