"Oh!" Wynter's thighs trembled, and she clamped both hands onto Pearce's shoulders. She gripped harder as her knees threatened to buckle. When Pearce kissed her lower, brushing her lips just above the delta between her thighs, she insinuated the fingers of one hand into Pearce's hair and stroked the back of her neck. When the barest hint of Pearce's breath blew over her hypersensitive flesh, she moved Pearce's face away.

Pearce looked up, a gentle question in her eyes. "Wynter?"

"I won't be able to stand it." Wynter caressed her cheek. "I'm afraid you'll make me come right away."

"It's all right?"

Wynter laughed shakily. "Oh God, yes. But not yet."

"Sorry." Pearce nestled her cheek against Wynter's stomach and closed her eyes, breathing Wynter's scent, waiting until her own restless need settled and she could start again.

"Not sorry," Wynter said thickly. "Never be sorry for wanting me." She tilted Pearce's face up to hers and waited until Pearce opened her eyes. "Finish undressing me. I want to lie down with you and feel you everywhere against me."

Tenderly, Pearce drew Wynter's jeans down her legs and helped her out of her sneakers and clothing. Then she stood, amazed at her own weak legs, and using just the tips of her fingers, skimmed off Wynter's blouse. When she'd finished, an inch of space separated their bodies.

She lowered her gaze, heart pounding. Looking at Wynter's body was like cresting a mountain and coming upon a vista that stretched until forever--incomprehensively beautiful, indescribably exquisite. Her vision blurred as a swell of desire rose so swiftly she lost her breath.

She pulled Wynter to her and held her tightly, moaning as Wynter's body met hers for the first time with no barrier between them. She ached and exalted at the pleasure.

"Your skin is on fire," Wynter marveled as she slid her palms down Pearce's back. "Am I doing that to you?"

Pearce laughed unsteadily. "Oh yeah. I'm just about gone here."

"Oh, I love the way you feel." Wynter spun Pearce in a half turn and pulled her down to the bed. They landed facing one another, arms and legs entwined. She drew her thigh up until it was tight between Pearce's legs. When she felt the hot sheen of Pearce's arousal against her skin, she arched her back and cried out in surprise and wonder. "Oh my God. Oh my God. I never..." She framed Pearce's face. "Is that for me?"

"Unh, unh..." Pearce could barely think. The slide of Wynter's skin over her hot and ready flesh was driving her too high too fast.

She swore and flipped Wynter onto her back, easing away from the exquisite pressure. Her stomach tightened almost painfully and she groaned. "Damn it."

"What?" Wynter crooned, nuzzling Pearce's neck. "Hmm, what?"

But she knew. She'd felt the swift pulse of Pearce's heart beating against her leg. She loved the way it felt. She loved knowing that Pearce trembled with desire for her. For her. "I want to make you come."

"Any more of that and you will." Pearce gritted her teeth and forced herself to breathe past the need to surrender.

"Why are you holding back?" Wynter rolled her hips beneath Pearce's and kissed her neck, tangling her hands in her hair. She slid her mouth along the edge of Pearce's jaw and tugged at her lower lip with her teeth. "I can feel how close you are. It makes me crazy."

Pearce's arms shook with the effort of supporting herself. "It's your first time," she gasped. "I want it to be special."

"Oh, honey," Wynter murmured, "you make it special. It's you.

Don't you know that?" She caressed her hand down the center of Pearce's back and pushed her leg between Pearce's thighs again, urging Pearce to ride out her passion. She pressed her mouth against Pearce's ear. "Come on me. I know you need to. Please. Let me feel you come on me."

With a hoarse cry, Pearce buried her face in Wynter's neck and let herself fall over the edge. She lost her breath, she lost control, she lost her mind. She shuddered and heard herself crying out and couldn't stop. And while she shivered helplessly, Wynter cradled her in her arms and stroked her through the storm. When she finally could speak, she mumbled, "That was an accident."

Wynter laughed and held her fiercely. "Oh, I've never known anything so amazing as that."

Pearce eased onto her side and stared at Wynter through the receding mists of nearly unbearable pleasure. "It wasn't what I planned."

Wynter kissed her. "You aren't what I planned either."

"You mind?" Pearce slipped her hand between their bodies and circled her palm down the center of Wynter's abdomen. She felt the muscles beneath her fingers tense and twitch and saw Wynter's lips part on a gasp.

"Not the tiniest bit. Pearce..."

Pearce heard the urgency in Wynter's voice as her fingertips brushed through moist curls. "Keep your eyes open."

Wynter caught her lower lip between her teeth. She held on to the steady, tender passion in Pearce's eyes as her body tightened. At the first gentle stroke of Pearce's finger over her clitoris, she arched her back and moaned helplessly.

"Wynter," Pearce said soothingly. "Wynter. Not yet. Not yet, baby."

"Oh, I have to."

"I know. I know." Pearce kissed her softly. "Soon. I promise."

As she spoke, she slid her fingers lower, gently curling upward and inside.

"Oh. My. God."

Pearce smiled and pressed deeper. "Ready?"

Wynter clutched Pearce's shoulders, unable to speak. She nodded, her hips rocking on Pearce's hand.

"Don't close your eyes," Pearce whispered as she began to thrust, watching Wynter's face, slowing down when she saw Wynter about to come, speeding up to push her to the edge again. She paced her, pushed her, teased her closer and closer until Wynter was pleading and shaking and blind with pleasure and then, with one deep thrust, brought her over.

v Wynter awoke with her head on Pearce's shoulder. She sensed from the darkness outside the windows that it was deep in the night.

She lay for a few minutes just listening to Pearce breathe, feeling her heart beat beneath her cheek. It had been many months since she had slept with anyone beside her, and she had never awakened in the arms of a woman. Her hand rested beneath Pearce's breast and their thighs were entwined. Pearce's body was hot.

Her own felt languid and supremely satisfied. Her stomach and thighs were heavy with the aftermath of her orgasm. She remembered Pearce trembling in her arms and crying out at the peak of her passion, and she felt herself quicken. She wanted her again. She understood for the first time in her life how sex could be addicting. She'd never felt anything as exciting, as euphoric, as the sweet satisfaction of knowing she had been the cause of Pearce's pleasure. She moaned softly and involuntarily pressed her hips against Pearce.

"You okay?" Pearce murmured, slowly drawing strands of Wynter's silky hair through her fingers.

"Oh, I'm so so so good." She kissed the side of Pearce's breast and ran her hand down Pearce's body. She caressed her stomach and the tops of her thighs, then cupped her lightly between her legs.

"Wynter. What are you doing?" Pearce groaned.

Wynter leaned up on her elbow and kissed the tip of Pearce's chin.

"I want to feel you come again. You're so amazing when you do."

"Oh, Jesus," Pearce gasped as Wynter's fingers closed around her.

"Easy. God."

Wynter gently bit the tip of Pearce's shoulder and stroked. "Too hard?"

"No. Oh man. Wynter." Pearce's legs stiffened, and she lifted her hips into Wynter's palm. "Don't stop."

"Mmm. I don't plan to." Wynter stroked faster. "Are you going to come for me?"

"Want...me to?"

"Oh yes." Wynter bore down when she felt Pearce grow harder.

"Oh yes. You're there, aren't you? Going to come, come for me--"

"Yes." Pearce closed her eyes and clamped her jaws down on a scream. "Yes."

Wynter watched the orgasm wash over Pearce's face, scarcely breathing. When Pearce finally sagged back to the bed, Wynter sighed and curled up against her again, holding her hand still until Pearce stopped throbbing.

When Pearce's breathing grew even once more, Wynter said, "Do you how many women I've examined in my career?"

"Hundreds, probably," Pearce said drowsily.

"At least. And I have never imagined, never conceived, of a woman as beautiful as you."

Pearce roused herself enough to turn on her side so she could see Wynter's face. "No one has ever done to me what you do to me."

"Oh," Wynter murmured, tracing Pearce's lower lip with her fingertip. "Oh, I like that."

"Yeah, me too." She kissed the tip of Wynter's chin, then her mouth. "You feel okay about everything?"

Wynter smiled. "You mean what we just did?"

Solemnly, Pearce nodded, her eyes dark with worry.

"If I didn't have to go to work in the morning, I would keep you in this bed for the next twenty-four hours and make love until we both disintegrated."

"Can I have a rain check?"


Sighing with relief and pleasant fatigue, Pearce drew Wynter's head down to her shoulder. "No more tonight, then. You need some rest."

"Will you stay?"

Pearce rarely spent the night in anyone's bed. She held Wynter tighter. "I'll be here when you wake up."


Wynter," Pearce whispered urgently, shaking Wynter's shoulder. "Wynter!"


"Wake up."

Wynter burrowed deeper into the curve of Pearce's shoulder.