‘You made that up.’

She looked at him. ‘Sure of that?’

‘Kelly, believe me I’ll wring your neck one of these days.’

‘What are you getting worked up about? It doesn’t matter to me any more. We’re both free agents.’

He resisted the temptation to burst out, You’re having my baby. You ought to mind, not sit there calmly making assignations for me!

But he stayed silent. What could he say?

After a while he said grumpily, ‘I’m not going out. Something might happen.’

‘Why should it? I’ve been well all day.’

‘At college, surrounded by people to watch out for you. I’m not leaving you alone.’

‘You just did.’

‘That was ten minutes to get some milk. I’m talking about your being alone for hours.’

‘You’re being absurd, you know that?’

‘I’m not going out!’

‘All right, all right. You don’t need to shout.’

‘I do need to shout, Kelly, because if I don’t shout you don’t hear.’

Her temper flared. ‘That’s rich, coming from the man who turned creative deafness into an art.’

‘I’m not arguing. I’ll just call Olympia back and put her off, and then the subject’s closed.’

‘Who says it’s closed?’ He didn’t answer. ‘Jake!’

‘I can’t hear you. I’ve gone creatively deaf. Remember, you’re dealing with the man who turned it into an art.’

She fumed while he made the call. She wasn’t sure why she’d suddenly got mad. Perhaps she was trying to deny the pleasure that had caught her off guard at his protectiveness. Enough! It was too late for that. Anger was safer.

Jake made an exasperated sound. ‘She’s turned her mobile off,’ he grunted. ‘Never mind, she’ll be at the studio.’ He called the studio and gave Olympia’s name.

After an impatient pause he said, ‘Do you know where she went?-all right, if she calls in, ask her to contact me urgently. Say there’s a problem about tonight.’

‘I wish you’d go,’ Kelly said, following him into the kitchen. ‘I’ve got an essay about ancient Egypt, and you’ll be in the way.’

‘I’ll be as quiet as a mouse. Anyway, I can’t go out now that I’ve cancelled.’

‘You haven’t cancelled. You never reached Olympia.’

‘She’ll understand as soon as she gets that message.’

‘I don’t think she will get it.’

‘Nonsense. Why shouldn’t she?’

Because she doesn’t want to get it, Kelly thought, exasperated. Were all men this thick? Why do you think she switched her mobile off?

But she judged it wiser to stay silent. She could be wrong. Olympia might be an honest woman, sincerely in love with Jake, wanting only what was best for him.

And pigs might fly!

As the minutes slipped by he kept looking at his watch, growing impatient. The phone stayed silent.

‘Go!’ Kelly said at last. ‘I have an essay to write, and you’re driving me nuts.’

‘I’m not doing anything.’

‘You’re hovering.’

‘Well, pardon me for breathing.’

‘I don’t mind your breathing, it’s your hovering I can’t take. Now for pity’s sake get dressed, go out, do whatever it takes to make Olympia happy.’

‘That’s a thoroughly immoral suggestion!’

‘I meant buy her dinner,’ Kelly said innocently.

‘I’m not leaving you alone.’

‘If I need company there’s always Carl.’

Jake’s eyes narrowed. ‘Why Carl?’

‘He’s a good friend.’

‘That wouldn’t be why you want to get rid of me?’

She tore her hair. ‘I want to get rid of you because you’re acting like a broody hen! Now will you please keep quiet and leave me with Tutankhamun?’

‘All right, all right. Don’t get agitated, it’s bad for the baby.’

For an hour there was peace of a kind. Jake never spoke, but she was aware of him rustling in the background. It was a relief when the telephone rang. Something about the shrill told Kelly that it was Olympia, and she wasn’t pleased.

‘I tried to get back to you,’ Jake explained. ‘I hoped you’d have my message that there was a problem about tonight… No, I’m not ill, it’s Kelly…’

With a swift movement Kelly whisked the phone out of his hand. ‘Olympia,’ she said graciously, ‘I’m sorry to have spoiled your evening. Why don’t you come to my place? I’ll be going out soon.’

‘The hell you will!’ Jake growled.

‘The hell I won’t!’ she replied firmly.

‘If Carl wants to see you he can come here.’

‘What a great idea! Jake, you’re a genius.’

‘Are you still there?’ came Olympia’s chilly voice down the line. Being sidelined wasn’t what she was used to.

‘Of course,’ Kelly told her. ‘I’ll tell Jake you’re coming over. He’s so looking forward to seeing you.’ She hung up and immediately dialled Carl’s number.

‘You said I could talk to you whenever I wanted,’ she reminded him.

In a few minutes he was on his way and Jake was fulminating.

‘What’s your game, Kelly?’

‘I just thought you’d like a pleasant evening with your girlfriend.’

‘Here? In a jolly foursome with you and Carl?’

‘We’ll go out and leave you two alone. Don’t worry, I won’t cramp your style.’

‘Maybe I don’t want you to leave me alone with Olympia.’

‘Why? Have you quarrelled?’

‘No, but-’

‘I’m just trying to be a good friend.’

‘Yeah,’ he said grumpily. ‘Sure.’

From there the evening went downhill. Olympia arrived half an hour later, done up to the nines. Kelly greeted her amiably before saying, ‘You won’t mind if I leave you? I have to work.’ To Jake she mouthed, ‘Take her out.’

‘No,’ he mouthed back.

Kelly groaned and vanished into her room.

Instantly Olympia’s arms were around Jake’s neck. ‘I think you’re a positive saint,’ she murmured against his mouth.

He disengaged himself gently, with a significant glance at Kelly’s door.

‘You’re right,’ Olympia said with a sigh. ‘My poor dear, it must be very hard for you.’

‘It’s harder for Kelly,’ Jake said stubbornly. ‘Fancy getting stuck with me again when she thought she was rid of me for good.’

Olympia’s face showed what she thought of this, but she let the matter drop and instead began to question him about his health.

‘I’m fine, I’m fine,’ he said hastily. ‘It’s just that I don’t seem able to get it all together. My stomach still reacts badly to some foods.’

What he didn’t tell her was how he would awaken feeling full of beans and ready to return to normal life, only to find his strength draining away around noon. ‘Like a bath when the plug’s been pulled,’ was how he’d expressed it to Kelly, but he said not a word to Olympia. She wasn’t the sort of woman to whom a man could confide weakness.

With relief he managed to discourage her from this interrogation, but worse was to come. When Kelly emerged from her room Olympia started again on her, demanding full details of Jake’s life and treatment. The subject of this concern became uneasy, then embarrassed, but Kelly answered everything serenely, even managing a laugh as she said, ‘Please don’t worry, Olympia. I promise you I’m taking good care of him. Anyone would think you were his mother, to be so concerned.’

Olympia was too wise to answer this, but Jake gave Kelly a quick, appraising glance.

The ring of the doorbell prevented matters getting any more awkward. Carl breezed in, impossibly handsome, smiling, pulling Kelly into his arms for a hug. Laughing, she hugged him back.

‘Who’s that?’ Olympia muttered.

‘That is Professor Carl Franton,’ Jake muttered, emphasising ‘Professor’ edgily. ‘From Kelly’s college.’

‘Is he the father of-?’

‘Very possibly.’

‘Then why-?’

‘Not now, Olympia. I don’t meddle with Kelly’s private life.’

‘But shouldn’t he-?’

‘I said not now.’

‘All right. Let’s talk about us and what we’re going to do together. I have so many plans-’

Jake tried to concentrate on what she was saying, but it was hard when he was straining to hear the other two. Carl had brought a baby book with him, and he and Kelly were going through it together, exclaiming and laughing. But when Carl spoke seriously he lowered his voice, which struck Jake as a dirty trick.

‘Jake.’ Olympia touched his arm.

‘I’m sorry?’

‘I asked if you were thinking of new projects.’

‘I’ve been working out ideas,’ he said lamely.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Kelly go into the kitchen, and he made an excuse to Olympia.

‘What’s up with you?’ Kelly demanded as he appeared in the kitchen. ‘You’ve been sitting there looking all struck of a heap. You can’t treat Olympia like that. She’s important to your career.’

‘Well, maybe my career doesn’t depend on her.’

‘I just meant don’t close off your options. Lighten up, Jake. We can’t spend the whole evening like this.’

‘May I remind you that this cosy little gathering was your idea? And not one of your better ones.’

‘Stop getting agitated. It’s not good for you.’

‘And stop telling me what to do.’

‘Just part of my duties.’ She couldn’t resist adding, ‘I’m sure Anne of Cleves never had this much trouble with Henry VIII.’

‘If she was anything like you I’m surprised he didn’t behead her along with the others,’ he snapped.

Kelly sniffed pathetically. ‘That’s a nice thing to say when I’m doing my best for you.’

‘Hell, Kelly, it was only a joke! All right, it was a lousy one and I’m sorry. Don’t cry-you’re bound to be a bit sensitive just now-it’s part of being pregnant, but I’m sorry.’ Desperately he put his arms about her. ‘Don’t cry. Please, please don’t cry.’

‘Oh, get along with you, of course I’m not crying.’


Her face was completely dry and her eyes full of mischief. ‘Fooled you, though, didn’t I?’

‘Kelly, I swear I’ll-’

‘You’ll what? Remember my delicate condition.’