She looked eagerly to where he pointed. He called out: ‘Hi, Smith! See what I have here for you!’

Harry turned, as Juana slid down from the Brass Mare’s back. ‘Juana!’ he exclaimed, and hurried to meet her.

She fell into his outstretched arms, the wild flurry of her heart almost suffocating her. She could not speak; she could only cling to him as though she would never let him go again. He held her tightly in his arms, his cheek against her hair. ‘Oh, my soul! my treasure!’ She found enough voice to say: ‘You are safe! Never part from me again! Never, mi Enrique, never! Oh, promise me!’

‘Never again!’ he said. ‘No matter what comes to us! How could I bear to send you from me again? We’ll stay together from now till we the of ripe old age, my little varmint, my little love!’

‘It is a promise?’ she said urgently.

‘It is a promise,’ he answered. He took her face between his hands. They were shaking a little, as once before, in his tent outside the walls of Badajos. ‘When I was first troubled with you,’ he said, with a twisted smile, ‘we had so many actions to live through! My poor darling, you suffered so much anxiety, and you have been so good all through! Well, it’s over now: do you understand? We’ve rompéd Boney at last, and there’s nothing for you to be afraid of any more. Now smile at me, faithful, loving, bad-tempered little devil that you are! Or box my ears if you will! Only don’t look at me with those scared eyes!’

‘Kiss me!’ Juana commanded. ‘Espadachin! Mi tirano odioso!’