“Whew.” The older woman pulled away from the chutes with powerful, sure strokes. “That’s some drop.” She ducked her head back into the water, then, as they neared the concrete shore, she stood up and let the liquid run off her body.
“Oh yeah,” Kerry agreed, a little out of breath. “But I won, again.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Dar splashed her. “You’re smaller than I am, so there.”
“No way, it’s my technique. I know how to catch the curves just right.”
Kerry moved her hand in a squiggling motion.
“Listen to you.” Dar snorted. “I bet if we did it again, I’d beat you.”
“Oh yeah?” Kerry splashed out of the pool, and ran fingers through her wet hair. “How much?” They’d been at the water fun for several hours, and the sun was starting to set, but Kerry wasn’t about to let the opportunity pass.
Dar had slowly relaxed and opened up a little, becoming almost playful as they tried all the slips, and slides, and pools.
“I don’t know, what’s it worth to ya?” Dar paced alongside her, steering her back towards the entrance of the slides. “Let’s see…” She tugged Kerry to a halt next to a smiling snowman. “Okay, you’re more than forty-eight inches.
Just wanted to make sure.”
“Tch.” Kerry gave her a mock glare. “I hate short jokes,” she warned.
“Just for that, if I win, you have to sit through the Singing Vegetable exhibit in the Land tonight.”
“Oh, I’m definitely winning. I’m not getting subjected to dancing broccoli.” Dar shook her head. “All those hydroponic carrots waving their roots in the air. No thanks.”
“We’ll see.” Kerry smirked as they entered the line, now much shortened as people headed for home or out for dinner.
Minutes later, she was cannonballing out of the chute, reaching for the water, then pushing up through the surface and whipping her head around, looking for Dar. “Hah!” she chortled, hopping away from the chute entrance, and glancing up at the other one. Seconds passed, and all was quiet. Kerry pushed her wet hair out of her eyes and waited. More seconds passed. Now she edged over, and peered upward in puzzlement. “C’mon, Dar, did you 192 Melissa Good stop to make a cell phone call?” She moved closer, almost at the edge of the chute now and put her hand on the slick surface.
A surge of water washed against her, and her legs got taken out from under her, ducking her head under the water as she squawked in shock and indignation. Moments later, she was dragged to the surface, dripping and outraged, to face a smug, smirking Dar. “How did you…wh…”
The executive chuckled, releasing her and swimming away. “I’ll do anything to avoid singing broccoli. Remember that, my friend.”
“Hey!” Kerry lunged after her, grabbing an ankle. “Hold on there,” She gave a tug and found herself being pulled through the water. “Oh, crudpuppies.” she muttered, kicking a stroke and getting a better hold. “I said, hold on there!”
Dar grinned and kept swimming. She felt Kerry’s hand slip, then reach up and get a good grip on her suit, her fingers sliding over the older woman’s skin, leaving a gentle tingle behind them. She stopped, then whirled in place, pulling the shorter woman closer. For a moment they just looked at each other, and Dar enjoyed the intense energy she could feel between them, then she smiled, and dunked her companion with a triumphant chortle.
Kerry got her feet under her and broke the surface, then stood with her hands on her slim hips, dripping chlorinated water everywhere. “I’ll get you for that,” she vowed, but her grin belied her threat.
“Promise?” Dar answered, startling herself a little, then shrugging and returning the grin.
They splashed out and got their towels, drying off and walking back to the locker area where they’d stowed their clothing. “This was a great idea, Dar, except I think I got sunburned.” Kerry winced as she touched the back of her neck. “That’s going to be a little hard to explain at a business meeting.”
Dar put a hand on her shoulder and peered at her skin, reaching out to lift the damp hair up and then touching the sensitive skin with a fingertip. She felt Kerry suck in a breath at the touch and bit off a smile. “Tender, huh?”
“Uh…yes.” Kerry was startled at how her body had reacted to the simple touch. “Sunburned, right?”
“A little,” Dar observed, tracing a second line across the back of her neck.
“Have to get you some cold cream.” She handed Kerry her towel, rented from the facility, then slipped her shorts and shirt on over her suit. “Good thing about this stuff, it dries fast.”
Kerry swallowed. “Yeah, I noticed that.” She cleared her throat. “Might get a little chilly with this sunburn tonight.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Maybe I can pick up a sweatshirt.”
“Good idea, not like they don’t have seven thousand varieties,” Dar answered innocently, as she handed her companion her T-shirt. “C’mon. After all that, I’m starving.”
Kerry heard a telltale rumble, and put a hand over her stomach after she slipped her shirt on. “Me too.”
DAR LEANED BACK in her bus seat, propping a knee up against the seat in front of her and leaning her head against the cool glass of the window. She Tropical Storm 193
watched the green grass and thick foliage go by, as the vehicle traveled through the property back roads heading from the water park to the more centrally located Epcot Center.
She stifled a yawn and tried to think about all the work waiting for her when she got back. High as that pile would be, it couldn’t make a dent in her lazy good mood, and she realized this was more fun than she’d had in many years. Just like some damn kid, Dar. But maybe this is just what you needed.
It certainly seemed to be helping. She felt relaxed and was looking forward to the evening, and her gentle teasing with Kerry had steadied at a pleasant, mild stimulation. She felt very comfortable with the younger woman, who was seated next to her, one warm shoulder pressing up against Dar’s, and she was really glad she’d chosen to take Kerry with her.
It had been an opportunity too good to pass up, both to get to know her new assistant and to sneak in a little R-and-R at the same time. Dar was cautiously pleased with how it was turning out, and if Michelle Graver didn’t take too much offense to her turning down their dinner date, they had a chance at the bid, too. That reminded her of something, though, and she took out her cell phone and dialed a number. “Mark?”
“Hey, boss,” the MIS Chief’s voice responded. “Is it true you slugged Minnie Mouse?”
“I haven’t slugged anyone.” Dar paused deliberately. “Yet.”
“Uh oh, I sense a tongue lashing.” Mark chuckled. “That was a toughie, Dar, two of those boxes have pretty high security on them.”
“It’s in progress,” Mark stated circumspectly. “You’ve got Provisioning up in freaking arms, Dar. When I called him, Eldon snapped one of those mechanical freaking pencils he’s got millions of in half. I heard the sound.”
“But he’s moving on the project?” Dar persisted, watching the trees go by. “He had to rob two circuits from FPL. You’ll have some fence mending to do up there, but yeah, he’s moving on it. He’s not happy.”
“Ask him if a formal commendation in his personnel file would make him happier,” Dar commented. “And tell him not to be so god-damned anal. This is important.”
“I know that. He knows that. Jesus, Dar, every freaking body in HQ
knows that, including the cleaning staff,” the MIS chief advised her. “John called in. There are stories of you blowing off the IBM team already circulating.”
“Great. All right, Mark, I’ll leave my cell on, as usual. Give me a call when you get things finalized. Is Robert Maccen publishing the response document?”
“Yep, he sure is. Say, where are you, anyhow?” the man asked curiously.
“Sounds quiet.”
Dar hesitated, tempering her good spirits with natural caution. “Casing the place, actually,” she stated. “Evaluating the infrastructure.” She ignored Kerry’s amused look.
Mark clucked his tongue. “Dar, you’re the only goddamn person I know who would go to freaking Disney World and end up tracing cables. Take a 194 Melissa Good damn break, will ya? At least go see the fireworks.”
Dar surveyed her disheveled and slightly sunburned body, slumped easily against both the seat and her companion, and bit off a wry smile. “If I have a couple of minutes, sure.”
“Dar, don’t make me think of you walking around up in Orlando in one of those wool suits. Sweating in the control room is a bad thing, okay?”
“I’m, um, not wearing a wool suit, Mark, if it makes you feel any better.”
Dar laid a hand on her bare knee, tracing a tiny scar just above the kneecap.
“And I’ll try to catch a firework or two, if you’ll guarantee me that plan will be complete by ten AM tomorrow.”
“Dar…” Mark sighed. “Oh well, I don’t need any sleep. All right, I promise, but you gotta bring me back a souvenir.” He paused. “Tell you what, to make it fair, you bring me a back a picture of you actually taking it easy for five minutes. Is that too much to ask?”
“Oh, so if I take my shoes off and kick a stuffed Goofy around in the grass, that counts, right?” the executive drawled. His sigh could be heard clearly. “Okay, you’re on, Mark. You come through, you get your picture, I promise.” Dar chuckled. “Tell you what—you get it done on time, and I’ll make it a bathing suit picture.” Dead, absolute, not-even-breathing silence greeted the offer. Dar glanced at the phone, then at her companion, who had a hand firmly clamped over her mouth and was turning pink from the effort not to laugh. “Mark?” Silence, then a rustle of sound and another voice picked up.
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