"Are you going to tell me?"

"I'd rather hoped not to."

Ella nodded thoughtfully. "Are you all right?"

"Yes. Just nursing a slight case of embarrassment and irritation."

"Ah. So you shall be fine."


The two sat in companionable silence borne of years of friendship, each all owing the other's presence to calm her. Alex took a deep breath and looked up at the starlit sky, wondering if she and Ella would be missed if they stayed out here for the rest of the evening.

Sadly, they would be. Not looking away from the sky, Alex spoke. "We should make our way back."

"I suppose so."

They stood and fluffed their skirts, then crossed the lush gardens to the ball room. As they ascended the steps to the open doors, where several couples were standing in the fresh air, Ella spoke a touch louder than usual, "It was a lovely walk we took, don't you agree?"

Alex smiled at her friend. "Most calming indeed. Thank you very much for thinking of it." She nodded at Lord Denton, who bowed as they passed, clearly hearing their conversation.

"Think nothing of it," Ella offered with a grin as they stepped over the threshold and into the ball room.

The two had paused just barely, attempting to get their bearings, when the hairs on the back of Alex's neck rose. She knew before looking that Blackmoor was standing nearby.

There he was, an appropriate distance from her, a combination of boredom and anger in his eyes. She had a feeling the boredom was affected, but she was quite certain that the anger was entirely real. Ella glanced over and noticed him with a smile, offering a quick, "Good evening, Lord Blackmoor," before remarking to Alex, "I see Vivi by the refreshment table.... I'm going to join her. I shall see you inside?"

"Yes." Alex's response was lost in the crowd as Ella pushed through. She sighed and muttered to herself, "You know, for someone so observant, Ella, you can be rather oblivious when you want to be." She turned back to Blackmoor and spoke up, "If you are here to scold me, I assure you it's unnecessary."

"I'm here to tell you that I'm leaving. If you would care for transport home, you should say your good-byes." His voice was cool and distant.

She briefly considered refusing him and asking the Marquess of Langford to bring her home, but she knew that would make Blackmoor even more irritated, and she wasn't in the mood to push him any further.

"Very well, my lord" — she made her voice as cool as his own — "I shall only be a few minutes."

The two rode home in stony silence, neither interested in forgiving or forgetting the events of the evening. When the carriage arrived at Worthington House, Blackmoor, ever the gentleman, exited the carriage to help Alex down from the vehicle. Once on solid ground, Alex offered a quiet, "Thank you, my lord."

He did not respond, except to offer a short bow, at which point she turned and entered the house, closing the door behind her and not waiting to see if he returned to the carriage or not. She thanked the night footman who had been waiting for her return home, and relieved him of his duties so that he could find his bed. Just as she'd done that, her mother's voice spilled into the foyer from the library. "Alexandra? Is that you?" And, with a sigh, Alex went to find her.

"Indeed, 'tis I, the princess returned from the ball," she quipped as she threw herself into a leather chair, kicked off her slippers, tucked her feet up under her, and began unbuttoning her elbow-length gloves.

Her mother and father were seated in identical chairs in a ritual she had witnessed hundreds of times before. When one of the children was out of the house and expected back late, they would stay awake and keep each other company as they waited for the child who was due home. Her father would nurse a glass of scotch while her mother read, but they always ended up chatting. Alex had fallen asleep on the floor of the library to the sound of their discussions countless times as she was growing up. As difficult as her evening had been, it comforted her to join them.

Her father spoke first, his rich voice gently questioning, "That doesn't sound like the response of a young lady home from a thoroughly amusing evening."

"Was the ball not enjoyable, my love?" This from her mother.

"The ball itself was lovely," Alex shared, peeling one long sheath of satin down her wrist and off her hand, draping it across the arm of the chair. "Nicola was gorgeous and entertaining as ever, and Lord and Lady Salisbury were... well, Lord and Lady Salisbury." The last drew a smile from both her parents.

"If that's the case, why are you so subdued?" her father queried, teasing. "Did some oaf step on your toes during a quadrille?"

Alex offered him a half smile she didn't quite feel. "I wish that were the case. No, if you must know, Blackmoor and I had a falling-out."

"Whatever about?" asked the duchess.

Sighing, Alex focused entirely on her glove as she tugged each satin finger from her hand. "Well, everything was fine until I danced with someone of whom he did not approve."

"Who?" The duke perked up.

Yanking the glove from her hand, she waved it in frustration. "Freddie Stanhope! Thoroughly innocuous Freddie Stanhope."

"I thought Stanhope and Blackmoor were friends?" The duchess looked to Alex's father for confirmation. He didn't speak as Alex continued.

"So did I, until this season. Will, Nick, and Kit seem to enjoy Freddie's company as much as ever, but Blackmoor thinks him a rogue and not to be trusted around females. Especially me. Which is ridiculous, considering Freddie and I have been friends for ages."

"It is rather strange. I've always rather liked young Stanhope," said the duchess.

This elicited a laugh from His Grace. "I imagine that's exactly why Gavin thinks the way he does. For generations women have rather liked' the Stanhope men." Turning back to Alex, he asked, "Has young Stanhope been inappropriate in your presence?"

"Never," Alex spoke vehemently. "To the contrary, Freddie's been a capital friend — certainly a bit of a rake — but harmless. After all, I've known him for years and he's very close with Nick. We just have fun together and Blackmoor seems out to ruin anything that seems to entertain me. He takes his role as surrogate brother too seriously, and tonight he overstepped his bounds, leaving me a touch —"

She stopped and returned to working the fabric of her skirts. Her voice quieted as she finished her sentence on a whispered, "— incensed."

The duke laughed at the sheepish way she spoke her final word, but her mother did not seem so amused. "Oh, Alexandra," she spoke knowingly, "what did you do?"

"Nothing!" Alex's face and tone were the combination of perfect defensiveness. "He started it by implying that he was my keeper... as though I were some animal! He doesn't trust me to know what's best for myself or how to care for myself, and so I told him exactly what I thought!"

"Intriguing," spoke the duke, his tone laced with amusement. "In private, I hope."

"Well — you see — that's the problem."

Alex felt a blush rising as her father laughed out loud and her mother gasped, "Alexandra Stafford!" The duchess spoke to her husband sharply. "This is because you are too lenient with her." Turning back to Alex, she queried, "Where did you 'tel him exactly what you thought'?"

The answer sped out, "On the ball room floor... but no one heard!"

"Alexandra!" her mother cried.

"No one?" This from the duke.

"Well, no one except Freddie."

When her father spoke next, he did so with a tone of humor. "I'd lay odds that, considering Blackmoor's opinion of Stanhope, he hardly thinks of him as 'no one.'"

"Quite," Her Grace added. "Yes, well, that would explain why you and Gavin had a falling-out."

Alex was about to again defend herself when the sound of Harquist clearing his throat interrupted her. Alex turned in surprise, as Harquist rarely had much to say this late in the evening. The old man spoke quickly, "My lord and ladies, Lord Blackmoor is here and requests an audience."

Alex turned a stunned look on her mother and father, who looked surprised and curious respectively. She spoke in an urgent whisper. "Father, don't accept him, please? I can't have another moment of his overbearing attitude this evening."

"I most certainly will accept him, Alexandra," replied the Duke. "You’ll have to suffer through. Send him in, Harquist, thank you."

Alex sent a pleading look at her mother, who made no move to rescue her youngest child and only daughter. Alex wondered if she had enough time to escape the room before Blackmoor arrived.

"My lord," Gavin spoke as he crossed the threshold, "forgive me for calling at such a late hour."

Drat. No escape,  Alex thought to herself as she patently avoided looking at him.

"It's never too late an hour for you, Gavin." Alex's father stood. "You look like the Devil. What's happened to you?"

Alex couldn't help but look up at Gavin upon hearing the tone in her father's voice. He did indeed look the worse for wear. His face was flushed and he was breathing heavily, as though he'd run all the way over. Was it possible he'd come to apologize? One of her eyebrows rose in curiosity as he opened his mouth to speak.

"I never would have bothered you had it not been a matter of particular import. You see —" Alex leaned forward. Could it be that he was going to confess his actions at the Worthington House dinner? What could he possibly be here for in the middle of the night?