“You slept with him?” Travis’ voice wasn’t his own, the words mixed with the anger, sounding like a feral growl.
Both Kylie and Gage turned to face him, shocked.
As though she were working up the courage to answer him, Kylie’s back went ramrod straight and she swallowed hard. “I did.”
Travis wasn’t even sure what to say. Was he pissed that they’d slept together? You’re damn right he was. She was his wife, it didn’t fucking matter whether they were together or not. Gage should’ve kept his fucking hands to himself.
If they weren’t inside the truck with Kylie between them, he would’ve unleashed his temper and taken the bastard to the ground.
“Jealous much?” Gage taunted him.
That’s when Travis lost it. Elbowing Kylie back in the seat, making sure he didn’t hurt her, Travis reached over and gripped Gage’s shirt, pulling him hard until they were face to face, nose to nose directly over Kylie.
“Stop it! Both of you.” Kylie inserted her arms between them, pushing as she tried to separate them. It wasn’t until Travis let go that she managed to get any leverage.
“The past is the past, damn it. I was with you. I was with him. Shit, at this rate, it’s like I’ve been with both of you at the same damn time.”
Travis stared at her, his mouth falling open. “Baby, I can promise you, when you have us both at the same time, you won’t compare it to anything from your past.”
Kylie opened her mouth. Closed it. Then she dropped her head back on the seat and stared up at the ceiling again. He couldn’t help but wonder what was going through her mind. The tinge of pink in her cheeks told him it wasn’t anything innocent.
The silence started to choke him by the time Kylie lifted her head back up and asked Gage again, “Is this what you want too?”
Apparently Travis had derailed the conversation with his jealous reaction the first time she asked that, but now he wanted to hear the man’s response just as much as Kylie did.
“This.” Signifying the three of them with the motion of her hand.
“What’s this, Kylie? You’re gonna need to be a little more specific.”
“Stop being an asshole,” she bit out. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Gage simply stared at her, not speaking as Travis watched the interaction.
“Travis already admitted he wants both of us.” Kylie kept her voice low, even. “Do you want both me and him as well?”
Gage didn’t flinch at her question, but Travis was holding his breath as he waited to see where this was going.
“Yes,” Gage admitted. “I want both of you.”
“Have you and Travis…”
“Have we what?”
“Why are you making me spell this out?” Kylie’s voice rose, her irritation accounted for in her clipped words. After a huff, she continued, “Have you been together?”
Evasive, but effective she was.
“Been together? You mean have we fucked?” The frustration in Gage’s tone was intensifying the more he spoke. “No, we haven’t. Not yet.”
While no one said a word, Travis flipped Gage’s words over in his mind. Not yet.
“And yes, before you ask, I want to. As much as I want to be with you again.”
Although Travis still had a hard time hearing that the two of them had been together, he was more focused on what else Gage was hinting at. Between the two of them, they’d practically laid out the red carpet and welcomed Kylie to what would be one hell of a threesome.
“Does it scare you?” Travis chose to cut back in on the conversation. He didn’t do well with being left out. Apparently.
“What?” Kylie turned to face him, her eyes wide as though she just realized he was still there. She was breathless.
“That Gage and I want you. That we want each other. That given half a chance, we’d have you naked and screaming our names right here in the front seat.”
This time, her sharp inhale said his words were a direct hit, but she pulled the whole open/close mouth thing a couple of times before she flicked her gaze to the front window.
Travis figured the subject was closed. He was resigning himself to suffering for the duration when Kylie spoke up again.
“I would never be your play thing, Travis. Not again.”
Fury erupted in his veins, and without thinking, Travis reached over and lifted her up and onto his lap before he cupped her face in his hands, staring deep into her eyes as he spoke, “Never let me hear you say that again. You were never my play thing, Kylie. Never. Nor would you be now. What I felt for you, I’ve never felt for anyone else. For fuck’s sake, have you not figured it out yet? You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved.” The truth rushed out of him and for a second Travis wanted to grab the words and pull them back.
The only problem, he knew he never could.
Chapter Twenty One
Kylie was having trouble breathing, and it had nothing to do with the fact that the cab of the truck was humid from the sweltering Texas summer. The warmth from Travis’ hands on her face was doing strange things to her insides, as was his erection pressing against her bottom as she sat on his lap. His words weren’t helping ease the growing ache either.
For fuck’s sake, have you not figured it out yet? You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved.
Then again, maybe it was the oppressive heat that was making her commons sense shaky. Shouldn’t she be trying to pull away from him? Or perhaps ignoring what he was telling her? How had they ventured onto this subject in the first place?
She was about ready to set fire to the jumbled mess of what if’s taking up residence in her brain. What if she were to see where this went? What if she liked being the object of their affection? Both of them? What if she could have an explosive orgasm by watching the two of them together?
And what about when Travis had been describing the scenes at the resort? The more graphic he was, the more she found she liked it. So, what if she wanted to be one of the voyeurs?
Yep, one too many forming as she sat stone still, unable to look away from Travis.
But then a sensible thought interrupted the overtly sexual scenarios that were playing on fast forward behind her eyelids: What made Travis think she was any different now than she was back then?
It was true, Kylie wasn’t the sexually adventurous type, although she wasn’t entirely reserved either. She’d never engaged in a threesome, never had anyone watch her having sex or vice versa. She’d also never dated two men at the same time, so she probably qualified as more prudent than daring. That didn’t mean her skin wasn’t suddenly feeling a little too small for her body, or that she wasn’t attuned to what the two of them were offering.
Seriously? Was she rationalizing being with them at the same time? Ok, yes. It would seem so. She was pretty sure she could thank her longstanding sexual drought for steering her in this direction.
From an emotional standpoint, Kylie had everything to lose because no matter how physically drawn to them she was, or how much her body was begging her to take what they offered, she wasn’t the casual type. She had a feeling that relationships of this type didn’t work in real life, which was one of the main reasons Travis had never found what he was looking for. And what about the jealousy she’d felt earlier? Or her anger. Where the hell had all that gone?
From a physical standpoint, well, her clit was throbbing and her breasts suddenly felt heavy. Yup, she’d moved past desire and right over to horny without passing go, and she was pretty close to being drunk on lust.
The situation as she saw it was one she didn’t necessarily want to get out of. They were in Gage’s truck on a secluded back road hidden from prying eyes, and each one of them had more than enough reason to shed their clothes and move on to the good stuff. Seriously, they were still wet from the rain. Wasn’t that a valid excuse?
Kylie mentally threw her hands up and grabbed her head, trying to hold her common sense inside because it was quickly leaking right out of her ears and forming a puddle at their feet.
“What’s going on in that brain of yours?” Travis asked as he obviously waited for her to respond. After all, he had made a rather significant declaration, hadn’t he?
As if she would tell him. Not only had he told her that she was the only woman he had ever loved, but there was an overwhelming attraction that neither of them could deny. And oddly enough, it went three ways. What were the odds of that happening?
It would make sense if this was some sort of convoluted love triangle where Kylie wanted to be with Gage, and she also wanted to be with Travis. And it would even make sense if Travis lusted after Gage and vice versa… Ok yes, she was guilty of fantasizing about the two of them together, once just as recent as five minutes ago when she stared up at the ceiling, hoping to calm herself down. And no, for the record, that hadn’t worked. Picturing two strong, handsome cowboys ripping one another’s clothes off in the process of getting closer had the opposite effect than what she was aiming for.
She had to suppress a strangled laugh because she couldn’t believe she was considering this. Kylie darted a glance over at Gage and found him staring back at the two of them, his mouth a thin, hard line.
“If you’re waiting for me to say please…” Gage’s words sounded restrained, like he wasn’t sure he should say anything, lest break the spell and they’d wake up to find that none of this had happened.
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