“Henry, he is offering to help you.…”

“With German mercenaries! Because we English are unable to fight our own battles!”

“He does not mean that, Henry. I am sure of this.”

“Not mean it! Then why does he say it?”

“Because he believes you to be suffering a keen disappointment, because he is sorry our army did not achieve its end.”

“He does not want English troops on Spanish soil! By God, would I had hanged the traitor Dorset. Would I had not listened to your woman’s pleading for a worthless life.”

“Nay, Henry, you must not blame Dorset.” She was suddenly overwhelmed by her tenderness for this big man who, it seemed to her, at times had the heart and mind of a child. “Let us face the truth. We failed. We failed because we had not enough food for our men, and we sent them out illequipped. Certainly you cannot accept my father’s offer—though he makes it in friendship; I do assure you of that. But there is an answer to those who have jeered at our failure. There is an answer to my father.”

“What is this answer!”

“That you should prepare an army that will be invincible, that you should place yourself at the head of it and attack the French, not from the South but from the North. There you would find a climate not unlike our own; there would not be the same difficulties in feeding an army that was separated from England only by twenty-one miles of sea. And with you at the head of it…”

A slow smile was spreading across the King’s face. He did not speak for a few seconds; then he burst out: “By God, Kate, we have the answer there. That is it. We shall start from Calais…and go on from there. And this time it will not be a Marquis who commands, but a King.”

All ill humor had disappeared. He seized her in his arms and hugged her, but already his thoughts were far away from her; he was leading his men into triumphant battle. This would be a masque to outdo those merry exercises that had charmed the courtiers and the people at Windsor, Richmond and Westminster.

He was content—content with life, content with Kate.

He danced round the apartment with her, lifting her in his arms, pausing so that she should marvel at his strength, which she did—running his fingers through her hair and over her body.

“There’s one thing that will not please me. I shall be separated from my Kate. And what will she be doing while she awaits the return of the conqueror, eh?” The little eyes were alight with laughter and confidence. “Mayhap she will be nursing the heir of England…the heir to all those lands which I shall bring back to the English crown!”

Katharine was laughing in his arms. The danger was over for a while; the King was happy again.

* * *

SO IT WAS TO be war. Katharine was eager to show Henry how she could work for him and that he could rely on his Queen’s being always at his side.

Henry was in high spirits. He was certain that he was going to win fresh honors and was already regarding the coming war as a glorified masque. It was a comfort to know that he could safely leave those matters of minor importance to Katharine, and he was pleased with her because she was so eager to be made use of.

He spent all his nights with her.

“There is one thing only I long for, Kate, and that is to leave you pregnant on my departure. What joy for me! I go forth to win honor for England, knowing you are at home nursing my seed within this comely belly of yours. I’ll give England new dominions, Kate, and together we’ll give her heirs. How’s that?”

“Henry, if only it could be so I’d be the happiest woman on Earth.”

“Of course it shall be so.” He had no doubt.

Katharine summoned Thomas Wolsey to her presence; she was impressed by his efficient handling of his duties which now included the assembling of the materials to be used in the war.

She was glad one day when in conference with the almoner that the King joined them.

Henry’s face glowed with bluff good humor.

“Ha, Master Wolsey,” he cried. “Her Grace tells me that you are of great use to us.”

“I do my humble best, Sire,” answered Wolsey. “My regret is that I have not four pairs of hands and four heads with which to serve Your Grace the better.”

Henry laughed and laid a great hand on Wolsey’s shoulder. “We are well pleased with those two hands and that head, my friend. The Queen has shown me the value of your work. She regards you highly, and the Queen and I are of one mind on all matters.”

“There is great joy in serving such a master…and such a mistress.”

“And we are fortunate in our servant. Show me the list of supplies you have prepared.”

“They are here, Your Grace.”

“Fox tells me that you work with the vigor of two men. He too has a high opinion of you.”

“The Bishop has always been a good friend to me.”

“It pleases us. We like our ministers to work well together. Too often we hear of discord, so that it is pleasant to hear of harmony. Now, let me see. So many victuals, eh? So much conduct money. And you can raise it, Master Wolsey?”

“I have no doubt of it, Sire. I can explain in detail how I propose to make these arrangements.”

“Enough, enough. We trust you. Bother us not with the how and the why and the where. Let us find that we have what we need. That is all we ask of you.”

“It shall be so, Sire.”

Henry once more patted Wolsey’s shoulder and the almoner, who had always been a man to seize his opportunities, said with an air of impulsiveness which concealed a perfected rehearsal: “Your Graces, have I your permission to speak to you on a…somewhat delicate matter?”

Henry tried to look shrewd; Katharine was faintly alarmed. She was always afraid that someone whom she regarded highly would, by a carelessly spoken word, anger the King and so ruin a promising career.

“Speak,” said Henry.

Wolsey lowered his eyes. “This is bold of me, Your Grace, but I was bold in the service of your most noble and honored father, and thus found favor with him. I would serve Your Grace with all the zeal I gave to your father’s cause.”

“Yes, yes,” said Henry impatiently.

“It concerns my lord of Surrey.”

“What of my lord of Surrey?”

“I have noticed of late that he is failing. He plans to go to France with Your Grace. This is rash of me…but I shall not think of my own recklessness in speaking my mind—only of the service I could do Your Grace. Sire, the Earl of Surrey is too old to accompany Your Grace to France, and such men can do much to impede an expedition. If it is Your Grace’s wish that the Earl of Surrey should accompany you to France, then it is my wish also, but…”

Henry nodded. “He speaks truth,” he said. “Surrey is an old man. Do I want graybeards to march with me!”

The thought occurred to Katharine that the only reason he could want them would be to call attention to his own radiant youth.

But they were going into battle. Henry wanted young men beside him. He also wished to show this man that he appreciated what he had done. Bishop Fox, who looked upon Wolsey as his protégé, had informed the King that the energy of Wolsey astonished even him. He had taken control of tanneries and smithies, of bakeries and breweries; so that they were all working for the state to enable Master Wolsey to provide everything that was needed for the expedition. He worked all hours of the day and far into the night; he scarcely stopped to eat; he was determined to please the King by his diligence, determined that this time the war should not fail through lack of equipment.

I like this Thomas Wolsey, the King told himself.

To throw Surrey to him in exchange for all his labors was a small thing. Surrey was old and arrogant and had passed from the King’s favor. And Wolsey asked it, Henry believed, not out of enmity towards the old man, but in his zeal for the success of the cause.

“When we leave for France,” said Henry, “Surrey shall stay behind.”

Wolsey bowed his head in such humble gratitude that he might have been receiving a great honor for himself.

“I am greatly relieved, Your Grace; I feared my importuning…”

Henry slapped the almoner’s back with a blow which made him stagger a little.

“Have no fear, Master Wolsey. Serve us well and you will find us a good master.”

Wolsey took the King’s hand and kissed it; there were tears in the eyes which he raised to Henry’s face. “And the greatest, Sire,” he murmured. “A master whom all men must delight to serve.”

Henry’s pleasure was apparent. He was thinking: When this war is won, I’ll not forget Master Wolsey. Mayhap I’ll keep him near me. He’s a useful man, and a wise one.

* * *

WOLSEY, COMING FROM the royal apartment, was smiling to himself.

This war was serving him well, for it had brought him closer to the King’s notice. He was going to impress the young monarch with his worth, as he had his father on that occasion when the old King had believed he had not begun a mission and had then found it completed with efficiency and success.

“The way is clear for me,” he whispered to himself. “There is nothing to fear.”

He felt faintly regretful that he could not share his triumphs with his family. He would have liked to see Mistress Wynter and the boy and girl at Court. He would have liked to put honors in their way. Of course he would do so. Both his children would be well looked after. Yet it saddened him that they must remain hidden.

He wondered what the King would say if he knew that Wolsey escaped from Court now and then to a woman who had borne him two children. He could guess. The little eyes would show a shocked expression; the royal mouth would be prim. Henry would expect celibacy in his priests; and he would be harder than less sensual men on those who were incontinent. There was a man, thought Wolsey, who lusted after the personable women whom he encountered. Yet he did not know it perhaps. He feigned to have a kingly interest in his subjects; but the interest was greater when the subject was a woman and a fair one.