He gasped and pulled the hem of his tunic out to wipe the weapon so he could sheathe it. Medb had hopped aside from the motion of the sword, with practised reaction to the weapon’s movement. She did not even look at it as she spoke.

«But I have resolved never to take another husband who had nothing of his own.»

«Most rightly,» Ailill agreed, smiling. «I will go tomorrow to fetch my own property and we can match what we have.»

Medb stared at him for a long moment. «I will not wait another five years for you to make good your word to me.»

Ailill laughed heartily. «No, indeed, I promise you I will not step even one foot inside the sidhe.» He started away.

«Inside a sidhe?» Medb echoed to his back. «Is this what you promised to explain to me when you first came?»

He turned back towards her, leaned forwards suddenly and put his mouth to hers, not trying to embrace or hold her to him. His lips were firm but soft, not dry but not wet with spittle either. And then, just as she was about to embrace him, he drew back.

«I must go and have this shoulder bound up before I lose too much blood.»

She saw then that a fine sheen of sweat glistened on his face and remembered that the lips that touched her had been cool; his skin was pale and greyish and he was unsteady.

«Go then,» she said quickly. «Go and have your wound bound. You can tell me about the sidhe tomorrow.»

But he was gone before dawn the next day. Medb said several words that delicately raised ladies did not know. He had taken about half the men he brought from Erna with him. Medb questioned the men he had left, but they knew nothing of where Ailill was going. They had come to him with his possessions after he had come from the sidhe. if that was from where he had come.

So Medb cursed Ailill to unease and sleeplessness and went with some of her own people to Tara. Her father was sorry to hear what had happened to Eochaid Dála, who had supported him in several wars. He asked whether Ailill was likely to be as useful and all Medb could say was that he would be even more useful. if he had not disappeared again. Eochaid Feidleach shook his head at her and told her she should not be so careless with her men — one dead and another missing. Medb ground her teeth and set out for Cruachan to guard the lands Eochaid and Ailill had watched.

But when she came to the dun, Ailill was there, his cattle in the pasture, his goods spread out on the trestle tables where the people of the dun sat down to eat. There was no lack in the goods, in the silver cups and the horns wound with gold wire in their gold stands, in the platters and the linens and the close-woven cloth. He laughed at her rage over his departure and she stamped on his foot so that he howled and hopped about holding it in his hand. And then they fell into each other’s arms, both laughing, and called witnesses to count over what was hers and what was his.

It was a very close thing, very close indeed, except. The bull with Ailill’s herd was far superior to that in Medb’s. Both were silent as the witnesses gave their judgment and they looked into each other’s eyes. An icy chill ran down Medb’s spine. A bull would bring disaster to her. Still.

«I promised myself that I would not take a husband to whom I would be subservient,» Medb said.

«I desire you for my wife far more than I desire to rule you,» Ailill said, «but the law is the law. All I can offer is to geld the bull»—

The chill struck Medb again. «No!» she cried. «It would be an evil thing to spoil so fine a bull.»

Ailill nodded. «You are too clever to destroy something of value. And think, Medb, you have a dozen yearling bulls that are already better than their sire. Take me for a year while those yearlings grow into their full power on my oath not to use my authority.»

Medb thought. It would not be so easy to rid herself of Ailill as of her previous husbands, but the hunger in his eyes roused her as no other man’s gaze ever had. She held out her hand and he clasped it, and so they were wed before the people of the dun.

Medb ordered a great feast to mark the occasion, taking care that exactly so many steers and sheep and pigs came from Ailill’s goods as came from her own. But they themselves did not attend the revels for long. When the serious drinking got underway, Medb and Ailill slipped out of the hall to her house, where Ailill’s hunger was slaked at last, and then slaked again, and still again so that Medb knew no satisfaction would still it for long.

In the morning, they still lay together, sated, yet Medb was eager to start the day to see how well Ailill would keep his promise not to try to rule her. When she started to rise, however, he held her back and she laughed.

«You still desire me so much?»


«You think me the most beautiful woman you have ever seen?»

Now Ailill burst out laughing. «No, indeed I do not.»

«You are at least honest,» Medb snapped.

The laughter died and he said, solemnly, «With you, Medb, always.»

Ailill held out a hand and Medb put hers into it. Ailill smiled at her. «With others. I am honest as is most profitable. But those beautiful women — they were from the sidhe. The beauty of the women of the sidhe is unmatched and they are free with their favours. Only. they had nothing else — and I do not mean goods and cattle. They do not care, not for me, not for their own men. And the men are the same. Sometimes kind but always careless, especially of us mortals.»

He told her then about rescuing the sidhe child and that he thought he stayed there no more than five or six months. «When I left, I thought I would be coming to seek you soon after you left Emain Macha. I had no idea I had been five years with the sidhe, and none of them ever thought to tell me that time runs differently in their lios — slower.»

That was a weight off Medb’s mind; there had always been a doubt in her about Ailill’s constancy, whether he might disappear again. So she tightened her grip on the hand she held as he told her how careful he had been when he went to gather up what Bodb held for him, so as not to get caught in the time trap.

«That was well done,» she said. «You have made a good friend in Bodb.»

She made to rise again. This time — a little to her regret — he did not hold her back, but also rose from the bed. When they were dressed though, he stopped her from leaving at the door.

«Wait here,» he said. «I have a morning gift for you.»

Medb burst into laughter. «I was scarcely a virgin when we came together, my love. My morning gift»— Her bright eyes darkened with remembered hurt; Conchobar had given her nothing.

«— was not paid,» Ailill said. «I could do nothing then. But you will have it now and it will content you for all past injury.»

Which left Medb blinking and wondering as Ailill left. A very short time later the door was flung open again and Ailill stood at the side, holding the halter of. a bull. It was red and white as were Medb’s cattle but it was every bit as fine a beast as the black and white bull that Ailill owned.

«Your morning gift,» Ailill said. «Now we are equal.»

Medb’s eyes widened with understanding. She would go her way; Ailill would go his, but they would always be together.

«Compeer,» she breathed. «Partner.»

Ciar Cullen

On Inishmore

Inishmore, Aran Islands, Ireland — 1890

Maeve wrapped her shawl tightly around her shoulders against the howling wind, biting back laughter as the new master of Kildooney House made his way up the path. Green as moss, he was, from the ferry crossing. How did the Americans make the crossing when they couldn’t stand the few miles from Rossaveal?

He was soaked, was Brian Fitzgerald, late of Boston. Maeve had known his father, and his father’s father, and no doubt a few ancestors before them she’d since forgotten. All drawn to Inishmore, searching, longing for meaning in their life, a phantom that never materialized, or perhaps a love that was under their noses all along. A welling of her own longing filled her but she brushed it aside, not willing to open a wound she no longer cared to stitch close. The pain of that mending wasn’t worth the risk.

Fitzgerald took the few steps to the porch and stopped short at the sight of Maeve. She could practically read his mind. He’d expected a housekeeper, but not one of Maeve’s advanced years and ugly countenance. He took a deep breath and pulled off his bowler, shaking water in a near stream from the rim.

«Mrs MacGearailt? I am Brian Fitzgerald.»

«That much is obvious, lad. Welcome to Kildooney House. Welcome to Inishmore.»

He nodded his thanks and stood in awkward silence, as if he needed further permission to enter. He didn’t. He owned Kildooney since the recent death of his father.

«It might be best if you come in out of the rain. You need a hot meal, dry clothes and a good night’s sleep. All will look better in the morning. Except for me.» She winked and Brian Fitzgerald laughed in embarrassment.

«I am very pleased to finally meet you.» He seemed sincere.

Maeve peeked in at him as he warmed his feet near the fire, half asleep with exhaustion. The young woman enchanted within the crone stirred restlessly at his fine figure, long legs stretched out, broad shoulders wrapped in a blanket of her own making, silky auburn hair brushing his once-starched collar. No, she reprimanded herself, do not imagine he is the one who will lift this enchantment.

He was the first of the Fitzgerald men to travel without a manservant, and Maeve wondered idly how long he would stay in the rambling mansion with the quiet bearing down on him and the luxuries of Boston an ocean away. The young woman in her surfaced again momentarily, wondering too what life alone under the same roof would bring. No doubt disappointment. She would put that dream in a box and lock it with a key, throw the key into Galway Bay.