“Answer me. That’s the only rule I have. You must always answer me because it’s imperative that I know exactly where you stand.”

“Yes.” Was that her voice? God, she was breathless. “I understand.”

Luke pulled away just as the stewardess approached, offering them drinks and peanuts. She needed a drink alright. A strong one. But the only thing she was hungry for wasn’t served on an airplane menu.

Chapter Six

From the moment Sierra walked off of the airplane in Las Vegas she’d been overwhelmed with a strange feeling. Maybe it was the fact that Luke had insisted on remaining close to her, or maybe it was because she wanted him to.

They had met up with Logan, Sam and Veronica when they entered the airport terminal only for Luke to let them know he would be escorting Sierra to the hotel, so they wouldn’t need to wait.

There were two limos, Logan told them, so Luke and Sierra would be taking one while the other three would go in the second.

Luke had shown his disapproval of her immediate need to argue with him, but that hadn’t stopped her in the least. Although Luke might, in fact, be the one man that Sierra didn’t feel as though she could walk all over, she damn sure wasn’t going to back down so easily.

After all, she might have a profound longing to be dominated in every way, but she certainly wasn’t at all interested in being a submissive. There was a difference between finding a man who would stand up to her, not conform to her every whim, and changing everything about who she was and letting said man control her life.

Her initial reaction was to tell him that she would just ride with her mother, but Luke had simply glared at her, then turned his attention back to the others stating that he would handle getting her there safely.

Somehow she managed to rein in the need to stomp her feet and tell him to take a flying leap off of a very short building. Instead, she had conceded to him that time. Let the man think she’d be easy to tame. He would soon find out the hard way that she wasn’t going to give in easily.

Even Brian, her ex-husband, hadn’t known what to do with her need to be dominated, to be forced to let go of all control. No, sweet, oblivious Brian, fresh out of high school, had just been fortunate to be getting laid any way at all. Unfortunately, it was always the same. He wanted to make love while Sierra wanted to spice things up. When she even mentioned something different, Brian would tense up, and it didn’t take her long to realize that they were polar opposites when it came to sex.

Though somewhat amicable, the two of them parted ways before they were fully invested in the marriage. Since then, Sierra hadn’t held out hope that there was a man strong enough to handle her needs.

Until Luke.

Even in the short time she had known him, the two times she had actually talked to him, Sierra knew he was the dominant alpha male she was searching for. Only there was a problem that she hadn’t yet figured out how to deal with. Luke McCoy owned a sex club, a swinger’s club to be exact. And based on her understanding of the man, he had experience beyond her wildest imagination. Trying to figure out exactly how she would be able to satisfy the needs of a man like him had plagued her for the last two hours.

On top of that, Sierra had been privy to a rumor that alluded to Luke being bisexual, and though the thought didn’t turn her off, she wondered just how that would work. How did a woman handle a man who needed more than she was even able to give him?

Her first hint of the truth behind the rumor was Cole, the man who had captured her attention with his physical beauty as he walked past them on the airplane. The look in his eye, the one that was pinpointed on Luke, said so much more.

The way Luke tensed hadn’t been all in her mind either. He’d gripped the seat like the plane might fall out of the sky, although they were still grounded in the terminal. He visibly relaxed when Cole passed them, but when she had asked Luke about it, he’d blown her off. Still, Sierra couldn’t help but wonder if Luke did know Cole, and if so, who he was to Luke.

As they descended the escalator into the luggage area of McCarran International Airport, Sierra was overwhelmed with the same exhilaration that she usually felt when she arrived in Vegas. There was just something about the place, something that relaxed her, made her want to let the weight of the world fall from her shoulders if only for a few days. Glancing over at Luke, she noticed that he looked more tense than usual – apparently Sin City didn’t have the same effect on him.

“Is everything ok?” She asked as she tried to keep up with his long, steady strides as they made their way toward the baggage claim. There was a man wearing a suit holding a sign that said ‘McCoy’ and Sierra assumed that would be for either Luke or Logan. Luke ignored her question, walking toward the man and pulling something from his pocket.

A few minutes later, after the man had retrieved their bags, she was once again following Luke. This time he held her hand in his, and when he stopped abruptly, she damn near plowed right into him. They stopped just inside the doors, and there, in front of them, was Cole.

“Don’t say a fucking word. We’ll talk when I’m ready.” Luke’s voice was harsh and left no room for argument from the other man.

Well that answered her original burning question. Apparently the two did know each other.

When Cole nodded his head, almost submissively, Sierra had to keep her jaw clamped tight so that it wouldn’t hit the floor. Here was this man, just as sturdy and compelling as Luke, not to mention devastatingly handsome, yet he was taking direction as though that was what he was born to do.

Sierra watched the entire thing play out, the tension arcing between the two men, the hint of defiance in Cole’s eyes, and although Luke lowered his voice, she still heard the meaning behind the words clear as day. When Luke tipped his head toward the limo driver, mentioning that Cole was “with them”, she noticed the mirrored look of surprise in the handsome blond man’s navy blue eyes.

When Luke pulled on her hand, she realized he was once again on the move, so she followed obediently. He led her to a black stretch limo, opened the door for her and then waited patiently while she climbed inside. Cole climbed in on the other side and moved to the seat across from them.

Their eyes met, locked on one another, and Sierra couldn’t control the sensual shiver that raced down her spine. So, she hadn’t imagined her initial reaction to this man. Being embarrassed at the thought of finding both of them so incredibly attractive was a fleeting thought. Her reaction was foreign, but not unexpected.

When Luke got in behind them, the space suddenly felt too small, not enough oxygen for the three of them to share. Sierra didn’t know who to look at, or whether she should look at either of them. The glass partition between the back and the front was closed, so they had complete privacy, yet Sierra suddenly wished they didn’t.

Luke had warned her on the airplane; he’d told her that he wasn’t a man who played games, and she was starting to believe him.

Then the car was moving and Luke directed his attention on her, making her almost squirm in her seat. All of the courage she’d manage to scrape up since the day she had met Luke had vanished like a thief in the night.

“Let’s see what you’re made of.” His voice was hoarse, rough with need, and for the first time, Sierra began to wonder if she should truly be scared of him.

Without a second’s hesitation, he moved closer, lifting her onto his lap, one hand diving into her hair. She couldn’t suppress the shudder that overcame her, her body reacting immediately to his rough touch, aching to be closer while her brain was sending up flags telling her to run.

“I’ve wanted to do this since the first day I saw you.” The deep timbre of Luke’s voice washed over her seconds before his lips touched hers.

She wouldn’t deny she’d had a fantasy or two about this very thing, but Sierra was inexperienced when it came to this. She could want, she could ache, but she would never go after it with the intensity she felt from Luke.

His mouth was softer than she expected, yet firm. Demanding. She was sitting awkwardly in his lap, unable to get closer, yet her instincts were urging her forward. When he moved again, Sierra took the opportunity to get more comfortable, turning herself in his arms while their mouths ate at one another until she was straddling him, the hard ridge of his erection pressed between her thighs.

He kissed her deeper, tilting her head so their mouths aligned perfectly, his tongue melding with hers while one hand remained entwined in her hair, tipping her head back and successfully holding her in place. As if she would try to get away. Not a chance.

He didn’t touch her anywhere else. His other hand rested on her thigh while she cupped his jaw, grinding intimately against him, trying to get their bodies closer, much closer than their clothes would allow.

When he broke the kiss, Sierra whimpered involuntarily, but she was so hot, her body burning, all good sense and logic completely vanishing, replaced by the need to kiss him. The grip on her hair tightened, and a sharp, thrilling pain shot through her scalp as he pulled her back, putting space between them.

“This isn’t all or nothing, Sierra. I’m doing my damnedest to control myself, but I can’t make any promises. If this gets too hot, or goes too far, just say the word and I’ll stop. But, you have to tell me.”