“I can’t believe he left me,” Dana muttered as she opened her eyes and drank more of her margarita. “I leave. That’s my thing. I decide who and then I leave.”

“Which isn’t a healthy pattern,” Skye said.

“You never really cared about him,” Lexi pointed out. “You’re pissed but you’re not hurt.”

Dana glared at her. “Pissed doesn’t feel very good right now. With a big scoop of rejection on the side. I’m the best thing that ever happened to that wimpy toad. How could he do this?”

“Because you weren’t the one,” Izzy said, looking up from her toes. “Seriously, Dana, you’ve got to try someone different. Aren’t you tired of this pattern?”

Lexi waited for the explosion but Dana surprised her by ruffling her short hair, then nodding slowly. “Maybe.”

“So try somebody different next time. Take a chance. It’s not like you to act like you’re scared.”

Dana’s eyes narrowed. “What did you say?”

Izzy was apparently fearless when it came to more than cave diving and sharks. “That you’re scared of a real relationship, so you pick guys like Martin.”

Lexi nodded. “You know she’s right. At least branch out a little and see what happens.”

Dana glared at them, then pointed at Skye. “Don’t you start. I could take all three of you.”

“Not that drunk,” Skye said calmly.

“You need someone who can keep you in line,” Izzy said.

“You’re back on my kill list,” Dana muttered.

“You know what I mean. You need someone who will go toe to toe with you, and I know just the guy.”

“Who?” Lexi asked, intrigued. She couldn’t imagine a guy strong enough to take on Dana and determined enough to break through her emotional barriers.

“Mitch Cassidy.”

Lexi looked at Skye, who was obviously struggling not to show any emotion.

“Skye used to date him,” Lexi said.

Izzy shrugged. “Decades ago. She dumped him for Ray.” She glanced at Skye. “You’re not still in love with Mitch, are you?”

“Of course not. I haven’t seen him in years.”

“See,” Izzy said, looking pleased. “You have permission from the ex.”

“He’s a SEAL, right? Aren’t they into underwater stuff?” Dana said, her words starting to slur a little. “You should date him.”

“No. He’s not my type, and even if he was, he and Skye got naked together. Skye and I are sisters. There’s something weird about the whole thing. Besides, Mitch and I are friends, nothing more.”

“While it’s an interesting idea,” Lexi said. “It’s not exactly practical. Mitch hasn’t been home in years. How would he and Dana hook up?”

“He’s back.”

Lexi happened to be looking at Skye so she saw her sister’s color drain, then watched as she quickly bent down to adjust her shoes. Or was she just trying to hide her face?

“Since when?” Lexi asked.

“It’s been a couple of weeks. He’s in D.C., but he’ll be home soon.”

Skye straightened. “On leave?”

Izzy capped the nail polish. “You really didn’t keep in touch with him, did you?”

“And you did?”

“Yes. He was my friend, Skye. Just because you broke his heart doesn’t mean he and I stopped talking.”

“Of course not.” The words were right but Skye still looked shocked.

“He’s out of the navy. He was with his team in Afghanistan. There was an explosion. He lost part of his leg. He’s in rehab right now, but he’ll be back soon. Permanently.” She turned to Dana. “He’s a war hero. Very tough. I think you’d like him. He’s really good-looking.”

“How much of his leg?” Skye asked, her voice a whisper.

“I don’t know. Part of it.” Izzy blew on her toes. “He was the best. I had such a crush on him, but he only had eyes for Skye. He totally loved her and then she dumped him.”

Skye stood. “Stop saying that. It wasn’t like that. There were things you can’t understand. I didn’t have a choice.” She covered her mouth with her hand and ran toward the bathroom.

Izzy looked confused. “What did I say?”

“I’m not sure Skye’s as over Mitch as she wants us to believe,” Lexi said. “At the very least, she’s feeling guilty about what happened.”

Dana set her glass on the coffee table. “I don’t think this guy is a good idea. Too many complications.”

“I wish I could date him,” Izzy said with a sigh. “He looks like he would be great in bed.”

“There’s more to a relationship than sex,” Lexi told her.

Both Izzy and Dana grinned. “Is that your way of saying Cruz isn’t all that in bed?” Dana asked.


“Because if he needs some pointers,” Izzy teased, “we could ask Martin.”

She and Dana gave each other a high five. Lexi laughed. She glanced toward the closed bathroom door and wondered what Skye was feeling, then thought about her fight with Cruz. Relationships were a complication. Even the ones that weren’t supposed to matter.

LEXI WALKED INTO Cruz’s house after midnight. She’d avoided the margaritas and still felt as if she had a hangover. Quite the trick, she thought, although not a good one. It was the emotional stress, she told herself. Too much happening too fast. Her life had become a roller coaster.

There were a few lights on downstairs. She turned them off, then went to the second floor. The door to the master stood open and light spilled onto the carpet. She went inside and saw Cruz sitting in a chair by the fireplace, reading. He looked up when she entered.

He’d taken off so fast, she’d wondered if he would ever come back. She’d been thinking that maybe she should leave. Yet here they both were.

He looked good, she thought, taking in the dark hair and eyes, the firm set of his jaw. Just being in the same room was enough to get her hormones cheering. It didn’t matter how often they made love-she always wanted him. Would it be like that forever? After the six months ended and they walked away from each other, would she still have these feelings?

“Did you have a good time?” he asked as he stood.

“I was at Dana’s house. Martin dumped her so we had a girl fest.”

“I didn’t ask where you were.”

“I know. I’m telling you.” She set down her purse. “You left in a hurry.”

“I was angry.”

“I got that. You’re a great communicator.”

She wasn’t mad, exactly, but she was tired of trying to make him see what was right.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have taken out my temper on you. You’re only trying to help. Kendra isn’t your responsibility, but you keep getting involved. She didn’t make it simple-I’m sure she was a pain in the ass, but you keep showing up.”

“I can’t help it.”

“I’m not saying it’s bad, Lexi. I’m saying…” He moved closer. “Maybe you’re right. Whatever the hell I have going on from my past has nothing to do with her. She’s just a kid trying to get by. I haven’t made that easy for her. In fact, I’ve made it damned hard. You were determined to make me see that, no matter how hard I pushed back.”

She let the words wash over her, then smiled. “You’re going to see her more?”

“We’re having dinner next week. It’s a start”

“That’s great. She’s a good kid. I think you’ll really like her if you just give her a chance.”

“I know.”

“What changed your mind?”


Lexi’s already shaky stomach flipped over. “Oh, Cruz.”

“I have a choice with my daughter. My dad had a choice, too. Every time he hit my mother, he had a choice. He did what was selfish-what made himself feel good and damn the consequences. I don’t want to be that guy.”

“You’re not.”

He cupped the back of her neck and kissed her. His mouth was warm and tender against hers. He didn’t have to draw her in, she went willingly. As he deepened the kiss and she got lost in being with him, she remembered him asking why she’d wanted him to be her first time.

It was because she hadn’t had a choice, either. When it came to Cruz, she’d never been able to stop herself. She was the moth to his flame, despite the fact that she already knew that when it was all over, it never ended well for the moth.

WITH ENOUGH CASH, connections and a willingness to cross the line and do the wrong thing, a person could find out an amazing amount of information.

“You sure about this?” Cruz asked.

Lexi stared at the apartment building he’d parked next to, and nodded. “I want to talk to her.”

“Her lawyer could use this against you.”

“There won’t be any lawyers.”

Lexi was sure about that. Garth had picked the wrong Titan to screw with this time. She was done being taken by him. He’d caught her off guard with the loan and he’d won that round, but she was through letting him outmaneuver her.

They went into the apartment building and took the elevator to the third floor. Lexi had called before they’d left the house, pretending to have the wrong number. Ann Paul had answered and Lexi was betting she was still home.

Lexi rang the bell. A few seconds later, the front door opened.

“Yes?” the woman said.

She was in her late thirties, small and plain. Lexi didn’t remember seeing her at the spa, but she looked exactly like the picture Lexi had of her.

“Hi,” Lexi said with a smile, pushing into the apartment. “I’m Lexi Titan. The woman you’re suing. I thought I’d stop by so we could talk. This is my fiancé, Cruz Rodriquez. He’s here to keep me from doing anything stupid.”

Ann had short brown hair and small brown eyes. She looked terrified as she backed into the kitchen.

“I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” she said, sounding as if she were asking a question more than making a statement.

“I will. But first I have a couple of things I’d like to share with you. I’ve done some checking. I know you used to work for Garth. You were the assistant to his assistant.” Lexi smiled. “Sort of like being the dog’s pet. The people in the office all knew you had a thing for Garth, that he never noticed you and that you would have done anything to get him to like you. Apparently even lie.”