"Did Ronnie get that idea from you? About more children?"

"That's all her idea." Wynter reached for Pearce's hand and clasped it tightly. "I hadn't really thought about it. Things weren't very good between Dave and me after Ronnie was born. Dave always said he wanted--"

"Forget about him--what about just for you? Is that what you would like?"

"Pearce, honey--I have Ronnie and--"

The elevator doors opened, but Pearce made no move to get in.

She regarded Wynter intently. "Do you think we can't have kids?"

"No, I don't think that," Wynter said carefully. "I just never got the sense it was in your game plan."

"Neither were you." Pearce traced a finger along the edge of Wynter's jaw. "I'm not volunteering personally, but seeing as how you've already had some practice at it..."

Wynter caught Pearce's hand and curled her fingers around it, drawing their joined hands close to her heart. She took a step forward until their bodies were very nearly touching. "Would you like it, if we had one together?"

"One or two more would be good."

Wynter's expression registered shocked delight. "One. Or. Two."

Pearce grinned. "Ronnie said a brother or a sister. We could try for both."

"You do realize how crazy it will be, with both of us practicing surgeons, and kids to raise?" Wynter took one quick look over her shoulder, and seeing that the hall was empty, kissed Pearce quickly. "I love you."

"I think we can handle it," Pearce murmured. She kissed Wynter back. "Besides, you know what they say in surgery--"

Eyes laughing, hearts soaring, they said together, "No guts, no glory."

"Let's go home, darling," Wynter said, "and finish what we started this afternoon. Then we'll talk about the future."

"Now that sounds like a plan." Pearce wrapped her arm around Wynter's shoulders. "After all, we've got lots of time."