I concentrated on my footfalls in the snow, the frost on the elms, the grand panorama on both sides of the river. The Dutch modesty of the Menshikov Palace, the pompous Academy of Arts. And, farther away, the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, with its steeple stabbing the breast of the sky. The needle of the Admiralty lifted in response, like a swordsman’s salute.

I wandered on, not knowing where to go, what to do with myself. I couldn’t go back to Genya… I kept seeing him at that party, half out of his mind with grief and rage, walking on the sofas, howling my name. Cursing it. I couldn’t go to Mina’s, either. My loneliness was absolute. From the golden dome of St. Isaac’s, the saints stared down at me, the angels at the corners over the colonnade looking like rooftop snipers.

So it was Mother.

I pushed my way onto a crowded streetcar, squealing and groaning along like a giant unoiled hinge. The ill-tempered young woman driver stopped and started with an impatient roughness, hurling us all against one another. A young Red Guardsman climbing in the window began to shout and curse. “Kick ’em in the face!” a man next to the window advised, trying to help haul him in. Evidently someone outside was taking advantage of the guardsman’s vulnerability to steal his boots. Once inside, in his stocking feet, the militiaman drew his pistol and began shooting out of the tram. He didn’t seem to care whom he shot—he was just angry that his boots were gone. My ears rang with the percussion for the rest of the trip.

In the little park down the center of Furshtatskaya Street, drifts lay in formless humps, horse high. The front door of the building was now boarded up. I passed through the courtyard entrance. But this time I climbed the main staircase, making no attempt to conceal my presence. The stairwell was lit only by the skylight. The brass riser bars, once meticulously polished, were black as iron and empty of the carpet they used to hold down, probably stolen for shoes. Soon people would steal the rods as well, make them into pipes and lighters.

The flat was unlocked. I walked in only to be met in the vestibule by a hard-faced woman with a blond braid who was carrying a long, skinny infant. She stopped and stared at me. “Who the devil are you?”

A ferret-faced woman in a green coat and kerchief joined her. “What you want, devushka? Rooms? Ask the domkom. Third floor.”

Domkom. The house committee. The Poverty Artel’s building had one, but it seemed that the new era had finally arrived on Furshtatskaya Street.

Looking in, I saw that the expanse of our salon had been partitioned with furniture, the visible side crammed with beds and a few of the antiques Mother had not been able to sequester into her room. The flat had been collectivized. The Bolsheviks had decreed that workers should be allowed to move into the big bourgeois flats in the center of Petrograd. Every citizen was entitled to nine square meters of living space. We at the Poverty Artel hadn’t had to worry about it, since we were well over capacity by anyone’s estimation, but the bourgeois Makarov flat of twelve rooms could have housed two score. So it seemed that the surplus space had finally been claimed. Clothes drip-dried on a line stretched across the width of the room. The once-shining parquet, across which I’d danced a tango with Kolya, was now black as tile in a train station.

I wanted to run shrieking through the room, tearing down laundry, tossing their sad belongings out the window. But they had a right to be here. They knew nothing of us and our tragedy. “Old lady Makarova still here?” I said with proletarian rudeness.

“Oh, the tsaritsa? She’s still here.” The ferret-faced woman nodded down the hall with a sharp chin and took the baby from the other woman.

I ducked past them to avoid any inquiries and strode down the broad hall, noting the padlock now on Father’s study as I passed, a new American lock. Another had been bolted into the woodwork on Mother’s door. The Americans seemed to be the only ones getting rich in revolutionary Petrograd.

I pressed my head against the wooden door panel and fought a sickening reeling feeling. Listening for noises within, I knocked. Was everybody gone? I knocked again—Fais dodo—and heard the lock release. The door opened. Avdokia! In her blue kerchief. When she saw me, she stuffed her hand against her mouth to stop herself from crying out, drew me into the warm room, closed the door and locked it. She held me, weeping. She still smelled like yeast, though there was hardly any to be found in the city. “Oh, my lovey. Oh, my girl,” she said, patting my back. “My Marinoushka, they said you’d been here. That they told you.”

My mother stood in a daze at the window wearing my father’s old dressing gown, her hair in a waist-length braid over her shoulder.

“Where’s Ginevra?” I asked.

I could feel the thinness of Avdokia’s shoulders. “Gone,” she said.

“Back to England?”

Avdokia nodded. “The English were leaving. They said she had to go.”

“Couldn’t you have gone with her?”

Her eyes flicked to Mother. “We weren’t ready for traveling.”

“Son français était exécrable.” Mother gathered the thick robe closer around her.

As if the quality of the woman’s French summed up her entire usefulness in the world.

“I’m glad you didn’t leave,” I said, pressing Avdokia’s withered old hands to my cheek. “I’m glad you’re still here.”

We heard women quarreling in the hall. “You took that egg. You know you did, you stupid bitch. My kid saw you!”

“It’s like that all the time now,” Avdokia said, low. “Who took whose egg. Whose piece of meat from the soup pot. We have to hide everything. People wear all their clothes at once so they don’t come home to an empty wardrobe.”

“Il est indigne de nous d’en parler,” Mother said. It’s beneath us to talk of such things.

“Come, sit down.” Avdokia took me by the hand and led me to the table they’d dragged to the window, cleared a box off a chair. “It’s wonderful to see you. It’s a miracle.” Avdokia’s tears leaked out of her hooded eyes into the wrinkles of her face like irrigation channels in a field. “Are you hungry, sweetness? Have you eaten?”

I remembered the food, my bag from Kolya. I’d been carrying it all morning. “These are for you.” I set the sack on the table.

She began to unpack it. “Oh, lovey, you shouldn’t have… where did you get this? Potted liver! And sour cream! Verushka, look what Marina’s brought!” Then she frowned. “You didn’t… commit a sin?”

I had to laugh. Of course I had—many. But prostitution was not one of them. “I robbed a commissar coming out of Eliseev’s. Is it all right? Have some.” I opened the jar with the potted meat.

“No, no, no,” she said, grabbing it from me, putting the lid back on. “We’ll eat it later, for supper.” She took the sack and slid it under her small bed. “You were always such a good child.”

Mother gazed out at the yellow-white sky, heavy with the promise of more snow, the light glazing her eyes. She looked like a blind seer, glowing in an unearthly way in the light from the window. Even in that man’s robe, with her hair dressed like some peasant’s, she was strikingly beautiful. “An awful child. Disobedient, noisy.”

“You were a darling,” my nanny said.

“Craved attention. She’d do almost anything to get it. Once Balmont was visiting, and she burst in wearing dancing shoes and a tutu. Proceeded to make an absolute spectacle of herself.”

Who was she talking to?

“Walking on her hands, her bottom in the air. I’ll never forget it. I’m sure he never did, either.”

I remembered Balmont applauding. He even quoted his poem, “I asked of the scattering wind: How can I be young always?”

“You shouldn’t have given me dancing lessons if you didn’t want me to dance,” I said.

The weak sunlight cast a white halo around her. This woman Kolya had loved so intensely. Though her skin had softened and creased, her bone structure was still beautiful. Her hand, holding back the lace curtain, so fine, so vulnerable. “Her father’s daughter,” she said, examining the street from behind the lace curtain. “Always. I had nothing to do with it.”

Avdokia snorted. “I was holding your hand the day she was born, Verushka, and I promise you, you were there.”

I went to Mother’s side at the window, rubbed frost from the glass. Outside, the leafless tree in the courtyard etched the sky. Children played in the heaps of uncleared drifts like processions of ants. “I’m moving back, Mama.”

She spoke without looking at me, as if recalling a dream. “He still comes, sometimes, in disguise—a beard, a workman’s coat. Stealing into his own house like a criminal.” She pressed the thick collar of Father’s robe against her neck. “No, you can’t come here.”

I leaned against the frozen windowpane, the wind knocked out of me. I had felt sure I’d be welcomed. “Mama, it’s my home.”

She massaged her temples. “Stop plaguing me! Go away!”

Avdokia had tears in her eyes. I took her arm. “Who padlocked Papa’s office?” I asked her.

“It’s a Red Guardsman and his wife,” she said.

So-called wife,” Mother interjected.

“And a good thing, Verushka,” countered the old lady. “In times like these, to have a Red Guardsman here. They’re robbing whole houses, pillar to post.”

“Who do you think does the robbing?” my mother asked.

“Did she get the money out of the stove?” I asked my old nanny quietly.

Avdokia said. “No, we didn’t get it.”