Catching his breath, his back to the window, he paused, taking in the charred rafters and smoldering walls. They’d smothered the flames just in time, before they could take hold in the roof and spread.

A woman’s scream, faint but distinct, abruptly cut off, wafted past the window, carried on an updraft from far below. For one fleeting instant, it sliced through the stamping and thumping, the oaths, the noisy chaos as footmen and gardeners used sacking to beat out the last flames.

Gerrard’s senses pricked. He swung back to the window. He’d rushed to the attics, leaving Barnaby to see to his bedroom; he knew more about the dangers of paint-spattered wood and cloths, and the other deathtraps that lurked in artists’ studios.

Dense smoke billowed out of his bedroom below, but it was thinning; the crackle of flames had subsided.

They’d saved the house.

It must have been a maid who’d screamed, but why now? Why from outside?

The premonition of wrongness intensified. He hesitated, staring unseeing down at the gardens, then he swore. “Wilcox!”

The head gardener looked up from where he was beating out glowing embers. “Yes, sir?”

“Round up your men and get down to the terrace. Something’s happening down there.”

Leaving the footmen to finish damping down the attics, Gerrard flung through the door and pelted down the stairs.

Behind, he heard Wilcox rallying his men. “C’mon, you lot-downstairs. Look sharpish!”

Gerrard hit the corridor and ran. His chest felt tight-from smoke, and nascent fear. He raced to his room, barreled through the open door, spared barely a glance for the charred mess, not as bad as in the nursery. Leaping over debris, he saw Barnaby and pointed to the balcony. The telescope stood where he’d left it, safe and untouched on its tripod in the corner; he grabbed it, swung it up and pushed past the milling figures onto the balcony.

“What?” Barnaby asked, reaching his side.

“Some woman screamed-from the gardens, I think.” Working frantically, Gerrard set up the tripod, then readjusted the telescope and focused. “Send someone to check if Jacqueline’s in the drawing room.”

He felt Barnaby’s start, but his friend didn’t question him. A footman was dispatched, urgency stressed.

Gerrard swept the gardens. Even from this vantage point, not all the areas were visible; he scanned in arcs, hoping to pick up some movement-

“There!” He looked up, checked the direction, then looked through the telescope again. “There’s someone rushing through Poseidon, heading into Apollo. Three people…” He refocused. “Jordan, Eleanor-and Jacqueline.” He swore. “They’re holding her between them.”

He tensed to straighten; Barnaby’s hand clapped down on his shoulder.

“No. Keep them in your sights-keep tracking them.”

He did. “They’re in Apollo now, hurrying further away. Where the devil are they taking her?”

Matthew Brisenden appeared beside him, gripping the rail, staring out.

Sir Vincent joined them. “Did I hear aright? The young Frithams are running off with Jacqueline?”

Gerrard nodded. “They’re headed down the gardens-God knows why.”

“They’re kidnapping her!” Gripping the railing, Matthew turned his way. “They have to get to the stone viewing platform before they can take the path up through Diana, over the ridge to the manor.”

Gerrard swore. “He’s right. That’s how they get back and forth without using the front door.”

“Not this time.” Barnaby leaned over the balustrade and called to Wilcox, now on the terrace with a bevy of gardeners. In a few short phrases, he explained; Wilcox and his men turned as one, and raced along the terrace, then poured down into the gardens, taking the most direct route through Athena into the garden of Diana to block the route to the manor.

“They’ll see,” Matthew said, “and go the other way. If they can reach the stables-”

“Or even the other cove,” Sir Vincent put in. “There’s a rowboat there.”

Matthew was already turning. “I saw Richards below. I’ll find him and get his men out on the paths along the northern ridge, so they won’t be able to go that way, either.”

“I’ll help.” Sir Vincent followed Matthew out.

Gerrard kept the telescope trained on the trio hurrying through the gardens. They were still in Apollo, crossing the bridge over the stream. Jacqueline was gagged; from the way Jordan and Eleanor were holding her between them, her hands were bound, too.

Behind him, he heard movement; Lord Fritham, Sir Harvey Entwhistle and Mr. Hancock appeared. They’d been assisting in putting out the flames. One glance at Lord Fritham’s stunned expression told Gerrard he’d heard the latest developments.

So had the others. “Come on, old chap.” Grim-faced, Sir Harvey dropped a hand on Lord Fritham’s shoulder. “We’d best get down there and find out what that whelp of yours thinks he’s about.”

Lord Fritham nodded; he looked numb. The three older men turned and went out.

Barnaby returned to Gerrard’s side. “Where are they now?”

“In Apollo, still some way from the second viewing stage.” He paused, then added, “Jacqueline keeps stumbling. She’s slowing them down.” His voice flattened, grew quieter. “Jordan just hit her.” A moment later, he went on, “That hasn’t helped-she’s slumped on the ground and refusing to get up.”

Barnaby gripped his shoulder harder. “Stay with it a bit longer. We need to see where they go once they reach the viewing platform.”

Gerrard slammed a door on his rising emotions, far beyond anger or simple protectiveness. Rage, fury, cold, deep and potent; Jacqueline was his, his to protect, but he could see the sense in Barnaby’s tack. Gritting his teeth, he kept the telescope trained; in his head, he warned Jacqueline to take care, urged her to be careful. Cursed Jordan Fritham to hell and beyond.

Simultaneously prayed.

The older gentlemen came out on the terrace. Lord Tregonning was with them. They called up to Barnaby for directions, then headed off as fast as they could into the gardens.

Wide, long, densely planted, the gardens weren’t designed for rushing through, for easy traversing. Quite the opposite. The action unfolded slowly; Gerrard took his eye briefly from Jacqueline to confirm that the gardeners had reached the higher reaches of the Garden of Diana-there’d be no escape for the Frithams that way. The stablemen, Matthew and Sir Vincent weren’t as far advanced on the northern ridge, but they’d be in place before the Frithams could divert in that direction.

He swung the telescope back to Jacqueline-and watched Jordan and Eleanor hustle her toward the stone viewing platform at the end of the Garden of Apollo.

Jacqueline all but sobbed with relief when Jordan reached up and yanked his kerchief from her mouth.

“There!” His eyes were flat, hard and cold. “We’re too far from the house. You can scream all you like-there’s no one to hear.” He glanced back at the house; a mocking smile curved his lips. “They’re all too busy putting out the flames, and no doubt bemoaning the loss of that bloody portrait.” His fingers tightened about her arm. “Now come on!”

He hauled her on. She dragged and stumbled as much as she dared, but she wouldn’t put it past Jordan to knock her unconscious and carry her-it would be faster; she didn’t want to provoke him to the point he realized that.

Eleanor, pale, tight-lipped, had hold of her other arm; she, too, pulled her on. They were both taller and stronger than she; together, they could almost lift her from her feet.

She knew the portrait was safe; it hadn’t been in either Gerrard’s room or the makeshift studio. Her father had taken possession; Compton and Treadle had carefully stowed the framed picture in her father’s study.

Now didn’t seem the time to mention that.

She’d almost managed to catch her breath, to shake off the effects of those terrible moments in the parlor, worse than any nightmare she’d ever dreamed. She’d never forget the sheer evil she’d sensed; the sun on her face assured her she was in the real world, yet…She dragged in a breath, fought to steady her voice. “Where are you taking me? What on earth do you hope to gain by this?”

“We’re abducting you,” Jordan coldly informed her. “Your sluttish behavior with that damned artist left us no choice.” His tone suggested it was entirely her fault. “They’re going to think we’re on our way to Gretna, but in reality, I’ve a nice little inn down the coast in mind.”

He glanced at her. “A few nights alone with me, and I’m sure your father will see the sense in agreeing to our betrothal.”

She was certain she knew the answer, but still asked, “Why do you want to marry me? You don’t even like me.”

“Of course not. Innocents have never attracted me.” He glanced at Eleanor, and smiled-a secret smile Jacqueline wished she hadn’t seen-then he looked ahead, after a moment continued, “No doubt your artist has taught you a thing or two-it’ll be interesting to find out how far he’s taken your education. However, beyond the necessity of bringing about our marriage-no, I have little personal interest in you. All I want is Hellebore Hall.”


He frowned, jaw tightening; he didn’t look at her. “Because it should be mine. I need it more than you.”

The stone viewing platform loomed before them; they forced her up the steps, Eleanor going ahead and tugging, Jordan pushing from behind. Once on the platform, they turned to the path leading to the Garden of Diana, their usual route between the Manor and the Hall.

Jordan thrust her before him; she stumbled into Eleanor and out onto the path. “We’ve horses saddled and waiting-we’ll be away before they realize-”

“Jordan.” Eleanor had halted. Staring up at the ridge, she pointed. “Look!”