“I frightened an already scared woman. That doesn’t make me proud of myself.”

“She was helping Garth hurt your business.”

“He used her. He didn’t care about her at all. She was a means to an end. And I played along with him. I hate that. I should have handled it another way.”

“You’re in this to win.”

“At what cost?” she asked. “He’s ruthless and I don’t know why he’s fighting this battle. I can’t let him win, but I don’t want to play by his rules.”

“Make your own.”

“That’s not always an option.”

Her long blond hair dripped down her back. He reached for another towel and wrapped it around her shoulders.

“She’s gone,” he said. “She’ll be better off without him.”

“I know, it’s just…” She looked at him. “Why is he doing this?”

“I don’t know, but we’ll find out.”

“I hope so.”

He pulled her close.

She drew back. “I’ll get you all wet.”

“I don’t mind.”

He thought she’d fight him, but she relaxed into his arms. He held her against him, liking the way he felt protective. He wanted to take care of her, be there for her. There was something about her that touched him.

He knew this wasn’t real. That at the end of six months, they would part. Which was fine. This was a moment, nothing more. Nothing significant. She didn’t matter to him. Not in any way he had to worry about.

“HE SCARED ME,” Lexi admitted over lunch in Skye’s office at the foundation.

She’d offered to host the meeting but Izzy and Skye refused to come to the spa, claiming her health food was going to kill them.

“He was so cold. It was that old cliché of the guy being like a shark. He’s not warm-blooded.”

“Every guy is warm-blooded,” Izzy said before taking a bite of her burger. “He just needs the right woman,” she mumbled.

“We’re not talking about sex,” Skye said.

“That’s because you’re not getting any,” Izzy told her.

Lexi rolled her eyes. “Izzy, this is serious. Garth is a big threat. He’s angry and he wants us ruined. He’s already proven he has many Terminator-like qualities. He’ll keep going until he destroys us all. I wish I knew why.”

“You think his mother is the key?” Skye asked.

“That’s very Freud of you,” Izzy said.

“You’re in a mood,” Lexi said, wishing Izzy would be serious. “We have a lot to get through. This is important stuff. Garth is powerful and ruthless. He’s going to do his best to take us all down.”

“Ignore her,” Skye said. “Izzy, behave.”

“You’re not the boss of me.”

“That’s mature,” Skye snapped.

Lexi stood. “Stop it, both of you. Don’t you get it? He’s not going to stop until he gets what he wants. We all have a lot to lose. Garth has attacked us where it hurts. My business, Skye’s foundation. We have to be united on this. We have to figure out a plan.”

Izzy dropped her chin to her chest. “Fine. I’ll be serious. I just think you’re making too big a deal out of all this. He’s just one guy.”

“He’s one angry guy who wants revenge. I think the key is Kathy. We need to find out what happened to her. How she was hurt or changed or whatever it was. I want to say Jed’s involved, but how?”

“Could he have hit her with his car or something?” Skye asked. “Somehow been responsible for her condition?”

“Did you see any scars on her?” Izzy asked.

“No. There aren’t any signs of surgery that I could see. She said she had a scar on her head, so I’m thinking brain trauma. But what are the odds of him sleeping with her years ago, getting her pregnant, abandoning her, then later causing an accident that left her mentally challenged?”

“What if she came to the house to ask for more money?” Skye asked. “What if he hit her or pushed her and she hit her head?”

“Garth would have gone to the police in a hot minute,” Lexi said. Which was different than saying Jed would never do anything like that. The truth was-he would.

“So we don’t know what happened. I guess we can try to find out,” Skye said. “In the meantime, my foundation has been cleared, so that’s good. There’s more clean-up, but the investigation is winding down.”

Lexi knew that should be good news, yet she had a strong sense of trepidation. “My lawsuit vanished, as well. The woman in question has dropped it and moved to Arizona.”

“That’s great,” Izzy said. “Maybe Garth isn’t really a threat.”

Lexi knew that he was. “He’s too competent to screw up. There’s something else going on. He wouldn’t fail. So what is this? The beginning of a war? An attempt to lull us into a false sense of security?”

“You’re determined to find something wrong,” Izzy said. “Maybe he’s changed his mind.”

Lexi didn’t think it was that simple. “I think he’s toying with us and the real campaign is only starting. I think he has plans that are going to terrify us.”

“You’re so dramatic,” Izzy said. “I’m supposed to be dramatic, not you.”

“I talked to him. He’s got a plan, a goal and a very real chip on his shoulder.”

“Should we talk to Dana?” Skye asked. “Find out if we should get the police involved?”

As much as Lexi would like to pass this off to someone else, she didn’t think there was much chance of a rescue. “What has he done that’s illegal? We can’t prove he was behind the fake lawsuit, which leaves him investigating your foundation and accusing some of Jed’s executives of insider trading. Not exactly polite, but not crossing the line.”

“He doped Jed’s horses,” Izzy reminded her. “That’s illegal.”

“We can’t prove it was him.” Skye looked at Lexi. “You’re thinking it’s too soon. We don’t have enough. That the police aren’t going to pay attention. They’re going to think we’re hysterical women.”

Not exactly how she would have phrased it, but close enough. Lexi nodded. “I’m not sure letting everyone know Garth is Jed’s son is smart. I don’t know how long Garth has been planning this but I know it’s longer than we’ve been reacting to it. I say we take it slow.”

“How much does Dana know?” Skye asked.

“She doesn’t know about Jed and Garth.” Dana was a close friend, but Lexi wasn’t ready to share that kind of information.

“We might need her advice,” Skye said.

“I know.”

“She’ll be pissed if you don’t tell soon.” Izzy reached for a French fry. “People get very annoyed when you keep things from them.”

“Dana will understand,” Lexi said.

“You are so overestimating her,” Izzy told her. “But it’s your funeral. And to prove my point about people not having a sense of humor when they don’t know things, I have something to share.”

Lexi remembered Izzy had been the one to find out about Garth’s mother. “What now?” she asked.

Izzy wiped her hands on a napkin, then straightened. “Jed can’t have children.”

The bomb fell with perfect precision, landing on the table and exploding. Lexi guessed she looked as stunned as she felt. She was unable to move or speak. Apparently she kept breathing because she didn’t fall over in a faint.

“What?” Skye whispered.

“He can’t have any more children. I’m the last of the Titans, at least by dear old Dad. Garth could be impregnating every virgin from here to the state line for all I know.”

Jed unable to have more children? Is that why he’d never remarried after Pru died? Is that why the women came and went but none lasted?

“Shades of Henry VIII,” Izzy said with a grin. “If you could see your faces.”

“How do you know?” Skye asked. “How are you sure?”

Izzy wiggled in her chair. “Did you know Jed’s doctor employs a male nurse? He’s very crush-worthy.”

Lexi nearly choked. “You slept with him to get private medical information on our father?”

“You make it sound so tacky.”

“It is tacky,” Skye snapped. “And gross.”

“That’s very judgmental of you, but the truth is, you’ll want to hear everything he told me. But if you’re going to have that kind of attitude, I’m not going to tell you.”

Lexi wanted to shake Izzy. Instead she forced herself to stay calm. “What made you want to talk to someone in Dad’s office?” she asked.

“I’ve been thinking about all this the past few days,” Izzy said, grabbing another fry. “And I remembered talking to Dad when I was little. I asked him for a baby brother and he said that wasn’t possible. I was the last of his children. At the time I didn’t understand that might be a significant piece of information. When it came back to me, I wondered if it was true. If Jed couldn’t have more children.”

“So you decided to break the law?” Skye asked, obviously annoyed.

“I just slept with a guy,” Izzy told her. “He’s the one who broke the law. Apparently Dad had his little swimmers tested after Pru died. Which isn’t something I want to think about.”

Lexi didn’t either, but it was obviously an important piece of the puzzle. Why would Jed bother to check out his sperm unless he had reason to believe they weren’t working? Had he slept with someone and expected her to get pregnant?

“According to the medical records he has some kind of weird degenerating sperm. The older he gets, the less he has. The last test was fifteen years ago. They were nonexistent.” Izzy bit down on the fry.

“I can’t believe this,” Skye said, looking as stunned as Lexi felt. “I wonder if Garth knows.”

“That he’s the only Titan son?” Lexi asked. “If that mattered to Jed, he would have married Kathy when he had the chance.”

“He would have thought he would have more boys.” Skye leaned forward. “Maybe the initial sperm testing wasn’t about viability.”

“It was about finding out if there was a reason he hadn’t had more sons,” Lexi said, finishing her thought. “He discovered there wouldn’t be any more babies.”

“It would explain why he never married after Mom,” Izzy offered. “He’s not interested in loving anyone. Relationships are all about power with him. About getting what he wants. He doesn’t need companionship. Marriage is an exchange, and if he wasn’t getting a male heir, why bother?”