“While you attempted to invade a peaceful land, a land that has done you no harm, the Twilight Lord has sought to spread his evil and his darkness into Hetar. The Midlands have been ravaged,” she concluded.
“We must return you quickly to Hetar,” Lord Jonah said. “I bring the emperor’s written command. We will join with the forces of Terah to defeat the Twilight Lord.”
“Let me see the document,” the head commander of the Crusader Knights said. When Jonah handed it to him he scanned it carefully.
“It could be a forgery,” an under-commander suggested.
“Nay, it is Gaius Prospero’s signature,” the head commander replied. “I have seen it often enough to know his scrawl.” He turned back to Jonah. “Just what are we facing?” he asked the emperor’s right hand.
To their surprise, Lord Jonah deferred to Lara.
“The Twilight Lord has three groups of allies. We have already convinced the giants who have been serving him to eschew his rule. They will not turn against Hetar. The fiercest of Kol’s warriors are those he has sent to Hetar-the Wolfyn.”
“Wolfyn are naught but a myth to frighten children,” a Crusader Knight said.
“Wolfyn are very real,” Lara told them. “They are creatures with the heads of wolves and the bodies of men. They are savages who kill for the pure joy of it and who enjoy violating mortal women for no other reason than just to hear them scream with terror as they force them to yield pleasures. There is no kindness or pity in them. Kol sends these minions of his darkness to take The City, the heart of Hetar. Take The City and the rest will fall or be taken as the Midlands have been taken. And then Kol will turn his eyes to Terah.
“The emperor realizes that we must stop the Twilight Lord now before he takes The City, before Hetar is lost to Kol. To do that, all of us must band together. Hetar, Terah and the magic kingdoms,” Lara explained. “The Shadow Princes will transport you along with Terahn forces to a position just behind the Wolfyn. They will bring a small number of Terahns into The City to join with those remaining Crusader Knights and Mercenaries who remained in order to protect The City. When all is in readiness, we will have the enemy caught in a pincer movement and together we will crush them.”
“And the emperor is truly in accordance with this?” the head commander asked. “For once he appears to show some foresight.”
“You know well what he is like,” Jonah quickly put in, seeing an opportunity for himself, “but I worked hard to convince him that this was the wisest course.”
“To treat with our enemy?” a voice among the Crusader Knights called out.
“We have only recently come into new information,” Jonah said smoothly, “that convinces us that the Terahn threat was nonexistent.”
“What a pity you did not have that information before you lost your men and your ships,” King Archeron murmured dryly.
“The Terahns are not our enemies,” Lord Jonah continued. “They are, it would seem, our friends, as their offer to help ward off the Twilight Lord has proven, my lords.”
Lara almost burst into laughter at this and struggled to maintain a serious face.
“And what will Terah’s help cost us, Lord Jonah?” the head commander asked. “How high a price must Hetar pay to escape the clutches of this Twilight Lord?”
“We seek nothing from Hetar except that you keep to your own borders,” Lara told them all. “Terah has avoided Hetar for centuries. We would continue that policy, my lords. There is nothing that we want or desire from you.”
They looked at her, astounded. Hetar was the pinnacle of the known world. There was no place like it. Yet Terah wanted naught from them? How could that be? The faerie woman had to be lying. But before they might explore this further, Lord Jonah spoke.
“My lords, we have little time to debate this issue. The emperor has given you his orders. You must obey them or be held accountable for treason. In wartime especially, such a thing cannot be tolerated.” He looked to Lara.
She was impressed in spite of herself. Jonah was obviously not a man to dither over a decision. “I will return to Terah,” she told them, “and then the Shadow Princes will come to you. Have your men ready immediately for transport, my lords. I will see you in the Midlands shortly.” And then she was gone in a puff of her signature mauve smoke.
“I do not like this,” the head commander said. “Have you actually seen these creatures, my lord? Or is this all faerie smoke to frighten us?”
“I have seen them. Squire Darah has seen them. He was so terrified he fled to The City, leaving behind his latest young wife to the tender mercies of the Wolfyn,” Jonah told them with a sneer.
“Coward!” a voice among the Crusader Knights called out.
“The threat is real and not something imagined by Gaius Prospero?” the head commander persisted.
“The threat is horribly real. The emperor hides in his palace with the empress, drinking Razi and dreaming his dreams, my lords,” Jonah told them. “When the Domina of Terah came to us and offered her husband’s aid, I was suspicious, but then I saw the Wolfyn with my own eyes and I heard Squire Darah’s terrified tale. The danger is real, my lords, and without the Terahns we should be at a terrible disadvantage.”
“Why should we trust the magic kingdoms?” a Crusader Knight asked. “That storm that destroyed all the fleet but for one ship was nothing natural nor was the fog that preceded it. John Swiftsword can tell you. He was on the single ship that survived.”
Lord Jonah looked to Lara’s father. “Tell me,” he said shortly.
“We were not far from the shore when this thick mist began to form. We spent days lost in it, never knowing where we were. Three of us managed to escape it, and at first we were not certain if it was the coast of the province, or if we had reached Terah. Finally, we realized it was our own shores in the distance. The other two vessels returned into the fog to tell them what we had found. And shortly thereafter, the storm began. But it raged only within the mist, my lord Jonah. While the sea around our ship was rough, the skies above were clear and sunny. And when the storm finally ceased and the fog bank was lifted we saw the destruction of our fleet and the dead floating in the waters of the Sagitta. It was no ordinary storm. It could only have been created by the magic kingdoms. Now these creatures offer to help us?”
“Would your daughter lie, John Swiftsword?” he was asked.
“The daughter I raised was a truthful girl, but this woman she had grown into is more her mother’s child now than mine. Faeries can be deceitful,” he said.
“There is no deceit about the danger we all face,” Lord Jonah told them.
“And perhaps the magic kingdoms did not approve of your attempt to attack Terah,” King Archeron said quietly. “Terah has always been peaceful.”
“They are so undoubtedly to hide their great riches,” a Crusader Knight said.
“I have been to Terah,” Jonah told them. “I saw nothing but a vast green land.”
“But the beautiful and costly goods they send us-” another Knight said.
“Produced in their own villages by their own hands,” Jonah told them. “There are no large manufactories, my lords. It is all craft work.”
“And you have seen this?” a Crusader Knight asked.
“Although I was kept to the castle of the Dominus most of my time in Terah, I was permitted several visits to the various fjords where the Terahn villages are located and the craftsmen and women live,” Jonah said.
“What of their city?” came the query.
“There are no cities of any size. Not even a small one. Terah is ruled by the Dominus from his castle.”
“It sounds quite primitive,” someone said.
“Indeed, I consider it so,” Jonah replied.
“Then how could such a primeval folk be considered a danger to Hetar?” a Knight Crusader commander demanded to know.
“We were told that the faerie woman who is its Domina had gained greater powers. You all know of her antipathy toward our emperor. It was believed that she was planning a new revenge upon Gaius Prospero that involved harming Hetar and The City itself. Rumors abounded, brief whispers heard in the main market square of The City by our spies. The emperor grew paranoid and became convinced that Terah presented a grave danger to Hetar. Nothing any of us said-myself, the young empress, my own wife, the lady Vilia-could dissuade him,” Jonah told them. “A reasonable man would see that Terah in all its centuries of trading secretly with the Coastal Kings wanted nothing to do with Hetar. Why would they suddenly decide to attack us? As for the faerie woman, while she may not like Gaius Prospero she is Hetarian-born and has never shown any animosity toward her native land that I know of.” He turned again to John Swiftsword. “You would know better than any, Swiftsword. Does your daughter have an enmity toward Hetar? I have never seen that she does.”
“Nay,” John Swiftsword replied. “Lara does not dislike Hetar. While her faerie destiny called her elsewhere, I have never known her to show disloyalty.”
“Yet she speaks of Terah as her home,” the Crusader Knight standing next to Swiftsword said suspiciously.
“She is wife to Terah’s ruler,” Jonah answered for Swiftsword. “Like any well-born and mannerly Hetarian woman, she has cleaved to her husband’s house.”
“Have you not talked enough?” King Archeron demanded. He knew the Hetarians’ propensity for debating an issue until it was ragged. “Terah and the Shadow Princes have agreed to help Hetar. Gather your forces for transport, Knight Commanders. Day will soon be breaking in the Midlands and you must have your people in place before the first light. Surprise will be your greatest advantage.”
There was agreement around the high board, and as the Knight Commanders moved from the great table to gather their troops into the proper formations, a bevy of Shadow Princes appeared from the darkness in the back of the great hall of King Archeron. Their garments almost blinding in their whiteness, each of the princes attached themselves to a Knight Commander and soon the hall began to empty. Eventually only the Coastal King and Lord Jonah remained. It was then a prince came to the emperor’s right hand and with a bow to King Archeron, transported Lord Jonah back to The City.
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