‘On this occasion,’ Mortimer interrupted, ‘it should be a specially merry feast. We must make sure that the wine flows freely.’

‘I shall put two notorious imbibers in charge of my lord,’ went on Alspaye, ‘and shall see that they are well supplied with liquor. I’ll warrant it will not be long before we have them in a drunken stupor. That will give us an opportunity to make our preparations.’

Many plans had been discussed and discarded and they had come to the conclusion that the safest way was for Mortimer to escape by means of a rope ladder. He had, of course, to get out of his cell and although most of the guards would be drinking heavily there could be one or two abstainers and it was logical to suppose that on such an occasion they would be especially alert.

Mortimer’s dungeon was next to the kitchens and from these it was possible to get out onto a roof of an inner ward. This was where the rope ladder would come in. For several weeks Mortimer with the help of Alspaye had managed to loosen a portion of the stones in the wall. It was not difficult for Alspaye to say he wished to speak with the prisoner and dismiss the guards while he did so.

During the time they spent together the two men worked on the wall so that by the first of August it was a simple matter to lift out the stones which they had loosened and make a big enough hole for them to pass through.

They would then be in the kitchens where Alspaye must make sure that the servants were either carousing with their guards or too drunk to notice what was happening. From the kitchens they could reach one of the inner wards and there it was that they would need the rope ladder to take them into the outer ward and they could from there make their way to that spot on the river where the London merchants, John de Gisors and Richard de Bettoyne, would have a boat waiting.

They had gone over the plan in their minds, looking for possible defects. To be discovered would mean certain death for Mortimer and Alspaye. But they were determined they would succeed.

The Queen was perhaps the most anxious of the three. She had seen in Mortimer her great hope. Moreover she was passionately in love with him and to have found a man who was not only her lover but her saviour seemed miraculous to her.

She was terrified that something would happen to him.

The first of August dawned. She went along to the little church of St Peter ad Avincula on Tower Green and asked the saint’s help in this project.

During the morning Mortimer was allowed to walk in the garden and Alspaye dismissed the guards with instructions to wait by the palings and while he and Mortimer walked they ran through the details once more.

The Queen joined them.

‘I know I should not have come,’ she said, ‘but I had to. After tonight it will be long ere I see you both.’

‘We must make sure that it is not too long,’ said Mortimer. ‘I shall be unable to endure it. I shall find some way to escape to France.’

‘It would be better if it did not appear to be an escape,’ said Mortimer. ‘If you could come on some pretext and bring young Edward with you.’

‘I will do it. I will do it.’

They clasped hands. It was the nearest to an embrace.

She was amazed and delighted by Mortimer’s calm. He was a man of action and he could not help but be exhilarated at the prospect of escaping from imprisonment even though it would mean a temporary separation from the Queen. He had no doubts of the success of the venture.

Nor, when she was with him, had she.

They did not linger too long in the gardens. Alspaye escorted Mortimer back to his dungeon and in her apartments the Queen told her attendants that she wished to be alone. She was too tense for light conversation and she was afraid that her manner might betray something.

Throughout the Tower the festive spirit was apparent. St Peter ad Vincula was a very special saint and the warders and guards told each other it was only right that on this day he should be honoured.

Dusk fell. Now was the time. There were sound of revelry throughout the Tower. The Queen said she was pleased that the servants of the Tower should celebrate the occasion but she would retire early and rest.

She waited. Everything had been timed perfectly. She prayed that there might be no hitch. Alspaye had seen that those guards in the vicinity of Mortimer’s dungeon had been given a wine which was particularly potent; it had also been laced with some special herbs reputed to add to the soporific effect.

It would be soon now.

She visualized the scene in the dungeon. The guard at the door slumped on the floor. Alspaye and Mortimer removing the stone, slipping quietly through to the kitchens. Would there be a hitch there? Suppose one of the cooks was not completely drunk? Oh, but they would be. They, like the guards, had had their wine specially treated.

How much they owed Alspaye! This could never have been arranged without him. They had been clever. Help from within, help from without. It was certain to succeed.

Wrapping a concealing cloak about her she came out of her palace quarters and made her way to the inner ward.

There was no sign of them. Her heart seemed as though it would fail her. If anything went wrong she felt she would die, for if Mortimer were caught trying to escape there would be no hope for him.

Oh what a fool Edward was to have imprisoned him in the first place! Oh, but thank God for Edward’s folly! Anyone but Edward would have recognized Mortimer’s superb qualities and never have let him live. Oh thank God again and again for Edward’s folly.

A sound behind her. A movement. There they were. Relief flooded over her.

Safe! The most difficult part accomplished.

They saw her and Mortimer ran towards her. He had her in his arms.

‘Oh, gentle Mortimer,’ she cried, ‘if I could but come with you.’

Alspaye said: ‘There is no time to lose. At any moment they could discover we have gone.’

‘Where is the ladder?’ said Mortimer.

It had been her task to bring that to them. She produced it and Alspaye threw it over the wall.

‘Now, my lord Mortimer, you go first.’

‘Let me hold it for you,’ said the Queen. ‘Good-bye, dear gentle Mortimer.’

One last embrace. ‘To France and our meeting,’ he said. ‘Pray God it be soon.’

He was over. She looked down and saw him standing there safe on the other side of the wall.

It was Alspaye’s turn. In a few seconds he was standing beside Mortimer.

She threw down the rope and returned to her apartments to await the discovery of the missing captives..

* * *

It was not difficult to find their way to that spot where the boat was to be ready for them. The merchants had not failed them. It was there.

‘We have done it!’ cried Mortimer.

‘Not yet, my lord,’ replied Alspaye. ‘We have escaped from the Tower― no mean feat, I agree. But we cannot boast of our success until we are safe in France.’

Indeed they had good friends. The horses were waiting for them— fresh and ready for the journey, with seven men from Mortimer’s household attending them.

This was indeed good fortune.

‘My lord,’ said Alspaye, ‘you have friends who love you dearly.’

‘Or mayhap hate the Despensers,’ replied Mortimer. They rode through the night until they reached the coast of Hampshire.

Out at sea lay a ship. It was the one which would take them to France.

It was not difficult to hire a small boat.

Mortimer bade his men be cautious for by this time it might well be that his escape had been discovered and warning given to look out for anyone leaving for the Continent.

‘Tell them,’ he said, ‘that we want a small boat to go to the Isle of Wight.’

This was done, the boat procured and very soon it was skimming across the water.

Mortimer boarded the big ship. The Captain who had been waiting for him gave orders to sail as soon as the tide and winds were favourable.

Later that day Roger de Mortimer and Gerard de Alspaye landed in France.

As they drank wine in a riverside tavern and congratulated themselves on their good fortune, Mortimer said: ‘We have come so far. Now the real work begins.’


EDWARD was in Lancashire when a messenger arrived from London with the news that Roger de Mortimer had escaped from the Tower.

A fury seized him. He realized at once that he should never have allowed this to happen. Oh what a stupid thing to have done! To have allowed Mortimer to keep his head.

It was because dear Hugh had not been with him at the time of Mortimer’s capture, and Mortimer had been in the Tower by the time Hugh was back. Hugh was so clever. He foresaw disaster. And now Mortimer was free!

Hugh came in to see him and was clearly perturbed by the news when he heard it.

‘Never mind, sweet lord, we need not fear him. We shall stand against him and all his Marcher barons.’

‘I know, Hugh, I know. But to think he was allowed to get away from the Tower. What could have happened?’

‘The feast of St Peter ad Vincula was it? You know what these people are.

Give them a chance to carouse― and they forget their duty.’

‘Someone should answer for this.’

‘They will, dear lord, they will.’

When they learned something of how the escape had taken place they were even more disturbed.

‘He could only have done it with help from within,’ declared Hugh.