Vilia enclosed his head in her hands and smiled to herself. Jonah was hers and no one, not even his mother, was going to take him from her. While the magnates who owned the Pleasure Houses had chosen Farah to succeed Lady Gillian, the new headmistress was not particularly well liked. It would not be difficult to arrange an accident. She stretched her body, squirming out of her night garment, further arousing Jonah. She teased him with kisses, licks and wicked touches until he was almost whimpering with his need to be inside her and then she spread herself wide for him, crying out as he entered her lush body. “Be gentle, my love,” she purred in his ear. “Remember the child.” Her nails raked lightly down his narrow back as he pistoned her. Yes, Jonah was hers to command. Pulling his head to her, Vilia kissed him passionately.
When the headmistress of the Pleasure Guild learned that her son’s wife was with child she shrieked with her outrage and frustration. “The bitch has done it deliberately!”
“Do not refer to my wife as a bitch,” Jonah said softly. “You should be happy for me. I will have an heir at last.”
“If it is indeed your child,” Lady Farah snapped.
“What can you possibly mean, madam?” he asked in a low, dangerous voice.
“She cuckolded Gaius Prospero with you while she was his wife. Who is to say she has not taken another lover now that she is your wife?”
“Anything is possible, but I am no fool. From the day Vilia became my wife she has been followed wherever she went. There is no one else. The child is mine,” he told his mother. “The love slave I bought her is not fertile. I am not a fool.”
“Unless, of course, when she goes to Gillian’s her lover is awaiting her,” Lady Farah murmured. “She was never before particular friends with my predecessor. But suddenly they are as thick as thieves. I find that most curious.”
“I imagine that you would,” he said, amused. “However I know why she meets with Gillian and it has nothing to do with a lover, madam. I do believe that Vilia is correct when she says that your renewed interest in me is because of my power.”
Lady Farah hissed her annoyance. She was not pleased to learn that her daughter-in-law was far cleverer than she had previously thought. “You should have a second, younger wife,” she finally said. “There is no guarantee that Vilia will be able to carry this child to term. She is, after all, in her late thirties. And what if it is not a son? She only gave Gaius Prospero one living son, but several daughters.”
“She has promised me a son,” he said implacably, “and I do not need a second wife. One wife is more than enough for me.”
“I am so glad that Vilia has the gift of sight and can guarantee you a son,” Lady Farah said sarcastically. “When did she gain this gift?”
“If she says it will be a son, then it will be a son. It is not like Vilia to disappointment me,” Jonah told his mother. But truth be known, he, too, had wondered at his wife’s conviction that the child she carried was a son. How did she know? And what if the child was indeed a female?
But Vilia insisted the child in her belly was a son. And, she told her husband, his name would be Egon. “It means formidable,” she said.
“But if you should birth a daughter-”
“I will not,” Vilia told him. There was no female in her belly. She knew. Oh yes, she knew. Just before she had realized that she was with child she had found herself upon the Dream Plain one night as she slept. She had heard a voice calling her name and then she had come face-to-face with a tall and slender man with dark eyes, and black hair. He was the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes upon.
“I have been waiting for you, Cousin,” he told her.
“I do not know you,” Vilia said. “You are not my cousin.”
“Are you Vilia, the descendant of Ulla?” the man asked her.
“I am the twelfth generation from Ulla, aye,” Vilia answered him. “Who are you?” He really was lovely and there was something both intriguing and frightening about him, as well, yet she found herself fascinated by him.
“I am Kol, the twelfth generation descendant from Jorunn. Both of our ancestresses were impregnated by the great sorcerer, Usi. Before he was foully slain, Usi sent his concubines away so none would know of the seeds he had planted in their bellies. Ulla went to Hetar with her father. Jorunn was sent to Usi’s brother, the lord of the Dark Lands. So as you can see we are related by blood, my beautiful cousin.”
“Why did you attempt to invade Hetar?” she asked him.
“Because I wanted your lands,” he told her with a charming smile. “And as your emperor was a weak fool, I thought to take advantage of him. If Terah had not aided you Hetar would now belong to me. I still want it but I shall gain it in another way,” Kol told her. He reached out and drew her into his arms. His hand caressed her face. “You are a beautiful woman, Cousin,” he told her, “and I would take pleasures with you.”
Suddenly there was a wide black silken couch with a single broad rolled arm before her, and her night garments seemed to have dissolved, leaving her naked. Kol was naked, too, and Vilia’s eyes widened as she viewed his massive organ. She gasped. He had two manhoods! A prominent long and thick one and a thin silvery one with a pointed tip much like an arrow. She had never seen anything like it and she was fascinated in spite of herself. But it was nothing more than a dream, she reasoned, and you could do whatever you wanted in a dream. And she wanted to take pleasures with this man who called himself her cousin.
And yet she demurred. “I do not know,” she told him.
“It is but a dream, Cousin,” he murmured in her ear, one arm slipping about her waist while his other hand began to play with one of her breasts.
Vilia felt as if every ounce of resistance had drained from her body. She didn’t want to repel this man. She wanted to lay with him and make love. She would never in her reality be unfaithful to Jonah for she loved him. But this was naught but a dream. Oddly, she already felt wet and her love bud was throbbing with its need. She moaned as he dipped his dark head and began to suckle upon the breast he had been toying with but seconds before. “Aye, I want to take pleasures with you,” she whispered as he lay her on her back and straddled her as she spread herself wide for him. Her breath was coming in short hard bursts. She wanted him! “Hurry!” she begged him.
Kol laughed, and without another word drove himself deep into her eager body with his dominant rod while his lesser rod pushed between her buttock cheeks and buried itself in her fundament.
Vilia attempted to shriek with her surprise but Kol put his hand firmly over her mouth and shook his head at her.
“Nay, Cousin, you must take both. Cease being afraid and realize that you like it,” he whispered. “Note the lesser rod will remain still while I am able to thrust myself back and forth within your delicious hot sheath.” He pumped her vigorously until Vilia was weak with exhaustion.
She had reached her pleasure point several times now but he seemed not to be satisfied. She could feel both of his rods quite distinctly. They were swollen and throbbing within her lusty ripe body. Her lips felt raw with the kisses he was pressing upon her, yet she still wanted more of him. Vilia wrapped her legs about the man riding her and felt him slip even deeper into her body. “Yes!” she hissed at him, and Kol smiled down at her as he worked her harder and her nails raked his back ferociously.
She is a juicy piece of lust, he thought, as he used her lush body to satisfy himself. Penned within his castle he had been unable to visit his women except upon the Dream Plain, but none had satisfied him. Until now. The carnal creature now gasping and moaning beneath his attentions pleased him well. She was newly with child by her husband, but his juices when he released them would bathe the tiny creature growing inside her with his essence. It would be almost as if he had created the child himself. And he planned for that child to one day accomplish what he had been unable to do. Conquer! His sons, he knew, would spend more time fighting each other than spreading darkness across the face of the land. But this child his cousin carried would be a perfect combination of both Vilia and Jonah-a man after his own heart, Kol thought. Perhaps one day he would visit him upon the Dream Plain.
The woman under him was about to faint away. “You are going to have a son, Vilia,” he whispered in her ear. “Trust me, my cousin, that you will bear Jonah a son. You will name him Egon for it means formidable and he will be a great conqueror.” Then Kol let his lust burst forth and Vilia swooned with the power she felt filling her.
When she awakened she was in her bed, amid a tangle of bedclothes. It was almost dawn and Jonah, as was his custom, was already in his library with his secretary, Lionel. Vilia reached down and touched herself between her legs. She was wet, sticky and naked. She knew she had gone to sleep in a light night garment, but even after she had gotten up and looked around her chamber, she could find no trace of it. Her lips felt raw, as if they had been kissed over and over again. Her nipples were tingling and sore as if they had been sucked and sucked upon. Of course it had been a dream. A terribly real dream, but a dream nonetheless. And yet it had seemed so real…
When word finally reached Terah that the Lord High Ruler’s wife was expecting a child, Lara was not pleased. “I had hoped that if Jonah remained childless Hetar would continue to flounder. This child, especially if it is a son, will be a rallying point.”
“They are an ocean away from us, my lady,” Magnus Hauk reminded his wife. “Hetar does not exist for us any longer.”
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