“That’s what Laverne told everyone last night at the bingo game over there at that church on Seventh, Jesus the Divine Savior.”
Delaney walked to a salon chair and sank into it. Her face grew hot and her ears began to ring. She’d known there would be gossip, but she’d had no idea how bad. “Bingo? Jesus the Divine Savior?” Her voice raised and got squeaky. “Oh, my God!” She should have known. Anything involving Nick had always been bad and she wished she could blame him completely. But she couldn’t. He hadn’t unbuttoned his own shirt. She’d done that.
Wannetta moved toward her, chink-thump, chink-thump. “Is it true?”
“Oh.” Wannetta looked as disappointed as she sounded. “That youngest Basque boy is a looker. Even though he has a nasty reputation, I might find him hard to resist myself.”
Delaney put a palm to her forehead and took a deep breath. “He’s evil. Evil. Evil. Evil. You stay away from him, Wannetta, or you just might wake up and find yourself the subject of horrible rumors.” Her mother was going to kill her.
“Most mornings I’m just glad to wake up. And at my age, I don’t think I’d find those rumors too horrible,” she said as she moved toward the back of the salon. “Can you squeeze me in today?”
“What? You want your hair done?”
“Of course. I didn’t go to all the trouble of getting myself down here just to talk.”
Delaney rose and followed Mrs. Van Damme to the shampoo sink. She helped her into the chair then set her walker aside. “How many people were at the bingo game?” she asked fearing the answer.
“Oh, maybe sixty or so.”
Sixty. Then those sixty would tell sixty more and it would spread like a brushfire. “Maybe I should just kill myself,” she muttered. Death might be preferable to her mother’s reaction.
“Are you going to use that shampoo that smells so nice?”
“Yes.” Delaney draped Wannetta, then lowered her back toward the sink. She turned on the water and tested it on her wrist. She’d spent the previous day and night hiding in her apartment like a mole. She’d felt emotionally battered and bruised by what had happened with Nick. And so extremely embarrassed by her own abandon.
She wet Wannetta’s hair and cleaned it with Paul Mitchell. When she was finished with the conditioning, she helped her walk to the styling chair. “Same thing?” she asked.
“Yep. I stick to what works.”
“I remember.” As Delaney combed out the tangles, Nick’s parting words still echoed in her head. They’d been echoing in her head since he’d said them. To see if I could. He’d kissed her and touched her breasts, just to see if he could. He’d made her breasts tingle and her thighs burn just to see if he could. And she’d let him. Just like she’d let him ten years ago.
What was it about her? What personality defect did she possess that allowed Nick to slide past her defenses? During the long hours she’d spent contemplating that question, she’d come up with only one explanation other than loneliness. Her biological clock was ticking. It had to be. She couldn’t hear it ticking, but she was twenty-nine, not married, with no prospects in the immediate future. Maybe her body was a hormonal time bomb and she didn’t even know it.
“Leroy liked when I wore silky drawers,” Wannetta said, interrupting Delaney’s silent contemplations about ticking hormones. “He hated the cotton kind.”
Delaney snapped on a pair of latex gloves. She didn’t want to envision Wannetta in silky underwear.
“You should buy you some silky drawers.”
“You mean the kind that come up past your navel?” The kind that look like car seatcovers?
“Cause men like ‘em. Men like women to wear pretty things. If you get yourself some silky drawers, you can get yourself a husband.”
“No, thank you,” she said as she reached for the waving solution and snipped the top off. Even if she were interested in finding a husband in Truly, which was of course ludicrous, she was only going to be in town until June. “I don’t want a husband.” She thought of Nick and all the problems he’d caused since she’d been back. “And to tell you the truth,” she added, “I don’t think men are worth all the problems they cause. They are highly overrated.”
Wannetta grew silent as Delaney poured the solution on one side of her head, and just when Delaney began to worry that her client had fallen asleep with her eyes open, or worse, passed on, Wannetta opened her mouth and asked in a hushed voice, “Are you one of those lipstick lesbians? You can tell me. I won’t tell a soul.”
And the moon is made of green cheese, Delaney thought. If only she were a lesbian, she wouldn’t have found herself kissing Nick and her hands tearing at his shirt. She wouldn’t have found herself fascinated by his hairy chest. She met Wannetta’s gaze in the mirror and thought about telling her yes. A rumor like that might neutralize the rumor about herself and Nick. But her mother would freak even more. “No,” she finally sighed. “But it would probably make my life easier.”
Mrs. Van Damme’s finger waves took Delaney just under an hour. When she was finished, she watched the older woman write out a check, then she helped her with her coat.
“Thanks for coming in,” she said as she walked her to the door.
“Silky drawers,” Wannetta reminded her and slowly moved down the street.
Ten minutes after Mrs. Van Damme left, a woman came in with her three-year-old son. Delaney hadn’t given a child a cut since beauty school, but she hadn’t forgotten how. After the first snip, she wished she had. The little boy pulled at the small plastic cape she’d found in the storage room as if she were choking him. He writhed and fussed and continually yelled NO! at her. Cutting his hair turned into a wrestling match. She was sure if she could just tie him up and sit on him, she could get the job done in a hurry.
“Brandon’s such a good boy,” his mother cooed from the neighboring chair. “Mommy’s so proud.”
Incredulous, Delaney stared at the woman who’d decked herself out in Eddie Bauer and REI. The woman looked to be in her early to mid-forties, and reminded Delaney of a magazine article she’d read in the dentist office questioning the wisdom of older women producing children from old eggs.
“Does Brandon want a good-boy fruit snack?”
“No!” screeched the product of her old egg.
“Done,” Delaney said when she finished and threw her hands upward like a champion calf roper. She charged the lady fifteen dollars with the hope Brandon would plague Helen next time. She swept up the child’s white-blond curls, then flipped the Out to Lunch sign and walked to the corner deli for her usual, turkey on whole wheat. For several months she’d eaten her lunch at the deli and had gotten to know the owner, Bernard Dalton, on a first-name basis. Bernard was in his late thirties and a bachelor. He was short, balding, and looked like a man who enjoyed his own cooking. His face was always slightly pink, as if he were a little out of breath, and the shape of his dark mustache made him appear as if he always wore a smile.
The lunch rush was slowing as Delaney stepped into the restaurant. The shop smelled of ham, pasta, and chocolate chip cookies. Bernard looked up from the dessert case, but his gaze quickly slid away. His face turned several shades pinker than usual.
He’d heard. He’d heard the rumor and he obviously believed it.
She cast a glance about the deli, at the other customers staring at her, and she wondered how many had listened to the gossip. She suddenly felt naked and forced herself to walk to the front counter. “Hello, Bernard,” she said, keeping her voice even. “I’ll have a turkey on whole wheat like I usually have.”
“Diet Pepsi?” he asked, moving toward the meat case.
“Yes, please.” She kept her gaze pinned to the little “Extra Pennies” cup by the cash register. She wondered if the whole town believed she’d had sex with Nick in her front window. She heard hushed voices behind her and was afraid to turn around. She wondered if they were talking about her, or if she was just being paranoid.
Usually she took her sandwich to a small table by the window, but today she paid for her lunch and hurried back to her salon. Her stomach was in knots and she had to force herself to eat a portion of her meal.
Nick. This mess was his fault. Whenever she let her guard down around him, she always paid for it. Whenever he decided to charm her, she always lost her dignity, if not her clothes.
At a little after two, she had a client who needed her straight black hair trimmed, and at three-thirty Steve, the backhoe driver she’d met at Louie and Lisa’s Fourth of July party, walked into the salon bringing in a wisp of cool autumn with him. He wore a jean jacket with sheared sheep lining. His cheeks were pink and his eyes bright, and his smile told her he was glad to see her. Delaney was glad to see a friendly face. “I need a haircut,” he confessed.
With one quick glance, she took in the shaggy condition of his hair. “You sure do,” she said and motioned toward her booth. “Hang up your coat and come on back.”
“I want it short.” He followed her and pointed to a spot above his right ear. “This short. I wear a lot of ski hats in the winter.”
Delaney had something in mind that would look awesome on him, and she’d get to use her clippers, too. Something she’d been dying to do again for months now. His hair would have to be dry so she sat him in the salon chair. “I haven’t seen you around much,” she said as she combed out his golden tangles.
“We’ve been working a lot to get done before the first snow, but now things have slowed down.”
“What do you do in the winter for a job?” she asked, and fired up the clippers.
“Collect unemployment and ski,” he spoke over the steady buzz.
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