“She bought me a wedding dress.”
“Isn’t that bad luck?” Jace tilted his head. “Just curious.”
“So you’re not really a pompous ass.”
He seemed to think about it, then said, “No, I don’t think so. But if you ask my ex she’d say that I am and more. I’m just trying to get through the wedding without having your grandmother kill me and bury my body. You know she bought a shock collar, right?”
Laughing, Char threw her arms around Jace’s neck. “I don’t know whether to thank you or slap you for kissing me.”
“Hey.” Jace pulled back and kissed her cheek. “My offer still stands. Your incredible, manipulating Grandmother aside, I would have wanted your number regardless.”
“Thank you.” Char kissed him briefly on the lips.
But apparently it wasn’t brief enough.
Because the next thing she knew, Jake was charging down the stairs, his eyes wild with anger.
Chapter Forty-six
All Jake saw was red.
Jace was holding her. His girl, his woman, his future—in Jace’s grimy politician hands! With a war cry that would have done any fan of Braveheart proud—Jake charged toward Jace and slammed him into the countertop.
His fist flew toward Jace’s face and landed a blow along his jaw, causing the other man’s head to snap back and hit the table.
In the back of his fuzzy mind he heard Char yelling for him to stop, but it was too late. Jace crumpled to the ground.
“Holy crap!” Char covered her face. “You just knocked out a state senator!”
“Well,” Jake cursed. “He was touching you!”
“Great!” Char began pacing. “Be sure to tell that to the judge when they ask you why you shouldn’t go to prison!” She swatted him across the stomach and swore.
“I’m sorry. I just… I panicked. I was protecting your honor!”
“Easy, Pot,” Char said. “You’re getting black on your kettle.”
Jake glared. “Very funny.”
“What are we going to do?” Char pointed at Jace’s body. “You didn’t kill him, did you?”
“I didn’t hit him that hard,” Jake muttered under his breath and then leaned over Jace. “He’s probably just knocked out for a bit.”
“Well, how long do we wait for him to wake up?” Char was still pacing, only now she was thrusting her wineglass into the air, alternating between drinking it and yelling.
“I don’t know. Put the wine down. You’re making me nervous.”
“I’m making you nervous?” Well, at least she stopped pacing. “What right do you have to come to my rescue anyway?”
Jake let out a heavy sigh. “I’ve always wanted to be the knight in shining armor.”
“Funny, I don’t remember the knight beating the crap out of some innocent guy.”
“Innocent, my ass!” Jake yelled. “He had his hands all over you!”
“So?” She crossed her arms. “Why do you care?”
“Damn it, Char!” In two strides she was in his arms; her mouth opened and the minute his tongue met hers, it was on fire.
He pushed her against the countertop and deepened the kiss. Her body was so responsive to his. They kissed just like they fought: all aggression, all passion, nothing slow and steady about it.
Unable to control himself anymore, he pulled down the straps of her sundress. Her skin was like soft velvet. Her hands twisted in his hair as he trailed his tongue along her lower lip, tasting and sucking the wine from her mouth. Goosebumps rose across her chest when his lips moved from hers down the front of her chest stopping just above her bra.
Jace groaned from the ground.
Jake ignored it.
The groan got louder.
Char dug her fingernails into Jake’s back.
God hated him.
Breaking away from her had to be one of the hardest things he’d ever done in his existence.
Jace was stirring on the floor.
“We should go.” Jake struggled to catch his breath when his eyes met Char’s. She had been thoroughly kissed, thoroughly ruined for a minute, by him, and he loved knowing that he was the man who’d put that look on her face. Her expression was one of lust, desire, want, and it was all because of him.
Jace groaned again.
“We’re fleeing the scene, aren’t we?” Char grabbed Jake’s hand as they returned to the main level.
“If anyone asks, we saw him trip.”
“Into your fist?” Char asked. “Really? That’s the lie we’re going to go with?”
“Sorry that my brain isn’t exactly on the right track right now. We’re lucky I can even walk and talk at the same time without throwing you against the stairs and lifting your skirt.”
“You can, you know.”
Jake froze. “Can?”
“Lift my skirt.”
“You’re punishing me, aren’t you.”
Char grinned as she whispered into his ear. “I purchased some lingerie from the party. Be thinking about that during dinner.”
“Great.” Jake swore. “So Grandma’s going to assume, what? Flowers turn me on? I have the hots for oysters? Damn uncomfortable, if you ask me. Let’s just skip dinner.” Once they reached the top of the stairs, he pushed her against the nearest wall, trapping her with his body. “Just one more kiss.”
“It’s never just one kiss with you, Jake.”
He couldn’t help the giant grin that spread across his face. “Good. Because I want them to be never ending.” He kissed her nose. “I have this need to prove to you that it won’t be just one kiss.” His lips grazed hers. “Because it’s going to be the first of a hundred thousand kisses.” He rubbed his lips against the base of her throat. “It’s going to be the first of the last kisses you ever receive.” His tongue swirled around her collarbone as he made his way back up the other side of her neck. “I want to ruin you for anyone else’s kisses. I want to brand you as mine. I want to hear you say my name, not because you’re irritated, but because you’re so damn turned on you can’t think straight. I want to do that to you. I want to make you mine.”
“Yours?” Her eyes welled with tears.
“I’m a very possessive man if you can’t tell. I’m done walking away.”
“Can you promise me that?”
Jake cupped her face with his hands. “Forever. That’s my offer.”
“So this is a business arrangement?” She gave him a teasing smile.
“Absolutely.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead. “I’ll of course make you sign this insane gag order drawn up by lawyers who have nothing better to do than to protect me. You’ll have to sign on the dotted line—you know, the usual—that you’ll be my love slave at all hours of the day and night. Then I’ll punish you when you try to leave me.”
“Nice. If you were still a CEO I could call you Christian Grey.”
“Jake Titus!” Grandma’s shout could have awakened the dead. “Where are you! I need to speak with you!”
“Do we run?” Char asked.
“Grandma sees all. It’s like hiding from God.”
With a sigh, they broke apart. Jake lifted her hand to his lips. “We can talk later.”
“About the whole forever thing?” Her eyes looked hopeful, which made his heart basically jump in his chest.
“Yeah, about this forever thing.”
“There you are!” Grandma panted. “I looked everywhere for you two! It’s time for the toast! Wait. Where’s Jace?”
“Sleeping,” a voice said behind them. “I decided to take a nap.”
“In the wine cellar?” Grandma crossed her arms. “Oh dear! What in the blue blazes happened to your eye?”
“Squirrel.” Jace’s gaze narrowed in on Jake. “Seems it found its nuts after all and attacked me, damn thing.”
“Oh.” Grandma nodded. “Right. Well, I’m sure his nuts aren’t near as impressive as he’d like us to believe.”
“Oh, but they are.” Char piped up.
Jake gave her a wicked grin.
Jace covered his smile and looked sternly at Grandma. “If you’re ready, we should probably go back to dinner.”
“Okay.” She took his arm and led him away from Jake and Char.
“Thanks.” Jake grabbed her hand. “For defending my manhood.”
“Ah, it’s taken a pretty big hit lately. Thought I’d help you out.”
With a smug grin Jake tugged her into his body and whispered, “I think it’s going to be more like me helping you out later.”
“We’ll see.” Her eyes met his for a brief moment before she blinked and looked away.
Chapter Forty-seven
Kacey couldn’t help but notice Jace’s black eye as he made his way back to the main table. Char and Jake followed close behind, both of their heads touching. Char laughed. Jake touched her arm.
Oh no.
Kacey’s eyes narrowed as she sent a seething glare toward Grandma, who was at that moment trying to pat herself on the back.
“She’s winning.” Kacey jabbed Travis in the ribs.
“Believe me.” He banged his head loudly against the table. “I know.”
“Oh stop. You have twenty-four hours left.”
“It’s been the longest two weeks of my life.” Travis sighed. “What’s another twenty-four hours?” He put his arm around Kacey, then tensed.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“He kissed her.”
“That sly son of a bitch.” Travis grinned. “Look at him.”
Kacey looked where Travis was pointing. Jake was smiling at his plate and twirling his wine glass with his fingers. Every few seconds his eyes would meet Char’s and they’d share a private smile.
“Bloody hell,” Travis muttered.
“Still doesn’t work. You aren’t British,” Kacey sighed.
Grandma stood and lifted her glass. “The best man had a few words he wanted to say to the bride and groom. Jake?”
Jake licked his lips and stood, holding his glass out in front of him. “I kissed you first.”
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