“Say no and we’re done. But if you don’t say it, Trish,” he whispered, lifting one hand to skim her hair back from her face, “then there’s no stopping once we start.”

“I don’t want to stop,” she confessed, and closed her eyes as his fingertips trailed across her cheek.

He pulled her tight against him and covered her mouth completely in a hot, open-mouthed kiss that overwhelmed and inflamed her.

He held the nape of her neck firmly, keeping her close as their tongues tangled and parried in a wildly sensual paso doble. Trish met his passion with her own ardent desire, ignoring the voice in her head that warned her that if she wanted to survive, she should walk away from Adam Duke, now.

But how could she walk away when she was already lost in this sweeping rush of sensation and wanting? Already lost in the softness of his lips that belied the strength and confidence of his lean, hard body. He pressed her against his solid chest, causing her nipples to quiver and harden.

Oh, God, no, she wouldn’t walk away.

“Adam, I…” She couldn’t complete the thought but it didn’t matter as he seemed to anticipate her every want.

“I know,” he whispered, and laid her down on the wide couch. He covered her body with his and his mouth claimed hers with renewed urgency. His taste filled her senses, his taut body tempted hers. She could feel him lengthen and harden against her thigh and she wanted all of it, all of him.

She reached up to wrap her arms around his neck at the same time as his hand moved to cup her breast, drawing a soft moan from deep in her throat. He began to unbutton her blouse while his lips nipped and kissed their way along her jaw to her ear, then down her neck.

He pushed himself up and straddled her, staring at her with a heated intensity that somehow gave her the courage to act more boldly than she felt. He watched intently as she eased her blouse off, then began to unhook her bra.

“I’ll do it,” he said huskily, and peeled back the white lace cups. His nostrils flared as he stared at her exposed breasts.

“Beautiful,” he said, then took both breasts in his hands and used his thumbs to gently flick her nipples to a hard peak.

She caught her breath when he bent down and took her into his mouth, teasing one ultrasensitive nipple first with his teeth, then with his tongue, rolling and licking her firm tip until she groaned aloud.

He continued his tender assault on her other breast as he reached to unzip her pants and ease them down her legs. She took over, shimmying and finally kicking her pants to the floor to allow him full access to every part of her.

His eyes met her gaze and Trish saw a flicker of heat and pure masculine satisfaction in his dark eyes. He slipped his fingers beneath the elastic band of her thong and touched her most intimate spot. When he slid one finger inside her, she gasped.

“So hot and tight,” he murmured, then eased out and back in again. He repeated the action over and over, creating friction against her sensitive flesh that aroused and devastated her.

“Adam,” she whispered. “Please.”

Instead of answering, he stood and made fast work of taking his shirt off, tearing off his shoes and socks before unzipping and removing his trousers.

Trish watched, mesmerized as she savored the sight of his long, powerful legs and well-toned body. She shivered with anticipation and her breath hitched as he pulled off his boxers and revealed his large, stiff erection.

She ached to touch him.

He was watching her now as he reached for his pants and pulled a foil packet from the pocket. He tore it open and slipped on protection, then stretched out on the couch and took her in his arms. He kissed her fiercely, carnally, at the same time as he found her moist core and entered her with one, strong thrust.

Trish’s eyes opened wide and she cried out, but almost as quickly as the pain came, it was gone, replaced by a feeling of fullness, an intimate connection she’d never experienced before.

Adam stopped, held perfectly still, locked inside her and stared down into her eyes. “A virgin?” His words were strangled as if there were a fist clamped around his throat. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Can we talk about this later?” she demanded, lifting her hips, drawing him deeper.

He hissed in a breath through gritted teeth.

“Don’t stop,” she commanded, and latched her ankles over his legs.

He gave her a tight grin. “I have no intention of stopping, but we’ll talk about this.”

“Later,” she moaned. Her hands glided over his shoulders in an attempt to calm him down, urge him on, reassure him it was okay to keep going. Please keep going.

His lips found hers again and he kissed her tenderly as he began to move again. Pleasure grew and spread through her and she relaxed beneath him.

“Wrap your legs around me, sweetheart,” he murmured. “Move with me.”

She did so, matching his rhythm. She could feel his heart pounding against hers and it made her feel alive. She watched his face-beautiful, strong, straining as he gave her pleasure. She tightened her legs around him, then lost sight of everything but the lush heat that was threatening to consume her.

“Open your eyes,” he said. “I want to see them turn dark when you come with me.”

She was helpless to do otherwise as he plunged and filled her. Heat built within her and need ignited every nerve ending as she climbed higher and higher. She cried out his name as color exploded behind her eyelids and electric pulsations coursed wildly through her body.

Adam stiffened above her and shouted her name. He drove into her one last time, so deeply that she could’ve sworn she felt him touch her heart. Then he collapsed against her and his full weight pressed her into the couch. He murmured words she couldn’t hear, but his warm breath against her skin soothed her.

For the next few minutes, all she could feel were the tremors moving in waves throughout her body and all she could hear was their ragged breathing. She was completely drained and satiated. She felt free, joyfully free and more alive than she’d ever been before.


Adam carefully shifted and stretched out alongside Trish. He tucked her closer to him and then, leaning on one elbow, stared down at her.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Despite the fact that they were inches away from each other, she wouldn’t meet his gaze. A virgin? Was she really that hungry to get her hands on his bank account that she’d given up something so precious?

Adam wondered what she was thinking. Was she getting ready to bolt? He wouldn’t put it past her, but he wasn’t about to let her walk out right then. Not until he knew what was going on. He wanted-no, he needed-to know what was going through her mind. If she’d felt so compelled to apologize for one measly kiss the night before, she must be drowning in guilt and regret now, after just having had wild, incredible sex on his office couch.

But that didn’t mean she was going anywhere. No way. Not yet. His own guilt had ratcheted up a notch or two besides. Would he have taken her if he’d known she was a virgin? No. But that ship had sailed. Besides, he couldn’t say why, but he wasn’t ready to let her go. Not until he could taste her again. He thought of the private bathroom connected to his office, with a shower big enough for two. He could offer her the use of the shower, then join her there.

The soft curve of her thigh was nestled against his shaft, causing it to stir to attention. He almost groaned aloud. It wasn’t bad enough that he’d taken her here, in his office, on the couch. Now he wanted her again.

“I’d better be going,” she whispered.

“No,” he said immediately, telling himself she was too vulnerable right now for him to allow her to leave-and he refused to dwell on why he cared one way or another. He’d never wanted a woman to stay with him any longer than absolutely necessary. But Trish was different. He wasn’t prepared to say how or why she was different. She just was. Gold digger or not, he felt something for her. And besides, he wanted answers to some questions.

“You’re not going anywhere until I find out why you didn’t tell me you were a virgin.”

“Why does it matter?” she asked, still averting her gaze.

“Because I wouldn’t have taken you on a damn couch, that’s why.”

She glared at him. “Well, then, that’s why I didn’t tell you.”

He frowned as he brushed a strand of hair back from her face. “But I could’ve gone slowly and not hurt you so much.”

“You didn’t hurt me,” she insisted softly, shaking her head as she said it. Her eyelids fluttered and she finally smiled at him. “Well, not too much anyway. And after a few seconds, it was perfect.”

“Not yet,” he said with determination. “But it will be.”

Trish sat at her desk early the next morning, torn between preening like a satisfied cat and crawling under her desk to hide in shame.

She’d had sex with the enemy.

If it had only happened once, she might’ve chalked it up to temporary insanity. But it hadn’t happened just once. Not even twice. Three times! In three different ways. She shivered at the memory of everything he’d done to her. One thing was certain: she’d never look at his conference table the same way again. And she was considering erecting a small shrine in front of that awe-inspiring couch of his.

She knew it was wrong, knew what a mistake she’d made, but it had been amazing, wonderful, thrilling. She’d reveled in Adam’s kisses, each caress and every whispered word. He’d made her feel like she’d never felt before.

Well, of course she’d never felt those things before. Up until last night, she’d been a virgin.