It was clear someone had explained all to them; Dillon was left to wonder who.

The General was sitting beside Eugenia; after she added her warm congratulations, he met Dillon’s gaze and simply smiled. “Well done, m’boy. It was the right risk to take.”

Looking into his father’s old eyes, Dillon clasped his hand, held it for a moment, then with a smile, released it. If his father had told the stewards, it was because he’d felt the need to protect him-to ensure that having taken the risk, he wouldn’t face any unnecessary repercussions. An understandable action, yet…

Putting his misgivings aside, he allowed Pris to steer him to Barnaby, who was chatting with Rus, Adelaide, and Patrick.

Pris stood beside Dillon while he and the others exclaimed and exchanged comments, recounting and reliving their glorious plan. She couldn’t stop smiling; she couldn’t recall the last time her heart had felt so light-she literally felt like dancing with happiness. It took discipline not to jig.

“I can’t believe it’s all over.” Adelaide beamed at Dillon, then looked up at Rus beside her. “It’s such a relief.”

Smiling every bit as much as Pris, Rus glanced down, then tapped Adelaide’s nose. “All’s well that ends well.”

Pris laughed, and agreed. Given the light shining in Adelaide’s eyes, given that Pris knew her twin was far from blind, she was starting to suspect that Rus wasn’t as unaware of Adelaide’s plans as he pretended to be. Indeed, she was starting to wonder if he was considering falling in with them, in his own, eccentrically wild way.

She hoped he did; she’d known for the past year that Adelaide was the right lady for him. She was quieter, steadier-an anchor for his mercurial temperament-but she didn’t shock easily, nor was she weak. Her strength wasn’t the obvious, outgoing sort, but the type that endured. She would be the steadfast rock around which Rus’s life could revolve.

Glancing up, Pris met Patrick’s eyes and saw a similar speculation there. She let her own smile widen; grinning, Patrick nodded.

He turned to Rus. “You were going to introduce us to the Cynsters’ head lad.”

Distracted from his contemplation of Adelaide’s face, Rus blinked, then nodded. “Yes, indeed! Come on-he’s over there.”

Flashing a grin at Pris, Dillon, and Barnaby, Rus led the other two off.

To Pris’s surprise, Barnaby instantly sobered; the change was dramatic, as if he’d dropped a genial mask to reveal the sharp mind and hard intelligence behind it.

“What’s up?” Hard blue eyes fixed on Dillon’s face, Barnaby raised his brows.

She glanced at Dillon in time to see his lips twist, wry but deadly serious.

“I would have greatly preferred the news of our accomplishment to have remained among friends, so that any potential recriminations concentrated on Cromarty and Harkness, and reached no further. However…” Looking across the room at the three stewards, Dillon grimaced.

“But it was clearly not to be,” Barnaby returned, “and with any luck we’ll have driven Mr. X from the field sufficiently forcefully that he’ll be too busy licking his wounds to worry about lashing out at anyone.”

Barnaby’s voice faded toward the end of that sentence; Pris inwardly frowned when he glanced-ruefully?-at Dillon.

Dillon caught the glance, fleetingly raised his brows. “Precisely.” He spoke quietly. “Badly injured curs are at their most dangerous-they feel they have nothing left to lose.”

Barnaby grimaced. “Too true.”

“However”-Dillon’s voice strengthened-“that’s apropos of what I have to report.” He met Barnaby’s instantly alert gaze. “We assumed Cromarty and Harkness, not wanting to incriminate themselves, would resist any inducements to tell us more-for instance who Mr. X is. After witnessing their reactions after Belle won, I believe we should revisit that assumption.”

Barnaby’s eyes lit. “You think they’ll talk?”

“I think that, with a little judicious persuasion, they might come to view self-incrimination as the lesser of two evils.”

“Oh-ho! Right, then.” Barnaby rubbed his hands together. “When are you thinking of paying them a visit?”

“I’ve had my race stewards invite them, separately, for an interview-they’re at the Jockey Club awaiting my return.”

“Ah.” Barnaby nodded in understanding. “In that case, let’s give them another hour or two to dwell on the future.”

“My thinking exactly.”

Pris had listened without comment, her joyful smile still in place, her tongue firmly fixed between her teeth. She longed to demand a place-at least a listening brief-at the interviews with Cromarty and Harkness, but…that wasn’t possible. Such a request would be unreasonable, too difficult to arrange…and while before, she’d felt a part of their team, now…now she’d found Rus, and he was free and no longer under any threat, her part in the adventure had ended.

And Dillon was moving on without her, as he should. He and Barnaby would pursue Mr. X as far as they could. Everyone would expect it, and of course, they would forge on…

She no longer had any part in their game. The knowledge caused a definite pang, but she quelled it. She kept her expression bright, and smiled encouragingly when Dillon glanced her way.

Demon appeared, collected as always, as if viewing the assembled celebrating multitude from a lofty but benign height. Pausing beside Dillon, he sipped, then said, “It was I who told the club stewards.”

Dillon’s gaze swung to him; he raised his brows.

Demon faintly smiled. “You were watching Cromarty and Harkness-you didn’t see how many others were watching them, too, how many others were visited by sudden suspicions. Not telling the stewards what had gone on became untenable at that point. Yegads!-Cromarty looked beyond bilious, and Harkness couldn’t crack a smile. Everyone with any nous knew something had gone on. When I reached the stewards, all three pounced on me-they were gratified to be given the true story. Of course, as Sheldrake was honest enough to say, they wouldn’t have wanted to know if your plan hadn’t worked, but as it had…at least, this way, the story that does the rounds will present the tale in the most favorable light.” Demon shrugged. “Admittedly, it would have been preferable if they said nothing at all, but we can’t hope for miracles.”

Barnaby snorted. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my short sojourn in Newmarket, it’s that this industry thrives on talk. Gossip, information, speculation. Without it, nothing would work.”

Demon and Dillon exchanged a glance, then smiled.

Pris had followed the exchange…more or less. She understood Dillon’s stance that the fewer who knew of his plan, successful or not, the better; what she couldn’t fathom was why Demon had felt it necessary to include the club stewards, who were plainly not expected to be discreet. Demon had clearly weighed up something against the stewards’ continued ignorance, but what? What had Demon decided was more important than the secrecy Dillon had tried to maintain?

Everyone was happy, indeed thrilled that his plan had succeeded so well; there was clearly no problem…yet the question, the unknown, niggled. Still smiling as Flick came bustling up to join them, Pris made a mental note to ask Dillon later…

She lifted her gaze to his face. Later when? To night?

He hadn’t come to the summer house for the past three nights. He’d been caught up with their plans, but now it was all over and triumph was theirs, would he come to night to celebrate privately with her?

Her heart leapt, her nerves tightened, her breath slowed. Realizing Flick was speaking, she hauled her wits back to the present and forced herself to pay attention.

“I’m absolutely set on it.” Flick leaned on her husband’s arm, and flashed her blue eyes and a teasing smile up at him. “And you know you agree, no matter your grumbles.”

They all glanced up as others neared-Rus with Adelaide on his arm.

“And here he is now.” Flick beamed at Rus and gave Demon a nudge.

Demon sighed, but he was smiling. He met Rus’s eyes. “What my wife wants me to say is that we’ve been thinking for some time that we need an assistant trainer, and we’d like to offer you the position.”

Rus’s face had blanked at the words “assistant trainer”; when Demon’s voice faded, Rus didn’t smile-he glowed. “Yes! I mean, I’d be honored-of course, I would!” Enthusiasm blazing in his green eyes, Rus grasped the hand Demon held out.

Watching, delight in her twin’s just reward spreading through her, Pris felt another pang-an unexpected one. A mortifying one-how could she feel jealous that Rus was finally getting everything-every chance-he’d ever dreamed of? Mentally horrified, she buried the unnatural emotion deep. Her smile had never faltered; she made it brighten. “How wonderful!”

Rus released Adelaide, who he’d embraced and who’d squeaked, and turned to her. Pris hugged him tightly, and grabbed the moment to whisper, “Even Papa will understand the honor in that.”

Rus met her eyes; his lips tightened. He hugged her back, then released her.

He swung to Flick. “You won’t regret it.” He swept her hands together between his. “You can work me as hard as you like.” His glowing gaze included Demon. “It’ll be a joy to work alongside you both.”

Pris listened to her twin babbling, and felt his happiness.

Adelaide shifted to her side. She, too, was watching Rus. “I’m so glad-this is just what he needs, isn’t it?” She glanced at Pris, who nodded. Gaze returning to Rus, Adelaide asked, “Do you think your father…?”

The thought echoed Pris’s own. “I’ll certainly do my best to make sure he understands, not just the position, but the honor, the status. He’s never seen it that way, you know.”