“Maria!” Nicole called, trying to twist away.

 “Anything you have to say to Nicole can be said here,” Maria said in an authoritative tone.

 “Maria, please! You’re not allowing him to stay! This man hunted Chancey and me down in London, offering outrageous rewards—”

 “You knew that, damn it?” He ran his free hand through his hair. “Why did you hide from me?”

 “Why? Do you think I’m daft?” she asked, finally wrenching her arm out of his grasp. “You were out for revenge.”

 “Is that what I was looking for?”

 “What else could you want from me after that night?”

 Maria watched the two interacting and knew what Nicole had just said angered Sutherland terribly. Surely if the man offered rewards for her after their brief acquaintance, he wanted more from her than that. Looking at her lovely Nicole and seeing the way the two sparked off each other, she didn’t see how he could be unaffected.

 Yet instead of telling her that, he simply looked her over slowly. “Yes, that would be the only conclusion.”

 Meu Deus, perhaps I made a mistake hoping for these two.

 “Of course it is. See, Maria…” Nicole turned beseeching eyes toward her. “He wants to get me back for that night. You can’t let him.”

 “She doesn’t have any say in the matter,” he snapped.

 “Of course I do, Captain,” Maria countered. “If I call, guards will come here and stop you. Or you can be civilized and speak with her here. But I warn you, if you so much as raise your voice, you are out for good. Compreenda?”

 He looked from her to Nicole, and finally gave a quick nod.

 “Well, that’s just fine,” Nicole fumed. “He can choose to stay here, but I don’t have to. Let go of my damn arm, you beast.”

 “You didn’t think I was a beast that night in my cabin….”

 Maria studied them as they argued back and forth. She’d never known two people so right for each other.

 Or two people so completely ignorant of that fact.

 The coldness in the captain’s heart wouldn’t be able to withstand his unrelenting desire for Nicole. And he wouldn’t try to diminish her passion and fire because he craved it. Nicole, so full of impulse and mischief, needed the reassurance of strength of a iron-willed man. She also needed his dark sensuality to sate her.

 As she had thought, the man hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind. That, coupled with Derek’s behavior with Juliette, rendered her decision settled.

 Backing toward the door, Maria smiled. “I think, my little amantes, that I will just leave you two in here and let you work it out for a bit.”

 She slammed and locked the heavy oaken door.

 Chapter 12

 Yes, sweet, she’s left you unattended, and I assure you I’ll take full advantage of that fact.” His lips curled as he slowly moved closer to her. “Unlike you, I could not be happier with our circumstances,” he said in a low voice.

 She couldn’t believe it. He’d just satisfied his lust with one of the women next door. He’d admitted that he’d come here to visit the brothel—not her. Just how many times could a man be with a woman in a single day?

 She’d be damned if she would find out this way. She could just imagine him comparing her body and face to the beautiful courtesans inside the bordello. She would fall far short.

 “Stay away from me. Let me pass to the door.”

 “Let you go? As easy as you please?” he scoffed. “I don’t think so…. I’ve waited for a month to touch you again.” He reached out and stroked a stray curl. “Do you know how much I’ve thought about our night together?”

 Before she could stop herself, she stammered, “Y-you have?”

 “Of course I have. I want you.”

 She came close to asking whether he’d just had a good enough substitute, but she did not want him to think she was jealous. “Why can’t you leave me alone? I don’t want this.”

 He surveyed her with hooded eyes. “You might think you don’t want this, but your body is telling me something different.” He ran his hand over her breast, just a swift, fleeting brush, and heat bloomed inside her. She jerked away from him, stifling a gasp.

 “Damn you, Sutherland. Just leave me alone.”

 “I can’t seem to do that,” he said slowly, as if he surprised himself by his admission.

 “Well, you’ll have to. Even if I were attracted to you—which I’m not—I could never let down my guard with you. We’re opponents. Although this race means nothing to you, it means everything to my father and me.”

 “I know the race is important.” He ran his hand through his hair. “That ass, Tallywood, has the lead.”


 “I found out this morning. I know I should leave and go catch him, but for some reason, where you’re concerned…” He trailed off before grabbing her wrist and pulling her to him. He bent down to give her a light kiss on her neck, a bare flick of his tongue that made her tremble. “In fact, even though I know I should sail soon, I’m still spending the rest of the afternoon in bed with you.”

 She couldn’t stand this. Thoughts of the race, of Tallywood leading, dissipated with each of Sutherland’s slight touches. She imagined what they could do together for an entire afternoon.

 What kind of wanton was she? The bastard had just finished making love with someone else; yet he was kissing her a few minutes later. Hadn’t she learned the first time that she was merely one woman out of a long line of many? It infuriated her because she knew, she wasn’t sure how, she simply knew that she wouldn’t experience the same wonder and fire with another man. Whereas he probably enjoyed those feelings every night.

 She made herself remember that if she won the race, if she defeated the man holding her now, she secured her future, as well as her father’s and Chancey’s. She needed to get that animosity growing between them again, because she couldn’t trust herself to hold firm against him.

 She backed away from him, glaring at his hand firm on her wrist. He scowled and released her.

 “Are you navigating your ship?” she asked abruptly.

 He looked nonplussed. “Of course.”

 She swallowed, then said arrogantly, “Excellent. It will be that much sweeter when I beat you.”

 “Are you insinuating that you’re directing your ship?” He gave a quick, humorless laugh, then added snidely, “No wonder you lost your rudder.”

 Her blood boiled again, fortunately this time from fury. “I won’t be there to clean up your careless calculations again,” she taunted. “You’ll be lucky to get out of the harbor.”

 “Those were rough…” His words lagged as his expression turned to realization, only to be replaced by one of annoyance. But his eyes never stopped showing hunger.

 “Your ploy won’t work with me, Nicole. The fact that you have to contrive a fight tells me you want me as much as I want you.”

 She shook her head in weak denial. His long arm shot out to secure her again.

 No thought, she just reacted.

 Grasping a chair beside her, she simultaneously leapt away from him and yanked the chair between them. The spindle of the chair back caught him squarely between the legs.

 His jaw clenched as his eyes slid closed, and he stood motionless as if waiting for the pain to set in. When it did, his eyes opened to a murderous glare. Just before he dropped like a rock.

 “Oh, my Lord!” she squealed as she sank down beside him. “I’m so sorry…. I only wanted to get away.”

 This only aggravated him even more. He groaned out with effort, “You…will…pay…”

 Nicole did not have to linger to know what he was about to say. She whirled to the door and hammered it with open palms. Immediately, the key turned in the lock.

 Just before she walked out, she turned back. He was right. She’d created a fight, but she hadn’t intentionally hurt him. She wanted to apologize again, but convinced herself this was just as well. Finally she said, “I’m not unaware of the pain you’re feeling…. I wouldn’t have done it on purpose.” She wanted to say more, but made her heart hard. “Good luck with the rest of the race, Captain. You will need it.”

 Derek winced as he took another swig of brandy. He couldn’t draw deeply because of the ache in his groin, acute even after two hours. Nicole had definitely given him something to remember her by.

 When he’d been able to walk steadily again, he’d searched for her in Maria’s home. He approached the bordello, but learned that Nicole had never been allowed inside. Word must have spread about him, because the women in the brothel became openly antagonistic when he demanded to know where she was. A pack of wolves wouldn’t defend its cub that fiercely.

 So the little chit was navigating. Before, it’d been important only to see her and finally take her as she’d wanted him to in London. Now, with her arrogant taunts, he had to best her.

 With halting steps, he walked across the deck to meet the Recife port official, who’d just completed inspecting the ship for any exports. The rough-edged but prospering little port of Recife was unswerving in searching for and taxing goods. Derek had heard once that Maria Delgado was responsible for the port’s aggressive taxing and collection initiative. Knowing her business acumen, he didn’t doubt it.

 When the man finished the record of the Southern Cross ’s docking and inspection, Derek said, “That was quick, senhor . Not that I’m complaining of course,” he added jovially. He’d already decided to garner some information about Lassiter’s crew from the self-important little man.

 “Yes, I know you are in the Great Race, so I thought I might hurry you along,” he said in a magnanimous manner as he handed the papers to Derek.