The hostility which the Major’s style in the saddle had done something to diminish flamed up again; and when he expressed a desire to be instructed in the extent and management of the estates, he was seen as an encroaching mushroom, a burr, and ah irreclaimable commoner, and was informed that his cousin Anthea would tell him as much as it was needful for him to know. My lord added that if he thought he would be allowed to put a finger in a pie not yet his own, he would soon learn his mistake.

It had not been Anthea’s intention to gratify her grand-sire by devoting any appreciable part of her time to the entertainment or the education of Major Darracott. She had not disliked her one expedition in his company: indeed, she had enjoyed it, for she had discovered him to be likeable and amusing. But she had detected in him a certain audacity which set her on her guard, and made her determined to keep him (in a perfectly friendly way) at arm’s length. Had he tried to advance himself in her good graces, or to coax her to ride with him, she would have hardened her heart, and abandoned him to Claud; but the Major committed neither of these imprudences. When Mrs. Darracott, her earlier scruples forgotten, suggested that Anthea should take him to see some view, or picturesque village, he said that he did not wish to be a nuisance to his cousin, who must not feel it to be her duty to entertain him when, no doubt, she had many more important tasks on hand.

Unlike her mother, who thought the Major’s meekness very touching, Anthea regarded him with a good deal of suspicion. She could detect nothing but humble deference in his smile, but she was finding it increasingly difficult to believe that he was either meek or biddable. His countenance was certainly good-humoured, and his blue eyes guileless, but about his firm-lipped mouth and decided chin there was not a trace of weakness or of humility; and although he was unassertive, making no attempt to force his way into the family circle, or to take an uninvited part in any conversation, this modesty carried with it very little suggestion of bashfulness. It had more than once occurred to Anthea that he had a good deal of quiet assurance. He could scarcely be unaware of the hostility with which he was regarded by at least three members of the household; a shy man, she thought, must have been flustered by the knowledge that his every word and movement came under critical survey; but she had yet to see him betray any sign of nervousness. It was significant, too, that the servants, usually quick to take their tone from their betters, treated him with respect, and served him with every appearance of willingness. It might have been expected that he should have the habit of command, but Anthea could not discover that he did command: he merely requested.

“The servants all like him,” Mrs. Darracott told her. “Mrs. Flitwick was saying so to me only this morning, and I am not at all surprised, for I am sure everyone must like him—except, of course, your grandfather and Vincent, which doesn’t signify, because they never like anyone! He is the kindest creature!”

“I can see that you like him, at all events, Mama!”

“Yes, my love, I do like him. I should be a positive monster if I didn’t, for I don’t think I ever met anyone so considerate. Only think of his mending the casement in my bedchamber, just because I told him how disobliging and cross old Rudge is, saying he will do it when he has time to spare, and never making the least push to do anything except what Glossop, or your grandfather, orders him to do!”

“If he borrowed Rudge’s tools, there is one servant who doesn’t like him!”

“Nothing of the sort!” said Mrs. Darracott. “I own, I was very much afraid Rudge would take a pet, but—would you believe it, love?—he came up to my room while Hugo was at work on the window, and actually apologized to me! He wanted to finish the job, but Hugo wouldn’t have it, so, to my amazement, he stayed to help Hugo, telling him all the time what he ought to do, and shaking his head over it, but not in the least disagreeably! And he asked me if there was anything else that needed attention, so I mentioned the loose board in your room, and he has promised he will nail it down this very afternoon! Say what you will, Anthea, he never would have done so for me: he didn’t want Hugo to think he was disobliging, which, of course, he is!”She looked a little anxiously at her daughter, and ventured to say: “I wish you will take pity on him, my dear! Poor boy, he must feel quite wretched, with your grandfather treating him so unkindly, and Matthew very little better, while as for Vincent—Well, I only hope he comes by his deserts!”

So Anthea took pity on her cousin. He did not look at all wretched, although he admitted that he was in disgrace with his grandfather, and, to some extent, he thought, with his uncle.

“Yes, we heard all about it,” she said. “You put my uncle in a fix, you know, for while, on the one hand, he did not wish to vex Grandpapa, on the other, he felt himself to be obliged, as a member of the Government, to condemn the free-traders. My aunt, however, considers that you feel just as you ought, and honours you for it!”

“Now, if you’re going to roast me—!”

“Nothing of the sort! She says you are pretty-behaved, and don’t want for sense. High praise, I assure you!”

“She frightens me to death,” he confided.

She turned her head, and surveyed him thoughtfully. “Will you think me very uncivil if I say that I don’t believe you, cousin?”

“Ay, I shall and-all!” he replied promptly.

Her eyes laughed, but she said: “Then I will merely say that you are what Richmond calls a complete hand. Does Vincent frighten you too?”

“He has me all of a twitter.”

“I shouldn’t wonder at it if he thinks so!” she said, with some tartness. “I wish you will stop shamming it, and tell me how much longer you mean to endure his insolence!”

“Nay, it doesn’t worry me,” he said, smiling.

“It should! It puts me in such a rage when he cuts at you, and you do nothing to stop him!”

“Now, why?”

“Because he would be all the better for a sharp set-down!”

“Happen he’ll get one, but it won’t be from me.”

She rode on in silence for a few moments, but presently said: “It—it is so spiritless of you!”

“I know it is,” he said, with a mournful shake of his head. “Downright malten-hearted, that’s me!”

“Yes, but I don’t think you are! Well, how could you be? You are a soldier!”

“Ay, and a terrible time I had of it, keeping in the rear,” he said falling into reminiscent vein. “When I wasn’t being a Belem-ranger—that’s what we—they!—used to call the fellows who were always going off to hospital in Lisbon, you know—”

“No doubt that’s how you became a Major!” she interrupted.

“No, you’re out there: I had my majority by purchase, of course. Mind you, if it hadn’t been for the losses we suffered at Waterloo—”

“If you mean to continue in this style,” she exclaimed, reining in her mare, “I shall go home immediately!”

“I was being modest,” he explained. “It wouldn’t become me to tell you what a devil of a fellow I was. However, since I see you’ve guessed it, I’ll own that Hector was nothing to me. You’d have thought I was one of the Death or Glory boys!”

“Well, what I think now is that you are the most shameless prevaricator I ever encountered!” retorted Anthea.

“Eh, there’s no pleasing you!” he said, heaving a despondent sigh. “Now, I’ve perjured myself to no purpose at all!”

“You are perfectly ridiculous!” she told him, choking on a laugh. “It would please me—though what you do is quite your own affair, and no concern of mine!—to see Vincent taken at fault for once in his life!”

He rubbed his nose meditatively. “Ay, I can see it would, and that’s where the water sticks, lass! Now, just you tell me what you’d have me do!”

“Good heavens, make it plain to him you’ll stand no more of it!”

“And how will I do that?”

“You have a tongue in your head! If I were in your shoes, I’d give as good as I got!”

He smiled. “I don’t doubt you would. But, setting aside I’ve no taste for fratching, if that didn’t answer I’d be in a bit of a hobble, wouldn’t I?” She looked frowningly at him, and his smile broadened. “Ay, I know what’s in your head. I’d look champion, coming to with a man two or three stone lighter than I am, and a good three inches shorter!”

“I hadn’t thought of that,” she admitted. “What a dead bore it must be to you, being so very large!”

“Ay, it’s a reet handicap,” he agreed gravely. “If I’d been a reasonable size I could have kicked up all sorts of riot and rumpus. I daresay I’d have been a prime favourite with everyone by this time.”

She laughed. “Well, I must own I, at least, shouldn’t blame you if you knocked Vincent down! I see, of course, that you won’t do it—unless, perhaps, he hit you first? I believe he is a very good boxer.”

He grinned at the hopeful note in her voice. “Nay, why should he? If you’re thinking I might provoke him to it, I’m sorry to disoblige you, but my name’s Darracott—not Captain Hackum!”

“No, no, of course I wouldn’t wish you to do that! In fact, I trust you won’t, because there’s no saying, with Vincent—Well, never mind! Let us go on, shall we?”

“Where are you taking me?” he asked, trotting beside her down the narrow lane.

“Into Sussex. We extend for some way across the county border. I’ll make you known to one or two of Grandpapa’s tenants. You may depend upon it they are all agog to see you! They won’t show it, however, so don’t be dismayed if they seem unfriendly. Sussex people are suspicious of foreigners! Your father was well liked, though: that will stand you in good stead! My uncle Granville was not, and nor is Grandpapa—for reasons that will become apparent to you if they are not so already,”