Lucy’s pretty face took on a mulish look. “If you think that, Clarinda, then you must be falling in love with him yourself.”
There was a silence. Clarinda felt too shocked to reply, not so much at Lucy’s temper but at the idea that she should be falling in love with a man when her future was already set.
“I am most disappointed about my wheeled chair,” Lady March announced in a loud voice. “Sold out indeed. I cannot believe there are so many people in Bath requiring them at this present time. I am sure no one needs one as urgently as I do. Perhaps I could send up to London for one. What do you think, Clarinda?”
“I think you should wait and see if you can find one closer to Bath, Aunt,” said Clarinda, knowing who would be pushing her aunt around in the wheeled chair.
“Perhaps Mr Collingwood could help you find one,” Lucy added, with a bland look on her face and a naughty twinkle in her eye. “Do you know where he is staying, Aunt?”
“He has a disease of the lower limbs that makes them swell up enormously,” Lady March said with relish. “He has invited me to tea, to examine them.”
“Poor man.” Lucy could not help but feel sorry for him.
“I wonder how he contracted it?” Lady March gazed into the fire.
Clarinda and Lucy exchanged a speaking glance, and Lucy gave a shudder. “I’m sorry I was cross,” Lucy whispered. “I did not mean to snap at you.”
“I know you did not.”
“You only want what is best for me,” Lucy went on in a dull voice.
Clarinda looked at her sister in surprise. “But you must want to marry and have a fine house and fine clothes and … and … Surely every young woman wants to live grandly?”
“I suppose so,” Lucy agreed, but she didn’t sound very certain. “But I want to fall in love first, Clarinda. I would hate to marry a man simply because he was wealthy or had a title. I do not crave to wear pretty dresses or ride in a fine carriage as much as that.”
“You are very young,” Clarinda began, as if this was an excuse.
“You speak as though your own life were over,” Lucy retorted.
“We owe Aunt March a great deal,” Clarinda said, as if this were an answer, glancing at the older woman now dozing in her chair.
“You have spent ten years caring for her,” Lucy said, suddenly seeming far older than Clarinda knew her to be, “and it is time I took my turn.”
Clarinda opened her mouth, closed it again. Suddenly everything seemed to be turning topsy-turvy. Slyly, the image of herself and James Quentin crept into her head. How could she dare to believe such a thing was possible? That she should be granted the chance of such happiness?
If she were to allow herself to begin to believe only to have her dreams snatched away from her, it would be too cruel. Clarinda knew she would rather lock them away now, before they could gain purchase, than be shattered by the dashing of her hopes.
“We shall see,” she said firmly.
Lucy sighed. “That means you intend to have your own way,” she murmured. “But this time, Clarinda, you will see. I intend to have mine.”
“The Pump Room went well, My Lord?”
Dunn’s curious gaze took in his master, as if trying to decide what there was about him that was different.
“Well enough, and please do not call me by that title.” Dunn took his coat. “I am sorry, sir, but you are Lord Hollingbury.”
“I know I am, Dunn, I just … Oh dash it, I suppose you’re right. I’ll have to get used to it one day.”
“Did you learn anything to your advantage, My Lord?”
“To my …?” James repeated, momentarily dazed. “Oh, you mean … No, Dunn, I didn’t.”
James poured himself a brandy. He felt the need of it. The water in the Pump Room had been as nasty as he feared, and he told himself the brandy was to wash the taste out of his mouth. In truth it was to settle his nerves, which were rattled far more than he liked to admit.
Mrs Russo had clutched hold of him again after Clarinda left, and she had been most forthcoming. She had informed him, with false sympathy, that Lady March’s two nieces were only with her because she had kindly offered them a home after they were destitute. “Poor as church mice,” she added, with a sly look. “Good looking, I grant you. The younger one may make a good marriage. Miss Clarinda is obliged to remain with her aunt, but she has expressed a wish that her sister may have an independent life. So unselfish of her, don’t you think? What did you think of the youngest Miss Howitt, sir? She is generally thought to be quite a beauty.”
James frowned. Now he recalled the moment when Clarinda introduced her sister and there had been something watchful in her gaze as she beamed at him. He almost groaned aloud. Clarinda thought he would fall for Lucy and she was happy with that. She did not want him for herself. Acknowledging it made him damned angry.
Now James shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts of Clarinda. He had come to Bath with one object in mind and here he was being diverted. It would not do at all.
“How can I find her?” he muttered. “Does she even want to be found?”
Dunn looked concerned. “If she is in Bath, then we must discover her, sir, whether she likes it or not. It is not such a large town and there is a great deal of gossip.”
“But she has hidden herself away. Will she understand how much I want to find her and restore her to her proper station in life?” His face darkened. “My brother had a great deal to answer for, Dunn.”
“It was unfortunate you were away in the army when it happened, My Lord.”
“But now I have a chance to amend matters.”
If only Clarinda would stop distracting him.
No, he told himself, he would put her from his mind.
But he found he couldn’t. She came to him in his dreams. Clarinda Howitt was perfection, well perhaps not entirely, she did want him to marry her sister after all. But he knew he wanted her by his side when he began his new life as Lord Hollingbury.
Which was why he found himself in front of her house two mornings later, waiting for his card to be taken upstairs, and permission given for him to meet Clarinda face to face.
Clarinda felt her hands shaking as she smoothed her skirts and pinched her cheeks. She looked wan, with great dark shadows under her eyes. Her aunt had taken a turn in the night, claiming her limbs were swelling like the hot air balloon they had seen flying overhead in the summer. Clarinda knew it was all nonsense, that she had taken the idea from Mr Collingwood, whom she’d visited during the day. But when Lady March decided she was ill there was nothing to be done but ride the wave to its conclusion.
Dr Moorcroft had come and was upstairs with Lady March, listening patiently to her symptoms. At first, when there was a tap on her door, Clarinda had thought it was the doctor wishing to speak to her, but instead it was the maid with a card from James Quentin.
Her James Quentin.
No, no, that was not right. He was not hers. He could never, ever be hers. Her life, her future, was fixed. Lucy could never handle Lady March, no matter what she said. No matter how much she wished it could be so. Whatever he wanted she must send him away and as soon as possible. To let him linger was only to cause herself more pain and suffering.
With a new iron resolve, Clarinda descended to the vestibule.
He was gazing at a gloomy hunting painting that belonged to Lord March, but turned at the sound of her steps on the stairs. His smile faded a little at the chill tone of her voice.
“Mr Quentin, how do you do?”
“Miss Howitt. I am interrupting. I am sorry to intrude upon you without an invitation. I felt the need to see you.”
He made it sound as if seeing her was somehow imperative, but she dared not imagine that was true.
Without answering, she showed him into the parlour and they were seated. “I cannot stay long,” she said. “My aunt is ill and the doctor is with her.”
“I’m sorry to hear it. Although your aunt did not seem to be an invalid when I met her at the Pump Room, and the first time we met you mentioned her penchant for imagining herself ill.” His look was quizzical.
“That is neither here nor there,” Clarinda said quietly. “I owe my aunt a debt. Without her Lucy and I would have been … well, I don’t know what would have happened to us.” Suddenly she looked at him, her eyes widening. “Oh.” A thought had occurred to her. He’d come to offer for Lucy! After one meeting he was hopelessly in love with her sister and wished to ask for her hand. Her emotions sank even lower but she tried to smile. “Lucy is out shopping with her friends. I am sure she will be sorry she missed you.”
His smile was gone. He was frowning almost furiously. “I didn’t come here to see Lucy, I came here to see you. I thought I made that perfectly clear, Clarinda?”
Puzzled, not daring to believe, she gazed into his eyes.
“Clarinda, let me make myself very clear. I have no interest in your sister whatsoever. It is you I am interested in.”
“I don’t understand,” she began, hoping for and yet dreading his answer.
“Mrs Russo informed me of your circumstances,” he said dryly. “An unpaid servant to your aunt. I have come to offer you a way out, Clarinda.”
“A way out?” she croaked, praying she was wrong, and yet hoping …
Lady March’s voice drifted down from upstairs. “Clarinda!”
Clarinda stood up, shaking.
Footsteps on the stairs and a white-faced maid poked her head around the door of the parlour. “Miss Clarinda, the doctor says can you come?”
Clarinda hesitated, torn between hearing what James Quentin had come to say and her duty to her aunt. “I must go.”
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