When the King heard this he stormed; and Adelaide was terrified that he was going completely mad. Other people infuriated him temporarily but the exasperation and dislike with which he regarded the Duchess of Kent was perpetual.

‘Let’s forget it,’ said Adelaide. ‘After all, neither of us wants to entertain the Duchess. It was Victoria we were thinking of.’

‘One of these days,’ said the King, ‘I shall tell that woman exactly what I think of her. I’ll banish her from England. Why should the King be constantly insulted by this … this … upstart of a Duchess?’

‘She is the most difficult of women,’ sighed Adelaide, and began to talk about one of the grandchildren to turn his thoughts to a more pleasant subject. And as he was vitally interested in everything that concerned these young people she managed it successfully.

Poor Victoria, thought the Queen when she was alone. She was no doubt going to have a wretched birthday and all because of this stupid idea of mourning, which Adelaide knew full well had been thought up so that the invitation need not be accepted. If Victoria were not the heiress to the throne and it was their duty to bring her forward as much as possible, Adelaide would have washed her hands of Kensington Palace and its most troublesome inmate. But she often thought of that young girl who looked so wistful sometimes.

She wrote to the Duchess of Kent. Since there could be no ball for the Princess’s birthday she would call at Kensington Palace on that day to give the good wishes of herself and the King to the Princess in person.

Who would believe anyone could be capable of such discourteous, ungrateful and arrogant behaviour? The Duchess of Kent apparently could; for she wrote back to the Queen. It was so kind of her to offer to call at Kensington Palace, but being in such deep mourning for her brother’s child the Duchess was unable to receive anyone.

* * *

So there was no ball for the fifteenth birthday; but there was a letter which made Victoria very happy. It was from her sister Feodora, who wrote that she longed to be with her sister on this important day but the reunion would not be long delayed. A few days after Victoria’s birthday, Feodora with her husband and two elder children would set out on the journey to England.

What joy, wrote Feodora, awaited her. Her little sister who had been but nine years old when she last saw her was now a young lady of fifteen. What changes there would be; and she had heard that Victoria had grown very pretty. As for herself she was grown stouter and was really an old Mamma. She feared Victoria would get a great surprise when she saw her; but she would not wait for the day.

The great day turned out to be June 5th. Victoria was up early awaiting the arrival of her sister and her family long before they were due.

She chattered to Lehzen while her hair was being done. ‘Have I changed much, Lehzen? Do you really think I have grown prettier? Of course I am not very tall. But then nor is darling Feodora. Oh, I wonder if she has changed! And how I long to see the dear, dear children.’

Lehzen was moved too. She had been Feodora’s governess before she had been Victoria’s, and she loved the elder sister only a little less than her present charge.

‘You must curb your impatience,’ she said.

Victoria laughed and threw her arms about her governess. ‘And you, my dear Lehzen, are finding it very hard to curb yours.’

At eleven o’clock the visitors arrived at Kensington Palace. The Duchess was there insisting on a little ceremony and that she be greeted first; but her maternal instincts were strong and she was delighted to see her elder daughter. Her love for Feodora being less calculated was more spontaneous and as she embraced her daughter and exclaimed with delight at the children she was genuinely moved.

Feodora’s eyes were on Victoria. They flew at each other and hugged and kissed, tears in their eyes. Tears of happiness, said Victoria, for it was the most wonderful thing to see her darling sister again.

And the babies. They were enchanting. How tall little Charles was – and only four and a half! Who would believe it! He studied his Aunt Victoria very intently. ‘He has heard so much about you,’ Feodora explained.

‘Oh, the darling.’

‘He remembers the whip you sent him. He talked about it for days before it arrived. Oh … but Eliza wants your attention. She does not intend to be left out.’

Victoria had knelt down to embrace the little girl who was a year younger than Charles. Such a little beauty! Those enormous brown eyes, so big for her age and with such a merry, happy smile!

‘What adorable children!’ cried Victoria. ‘Oh, Feodora my dearest sister; how happy you must be.’

‘And never more so since I left Kensington than at this moment.’

‘You must see your rooms,’ said the Duchess, for once like any humble hostess. ‘Come, we will all go together.’ So the Duchess took young Charles by the hand, and Victoria held little Eliza’s and with her arm linked in that of Feodora they went to the apartments which had been assigned for the family.

Feodora’s husband, Ernest, Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, looked quite old, Victoria thought, but he was kind to Feodora who loved him and he loved her and the children adored him, so Victoria was very ready to take him to her own affectionate heart.

The children were a source of amusement and delight; they were so well behaved and far from shy. They chattered away and were already very fond of their Aunt Victoria. They thanked her for all the presents she had sent them – no doubt primed to do this by Feodora and their nurses – but they did it so prettily that Victoria was very touched.

‘I daresay,’ said the Duchess that afternoon, ‘that Lehzen would like to have her two girls to herself for a while. Victoria, you could take your sister for a drive and Lehzen could accompany you.’

So off they went through the park with Lehzen sitting with them, laughing and recalling incidents from the past. ‘Do you remember?’ they were constantly asking each other; and Lehzen sat there, her cheeks flushed, her lips quivering now and then with emotion and her eyes unnaturally bright as she listened to the light-hearted chatter of the two she loved so dearly.

Feodora was happy in her marriage. She saw that and was grateful. May Victoria find happiness as great was her prayer.

Back at the Palace they dined and during dinner Charles and Eliza were brought in to say good night. How excited they were to be in England with the relations they had never before seen. How gay and happy they were! Eliza was much taken with her Grandmamma’s appearance; she loved all the bows and ribbons and the jewels which adorned the Duchess’s person. Victoria had rarely seen her mother so naturally happy as she was with these darling grandchildren.

How I wish it were always like this! she thought.

They had arranged to go to the Opera that evening, but Feodora said that she could not keep her eyes open.

‘My love,’ said the Duchess tenderly, ‘it has been a very tiring day for you. You must go to bed early. The others can go to the Opera without you. As long as Victoria is present it will be all right.’

Victoria was glad it had been decided for her because she loved the Opera – in fact Italian Opera gave her more pleasure than anything, even drawing and writing in her Journal – but at the same time she would have enjoyed staying behind to be with Feodora. But as the Duchess said they had weeks ahead of them to chatter and Feodora was tired, so to the Opera went Victoria.

It was Rossini’s L’Assiedo di Corrinto and Giuletta Grisi – Victoria’s very favourite artist – sang superbly. The Princess was entranced; and when Taglioni danced in Les Sylphides afterwards she felt that she had rarely enjoyed a day as she had enjoyed this one.

Moreover it was ten minutes to one when the party returned to Kensington Palace – a very late night to end a perfect day.

* * *

It was impossible for the Duchess to decline the Queen’s invitation for her visitors to go to Windsor for the Ascot races. It would indeed have been a slight to her daughter and the Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg if they had not been received by the King and Queen.

The children did not go, but remained at Kensington Palace with their nurses. How sad! thought Victoria. Aunt Adelaide would have loved them.

Windsor, restored by George IV, was very grand; but Feodora was delighted to find the Queen as homely and kind as ever – although when she had left Adelaide had been merely Duchess of Clarence; and the King was kind too and delighted to see Feodora ‘with a nice little family, eh? Four of them. Good going. Like to see them. You should have brought them. Nothing like a family!’ It was rather a tactless remark to make in the presence of the barren Queen but Adelaide was used to him by now.

It was going to be very amusing at Windsor, Victoria was sure, as long as Mamma did not offend the King or he her. She found herself becoming very uneasy when they were in the same company and watching them both, which did spoil the enjoyment a little. But the Duchess had changed with the coming of Feodora; she did love the grandchildren so perhaps she was in a happier mood and not worrying all the time that it should be remembered she was the mother of the future Queen.

They went riding in the park together. How Victoria loved the park, and loved riding and dancing and everything that accompanied a visit to Windsor for the races. Victoria took her sister to see the recently erected statue of George III.