He sucked and swallowed those sweet juices, growling against her tender flesh. When her legs stopped trembling and the pulses ended, he kissed the inside of her thigh. As he eased her off the pool cover, he kissed straight up her belly. He latched on to her nipple, which had gone tight in the cold night air.

Amery wrapped her legs around his waist. When she was fuzzy from orgasmic bliss, worrying about his injuries appeared to be the farthest thing from her mind.

Ronin feasted on her nipples. Warming them with his mouth, wanting to slide her body down to where he ached and slip inside her. He kissed his way up her chest to her chin. “Amery, baby, I lo—”

She slanted her lips over his and kissed him with deliberation. “I do taste pretty sweet on you,” she murmured between soft pecks on his mouth.

Once again, she’d stopped the words in his heart from passing through his lips. Why?

Because she’s scared.

Then she proved it by pushing away from him. “I’m cold. Let’s go inside.”

• • •

AFTER they crawled into bed, Ronin said, “I should let you know that Shiori will be calling you to have lunch tomorrow.”

“Did she say why?”


“Huh. That’s weird.”

“You don’t have to go.”

“I know.”

“In fact, I wish you wouldn’t.”

She turned over and gave him a cool look. “Why’s that? Afraid she’ll ask me how your injuries are healing since I doubt you’re being honest with her either?”

“Either? It’s been a week since the fight. I’m nearly back to normal.”

“Then there’s no reason for me to stay here and tend to you, is there?”

Goddammit. Why was she baiting him and then moving closer to taunt him?

Amery touched the bruise on his chest. She ran her hands across his ribs. “Are you so insistent I see you as bounce-back Black that you’d rather I leave than admit that you aren’t one hundred percent?”

“Would you rather I pretended my recovery time is taking longer than I expected so I can keep you here?” he countered.

She sighed. “You are such an exasperating man.”

Ronin plucked her hand from his chest and ran his thumb over her knuckles. “You aren’t going anywhere.”

His declaration didn’t seem to bother her because she didn’t argue. “Will you start driving tomorrow since it’s been a week?”

“Maybe. I’d thought about taking you to lunch, but my sister beat me to it.”

“How about if I cut out early and bring you food? Then, if you’re feeling stir crazy, we could go for a drive.” A wide smile spread across her beautiful face. “I’d love to get behind the wheel of your Corvette.”

“No chance.” He kissed the inside of her wrist. “And the only time I’m stir crazy is when you’re not here.”

“What happened when you went down to the dojo today?”

“Are you asking if I overexerted myself? I didn’t. There were a few business things I needed to handle. All in all, I wandered around and felt pretty useless.” Jesus. Why don’t you just blurt out all of your fears? That with limited physical contact, your students will see you the way you’ve seen so many other martial arts instructors—as washed up? As a teacher who knows the techniques but can no longer employ them?

“You’re not useless.” She scooted even closer. “You’re so not.”

He wanted to show her just how useful he could be to her.

But then the crazy woman shocked him by pulling his mouth to hers and kissing him. She never let it get to the combustible stage, keeping it slow. A gentle exploration. A sweet communion. A promise of more.

After she’d incited him and soothed him with her kiss, she didn’t sleep on her side of the bed for the first time in five nights. She curled her body into his and fell asleep in his arms.


AMERY arrived at the bistro early, scoring the prime spot in the corner, where she could keep an eye on the door. Since her last formal meeting with Shiori had been at the Ritz, she wanted the familiarity of her home turf.

Gigi, her favorite server, sauntered over with a smile. “Where have you been keeping yourself? I haven’t seen you in ages.”

“I’ve been working through lunch most days.” A lie, but confessing she couldn’t afford to eat out seemed pathetic. “Someone is joining me, but I’ll start out with a Moscow mule.”

“Is Emmylou your lunch date?” Gigi asked hopefully.

Her office mate had flirted outrageously with Gigi the last time they’d eaten here, and the poor girl had eaten it up. “No. She’s traveling this month.”

“Oh. I’ll put that drink order in for you.”

After Gigi flounced off, Amery noticed other neighborhood business owners scattered throughout the restaurant. She waved at a couple and then scanned the menu. The lunch special, turkey salad on homemade molasses bread with a side of Colorado peaches and mountain huckleberries, caused her stomach to rumble. They hadn’t had time for breakfast this morning, and she was starved. Ronin would be too, and this sandwich looked healthy enough that he’d eat it.

Her thoughts drifted to last night in the pool . . . Ronin’s hunger for her, his skill at driving her to the edge and then making her fly—familiar sensations, yet somehow they felt new. Maybe it was the gently lapping water as his tongue greedily devoured her. She’d wanted her hands on his head, pulling his hair, guiding him, controlling him, but no. Once again he’d controlled her and the situation. Like he always did.

Gigi dropped off the drink, and Amery stirred it without taking a sip.

After the spectacular orgasm, and later, as they were entwined in bed, she’d wondered how much longer she could hold Ronin off on resuming their sexual relationship. But mostly she wondered why she was holding back. Now that he was on the mend . . . why wasn’t she jumping him?

Right then it occurred to her the physical side of their relationship renewal was starting out the same way as their first intimate encounters had. Ronin giving all to her and not allowing her to reciprocate. What had she done last night as soon as those skilled hands of his touched her flesh and his tongue stroked her? She’d gone mindless. But even if she’d tried to return the favor, he would’ve found some way to distract her.

No more. She’d let him know, in no uncertain terms, that his body was hers to play with, pleasure, and control.

Amery just happened to glance up as Shiori started toward her. The woman’s graceful glide reminded her of a sleek panther. There was a sense of beauty and danger with a coiled edginess that warned you not to take your eyes off her or you’d feel the slice of those sharp claws and the bite of deadly teeth.

Shiori had dressed in a short jade-colored skirt that showed off her legs. Over a lavender silk shell, she wore a long-sleeved black jacket that nipped in at the waist and ended above her hips in a wide peplum. Of course the outfit was chic, sexy, and completely professional. Amery bit back a jealous sigh. And of course she finished the outfit with the perfect accessories—lavender suede pumps and an oversized satchel color-blocked with jade and black.

Thankfully Shiori didn’t expect the fake kiss-kiss and half-hug reception. She simply smiled and slid into the booth. “Amery. It’s good to see you. Thank you for agreeing to meet me today.”

“My pleasure. And without it seeming like I’m fawning, can I just say that outfit is outstanding? You look amazing.”

Shiori grinned. “Thank you. I’ve been filling my free time shopping.”

“Shopping here in Denver?”

“Some. New York City is too far to fly to justify a couple of hours to shop, so I’ve found the most darling boutiques in Chicago, Las Vegas, and Dallas.”

“You hop on a plane just to go shopping for a few hours?”

“Oh no. I charter a plane and attend to business while I’m in the air. I’m all about multitasking.”

Amery couldn’t hide her shock. Ronin and his sister really did live in two different worlds; she couldn’t imagine Ronin doing something so frivolous.

Don’t judge. Her money, her life, her choices.

Shiori leaned over and peered at Amery’s drink. “What is that?”

“A Moscow mule. Lime, vodka, and ginger beer.”

“I don’t usually drink cocktails at lunch, but I’ll try one.”

Amery gestured to Gigi to bring Shiori a drink.

“Have you decided on what you’re having?” Shiori asked.

“The lunch special. But everything here is very good.”

Gigi dropped off Shiori’s drink. “Are you ladies ready to order?”

“Yes, I’ll have the special,” Amery said. “And I’ll need another order to go.”

“And you, ma’am?”

“The cheesesteak, extra cheese, onions, and mushrooms with steak fries. And an order of Rocky Mountain oysters with a side of wasabi.” Shiori handed over the menu. “Save me a slice of the piña colada cheesecake too.”

After Gigi left, Amery asked, “Where exactly are you going to put all that food?”

Shiori shrugged. “I have a high metabolism. And yes, I know my brother would be having a fit right now. He lectures me on my bad eating habits.” She sipped her drink. “That is good. Speaking of my brother, he wasn’t happy when I told him I planned to ask you to lunch.”

“Does he have a reason to be concerned this time?”

“Depends on if you can move on from the way I mishandled our initial meeting.”

“At least you can admit you screwed up. What happened between Ronin and me . . . while I hated that you were the messenger, it didn’t change that he should’ve told me himself.”