One large brute-who stank of bear-stood at my approach. “We are done talking for the day,” he told me in a gruff voice.

“I’m not here to talk,” I replied.

He smiled at me. “Ah, well why didn’t you say so, sweetheart. I’m always up to pleasing a lady.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, please, cub. Give it a break. The only thing that would please me would be you and your buddies getting your shit together and signing the agreement.”

He scowled at my rebuke. “We will sign the treaty when we can come to a consensus on a leader for all the clans.”

“So what are you waiting for?”

“The strongest, of course,” he said, flexing his impressive biceps.

“Let me get this straight. Whoever fights and wins gets to be in charge?” I questioned.

“More or less.”

“Perfect. I challenge you all.”

There were gasps and the behemoth in front of me chuckled. “But you are not a shifter.”

“Is that all it takes?” I replied sweetly. I shifted, my form melting and reforming into that of a large black kitty. I’d once ingested a whole big cat shifter pride who’d pissed me off by eating one of my servants. Apparently the assimilation of so many souls in quick succession gave me a power that most vamps didn’t have-and I wasn’t about to let them in on my secret. And I didn’t consider my answer to Rafe a lie-he’d asked if I turned into a bat. I couldn’t. He should have asked me about other animals.

I roared and swished my tail while the wide eyed alpha beheld me with a hanging jaw. I melted back into my human shape-complete with clothing, which I’ll admit I didn’t understand-and smiled. “Now that we’ve ascertained my eligibility, I repeat my challenge for leadership of all the clans in the coming war.”

“Never. I won’t follow a blood sucking bitch,” he snarled, no longer smiling.

“Pussy,” I taunted. “What’s wrong? Afraid a woman will beat all of you?” Growls erupted around me and I grinned wickedly.

The big guy in front of me gave me a fierce scowl. “There’s only one of you and a dozen alphas. You won’t win, so butt out. We will choose a leader for the clans in our own time.”

“I’m tired of waiting,” I growled. “None of you seem to grasp the fact that we are about to face an enemy of gigantic proportion. Fuck you all. I’m done being nice. Now we do things my way. All alphas not willing to bow to me as leader will meet me in the courtyard in ten minutes.”

“And if we don’t?” he crossed his arms over his wide chest.

“Then you are of no use to me, and I will have you all placed under arrest and thrown in the dungeon.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” His face flushed red with anger.

I stepped closer and met his glare. My tone emerged low, but I amplified it so all could hear my words. “I am the general of the queen’s army. I am also a really nasty bitch when pissed off, which would be right now. I would suggest you take my offer because I can guarantee one thing, I will follow through. If you’re not with me then you’re against me, and unlike some other cowards out there, I have no problem eliminating all of you to protect my back.”

Something about my words, tone or posture must have convinced him I spoke truth. That, or I was just more alpha than him. Shifters had a tendency to bow to those stronger than them, a trait I intended to cash in on.

“What are your terms?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“If I win, I control the tribes during this crisis.”

“And if you lose?” asked a male voice to my left.

I didn’t bother turning my head. I kept my eyes locked on the big guy. “If I lose?” I shrugged. “Not going to happen, but if it does, then tell you what, you can all pack up and go home to hide in your caves, or dens, or wherever you park your furry asses when you’re not acting like obstinate children.”

And with that temper firing comment, I pivoted on my heel. I could feel the burning stares boring into my back as I strutted out to await my challengers.

I hoped there were several as I had a lot of frustration to work out.

Why is it I’m the only one who grasps that we need to come together now and prepare for the coming invasion?

Speaking of preparing, I stripped off my coat and blouse, leaving on only my black sports bra and stretchy black jeans. I enjoyed the feel of the cool evening air as it brushed over my skin, its touch hardening my nipples. I kicked off my boots, my bare feet providing a better grip on the paving stones of the courtyard.

People filed out, mostly shifters judging by the smell, but I also sensed some of my brethren, too, come to watch their general wrangle the animals back in line.

I stretched and warmed up, not truly a necessary act, but it helped focus my thoughts-well, one thought-win. I didn’t bother listening to the whispers rising from the huddled alphas. They could strategize all they wanted. I didn’t intend to lose.

“Come on. I haven’t got all night,” I called out, impatient at the delay.

The herd dispersed to ring the open area I’d chosen for the fight, and the battle for power began. They threw the minor alphas at me first. I yawned as I batted away their feeble punches. I didn’t even grimace as they rained blows on me. Heck, I didn’t even waver. When I’d felt they’d had enough time to take me out-unsuccessfully-I dropped them with a single blow and placed my bare foot on their throat.

After the fourth borderline alpha, I laughed aloud. I could see their plan-tire the vampire so that when the big guns came at me, I’d lack the strength to take them out.


I took care of the first round with ease. The watching crowd stopped jeering and instead glared at me with angry stares. “Ready to concede yet?” I asked.

Growls and booing catcalls answered me. Thus did the next round of attacks start with a tougher bunch of alphas. They were wiser to me by now and circled me cautiously before darting in to attack. I took them down with well-aimed kicks and blows. Several even shapeshifted into their animal forms with no success. I beat them all.

A light sweat covered my body, and my blood pumped fluently from the exertion. Nothing like a good workout to feel better.

My frustration mostly abated-and now being worn as bruises by the losers-I smiled at the last alpha standing, the behemoth from inside.

“Okay, big boy. Get your ass over here for a beating so I can be declared champ.”

“Cocky bitch,” he snapped. “Just because you beat them out doesn’t mean you’ll be able to take me. The leader position is mine.”

“Then I guess you should have done something about it before I had to butt in. Too late now. I’m not putting up with any more shit. You said the last one standing gets to be leader. Well, that’s you or me big guy, so let’s see how your pretty muscle does against little ol’ me.”

The massive alpha’s posture screamed pissed-off and despite my threats, he stalked towards me, stripping as he came to show off impressive musculature. Unfortunately for him, though, he wasn’t a match for my strength-actually neither were my brethren, including my queen. The only beings that actually came close, and recently surpassed it, were the daemons.

I smiled at the approaching alpha and bared some teeth. I couldn’t resist taunting him some more. “So did you want me to let you make a good showing or just get this done?”

He didn’t reply, just gave an inarticulate cry of rage and charged at me, his body rippling into that of a grizzly bear-a huge one with massive freaking teeth. Such a predictable move.

I met his charge without changing shape. I tackled his immense furry body, my momentum tumbling us to the ground. My hands wrapped around his throat and squeezed. He thrashed, snarled and snapped his teeth at me. I snarled and gnashed my teeth right back. The furry body shifted into something with skin. The behemoth’s hands came up to pry my hands from his neck. He also used his weight to roll our position until I lay under him.

I smiled up at him. “I know you like to be on top, but…” I rolled us again so that I ended up straddling him. “I prefer to be the one in charge.”

I finally allowed him to feel my full strength, my hands pinning him helplessly. I prepared to mark him, something I hadn’t done with the others. But with this stubborn fellow, I needed more than just a victory. I needed his loyalty. Putting myself in charge of the clans was all well and good, but I needed someone they’d actually listen to who could relay my orders and ensure things were done my way.

The alpha’s eyes widened as he caught my intent. He struggled fiercely beneath me, his body bucking as he attempted to throw me off. I clamped my thighs tighter and leaned in for a bite.

He bellowed in rage as my teeth punctured the skin of his neck. His wasn’t the only one crying out. A furry body came flying out of nowhere only to get batted down by someone who’d entered the ring of our battle. Intent on taking some of the alpha’s nourishing rich blood-which most vamps wouldn’t eat because they said it tasted funny-I ignored whomever came to my unnecessary aid. Truthfully, a whole football team could have tried to tackle me and I would have still kept my grip on the bearshifter’s neck. No one came between me and my food.

The body under me softened, and when I felt the erection poking at me, I knew he was mine. I gave one last suck, then released him.

As I stood, a familiar scent drifted past my nose and my most recent attempt to cure my frustration was washed away in an instant. I ignored the urge to turn and look at him. I had more pressing business to attend to.

The shifters surrounding my makeshift battleground fell silent. Shock and disbelief shone in their faces.

“Is there anyone else who wishes to challenge me?” I gazed around, but nobody would meet my eyes. “Then I hereby declare myself leader of all the clans for the upcoming battle.” I could sense their misery at my words, their shame. I took a little pity on them. I’d gotten what I wanted, control of their clans. Now, I would give them back a bit of dignity. “Because of my many duties both now in preventing the incursions and the upcoming battle, I have decided to choose one among you to act as my lieutenant. You will obey his orders as if they came from my mouth or face my punishment. Rise Ursic.” My servile bond with the werebear gave me many things, including his name, and the fact he liked Chinese food.