Maddie cupped Zoe's face, eyes narrowed. "What's happened to bring that light to your pretty eyes?" she asked.

Zoe let out a little laugh and covered Maddie's hands with her own. "It's pretty unbelievable, Mad. Not even sure I believe it."

"Well, we're sitting down, aren't we? Tell us," Delia demanded. "Tell us what has such a grouch doing a one-eighty until she's spewing love all over the place."

"Well…" Zoe held her stomach. Butterflies leaped wildly. It was one thing to remind them that she loved them. It was another to tell them what she'd discovered about herself. That she had much more room in her heart than she'd ever believed possible. That she was actually standing on the very edge of a future that beckoned and enticed her. All she needed to do was leap.

She dragged in some air and plunged. "I love you both. I always will. But I also love-"

A shadow appeared in the dark doorway and she nearly swallowed her tongue. Standing there, looking positively, lethally gorgeous, was Ty, and he had eyes for only her.

"You love…?" he questioned in a voice made harsh by need.

"Ty," she breathed, her face lighting up with so much emotion it hurt him to look at her. God, he'd missed her so much, it was all he could do to stay there in the doorway and just look his fill. He'd come just to stare at her sleeping, wondering if she had liked the bracelet he'd left on her bed. He hadn't planned on seeing her, but he wasn't sorry, not when she was watching him with her heart in her eyes.

She let go of her sisters, shot them a little nervous grin and stood. Her hair was wild, her eyes bright, just as he'd imagined her over the past long days.

She wore a huge T-shirt that had seen better days. It came to her knees, baggy and shapeless, and it didn't matter.

He knew what was underneath, but more important, he knew what lay in her heart, even if she didn't. Inside and out, she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

Somewhere on the mountain he'd come to terms with the fact that she was going to be slower than him to accept the crazy, undeniable love between them. And he was going to be patient if it killed him, which it just might.

"I didn't know you were back," she said softly.

"I just got back." He'd come straight here, even though it'd been late. After three days of emptiness and anger and regrets, he'd missed her insanely. He'd had to see her.

Her eyes were huge and damp, her dark lashes spiked with tears. But her lips were curved as she came closer, stopping just before him.

"Ask me again," she said.

She was killing him, but he played along. "Who do you love?"

"You," she whispered. She let out a little laugh, then said it louder. "I love you, Ty Jackson."

Before he could even begin to absorb the words that had his heart lodged in his throat, she was reaching for him, sliding that body to his and wrapping her arms around his neck.

Catching her to him, he whirled her around, squeezing her tight as joy flowed through his veins.

A delicate cough reminded him they weren't alone, and he lifted his head over Zoe's, smiling down into two pairs of misty, happy eyes without letting go of his future. He had two handfuls of shirt and skin and warm woman and he wasn't sure if he could let go, since Zoe had a viselike grip on his neck.

"I suppose you're hungry," Maddie said to him through her tears.

"Starved." He hugged Zoe closer.

"And I suppose you're going to want us to leave now," Delia said through a wet smile.

"Wait." Zoe pulled back to stare into Ty's eyes. He could swear he could see all the way into her soul, and his was mirrored there.

Then, so gently he felt his own eyes go damp, Zoe cupped his face, smiling with the tenderness and love he'd only dreamed about.

"All of you, all three of you love me," she said, her voice thick and husky. "I'm sorry I was so slow to understand that. I felt burdened by the weight instead of blessed, but I was wrong. I'm the luckiest woman on earth, because together you gave me the greatest gift of all, the gift of life." Her fingers stroked Ty's jaw and she smiled at him through her tears. "Much as I tried to throw that gift away, you persevered, and now I want to give something back."

"The only thing I want, Zoe, is you."

Maddie and Delia sighed dreamily.

Zoe's eyes filled again. "Then take me," she said. "I'm yours."

"For keeps?" He nudged her closer. "As in becoming my lover, my best friend, my soul mate… my wife?"

The tears fell. "Yes, I want to be Mrs. Jackson. For now and forever."


It wasn't until much later that night, after Maddie and Delia had finally stopped hugging and feeding them, that Ty was alone with Zoe.

"Finally," he said, coming slowly toward her. They were in his house now, in his bedroom, right where he'd wanted her for too long.

"Finally what?" She smiled, but it was a breathless one and he hadn't even touched her yet. Ty looked forward to making her much more breathless before the sun came up.

"Finally I get to see…" He slipped off her sweatshirt. Beneath was the loose T-shirt he'd been dying to get off her. "Kick off your shoes, sweetheart. Yeah, like that." Her sweat bottoms slid down her legs at his touch. Then he lifted her arms and slipped off the ragged T-shirt, leaving her bare and glorious.

"No sunburn," he whispered, gliding his hands over her smooth, creamy skin. "I was worried."

"You protected me well." Smiling up at him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought that incredible body flush to his.

"I always will," he vowed, scooping her up. He was halfway to the bed with her when she laid a hand on his chest and looked at him steadily, love pouring from her gaze.

"Both our dreams have been met," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

Gently he set her down on his mattress and covered her with his body. He braced his weight on his arms as he looked down into her face. "The mystery wasn't solved," he reminded her gently. "You still don't know which of you is owner of Triple M."

"But I know something better." Tugging, she pulled him close, then closer still, kissing him with her entire heart and soul. "I know I'm loved. By Delia and Maddie. By you. And I know where I belong, Ty."

"With me." Capturing her head in his big hands, he kissed her back. "Forever and always," he reminded her.

"Forever and always," she repeated softly. And they let their love take them to ecstasy.

Jill Shalvis

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