She saw the way Cole looked at Luke. She knew he harbored some deep feelings for Luke, but she didn’t know if he would ever divulge that information. Or maybe he had. And where did that leave Luke? To make a choice?

A quick glance at the clock told Sierra she didn’t have time to sit around and figure out what Luke was going to do. She couldn’t predict him any more than she could predict the weather. She had an appointment with Susan Toulmin in a few of hours, and though she didn’t have any desire to be raked over hot coals twice in one day, Sierra knew she had to go.

Dropping the sheet to the floor, she walked to the bathroom and turned on the water. Hopefully Cole and Luke could let themselves out because she’d had enough for one day. The water hadn’t yet heated up by the time she stepped in, so she let the icy rivers flow over her skin, through her hair. The blessed numbness that came along with it was a welcome relief from the emotion churning inside of her.

Closing her eyes, she tilted her head back, letting the water flow over her, trying her best to forget what had happened just that morning. The way Cole made love to her, the way he held her afterward, the thoughts heated her from the inside out.

The sound of the glass door opening had Sierra blinking her eyes open, expecting to see Cole standing in front of her, but surprised when he wasn’t the only one. There before her were the two most impressive male specimen she had ever seen. Neither of them wore shirts, but they both still had on their jeans, so their next move startled her.

Before she had a chance to blink, both men were inside the glass shower stall with her, filling the space and crushing her between their two massive bodies.

“We don’t all fit in here.” She stated unnecessarily as the two men maneuvered around her.

“We’ll fit.” Luke’s dark, hungry voice washed over her and the water temperature was no longer an issue because her blood heated despite her need to put space between them – both physical and emotional apparently.

Cole pressed up against her back, pulling her until she leaned into him, his arms wrapping around her.

“What are you doing?” She groaned as Luke went to his knees in front of her.

“What we should have been doing all along.” Cole whispered in her ear, his rough calloused hands roamed down her chest, cupping her breasts, making her skin sing with heated relief.

“Open your legs.” Luke’s voice sounded more rough than usual, making Sierra spread her legs without conscious thought. Standing between the two men reminded her of Vegas, when Luke had used his tongue to torture her in the most sensual of ways. She longed for him to do the same now, but the rational side of her brain was warning her that this was wrong. This wasn’t doing anything to increase the distance between them that she so desperately needed.

But it felt oh so right.

The raspy feel of Luke’s tongue as he snaked between the folds of her pussy, lapping at her, caressing her ever so slowly was enough to make her mind go blank. When Cole used his thumb and index fingers to pinch each one of her nipples, alternating between soft pulls and harder tweaks, Sierra leaned her head back and let the rapture take over.

“Open your eyes.” Cole’s warm breath teased her ear as he plucked at the lobe with his teeth. “Watch him.”

Sierra couldn’t watch him because the erotic scene playing out in her shower was hot enough to have her knees turning to rubber. She wanted to grind against Luke’s mouth, to force him to that one spot guaranteed to make her body hum with pleasure.

“Open.” Cole punctuated the word by pinching her nipples simultaneously and biting the sensitive skin on the back of her neck.

Sierra’s eyes flew open, making direct contact with Luke’s as he stared up at her, his tongue thrusting while he gripped her hips, pulling her forward, increasing the pressure. God the man could do wicked things with that tongue.

Then the warmth of the man behind her disappeared as Cole lowered himself to the tiled floor, his calloused hands caressing every inch of her skin as he went down. Hot kisses trailed down her spine and Sierra’s skin prickled, goose bumps igniting over every inch, her nipples puckering painfully. She needed more. She needed something…

Suddenly her legs were spread awkwardly, and she had to reach for the small shelf to maintain her balance as Luke’s lips latched onto her clit, sucking and pulling while Cole’s hands spread her butt cheeks wide, his wicked mouth doing the most erotic, forbidden things.

He wasn’t shy about his intent, his tongue working easily to turn her into a quivering mass, doing those erotic things that she had only read about. Sierra had never known how good it could feel to have that hidden, forbidden part of her stroked the way both of these men tended to do. God it was agonizing and extreme all at the same time, pushing her higher, making her tingle. And although she had been the filling in their sandwich before, this was a different kind of torture, an entirely foreign experience that had her gripping the shelf, almost biting her tongue to keep from crying out until…

Sierra screamed as her orgasm rushed over her, starbursts shot behind her eyelids while warmth trickled through every limb, every extremity, her mind all but shutting down from the intensity.

Thankfully they were both there to catch her, to hold her as they stood to their full heights once again, keeping her crushed between them. And then it dawned on her that they were still at least partially clothed.

“Take your jeans off.” She stated firmly, much more firmly than she anticipated. Both men glowered at her as though she had lost her mind and she followed up the direct order with, “Now.”

Luke was more hesitant than Cole, but he did as she instructed, flipping the button out of the mooring and lowering the zipper, revealing that sexy patch of toned skin that disappeared further into his jeans. After moments of turning her head back and forth, trying to watch both men at the same time, Sierra realized she could make this so much easier on herself.

The shower was too confining anyway, and the hot water heater was apparently running low, so she flipped the knob to off, and turned her attention back to both men.

“Out.” She ordered, reaching for one of the oversized towels she kept on the shelf beside the shower stall.

“Bossy woman.” Luke muttered beneath his breath and Sierra smiled in return.

She handed an extra towel to Cole and instructed him to dry Luke while she used the other to dry herself and then Cole. The look both men shot her was full of skepticism, but she easily ignored them. When Cole hesitated, she swatted him on the butt, catching his attention and making Luke smile.

He’d quickly replace that smirk with a groan if she had anything to say about it. After drying quickly and rubbing the cotton over Cole’s magnificent form, Sierra tossed the wet towel to the floor, moving to stand just to the side of both men. “He’s still wet.”

Sierra wasn’t sure where the overwhelming flood of feminine power had come from, but she was using it to her advantage for now. This might very well be the last time the three of them were together, which she wouldn’t think about right now, and she intended to at least right a few wrongs in the process.

Cole rubbed the towel slowly over Luke’s chest, their gazes locked on one another. Sierra watched as their chests began to rise and fall more quickly than before. They were turned on. She was turned on. Just watching the way Cole touched Luke, knowing he wanted to do so much more than just touch him, emboldened her.

“On your knees.” She instructed Cole, and that caused the man’s head to snap back in her direction like his neck was a rubber band. She kept her expression serious, hoping she could maintain her composure.

Suddenly Luke helped her out because he got Cole’s attention with his gruffly muttered instruction. “On your knees.”

The heat in his eyes radiated outward, making Sierra realize Luke had been waiting for this moment longer than she had. Apparently his denial kept him away from Cole, but if the hot, fierce way he consumed the man with his eyes was anything to go by, he wasn’t holding back any longer.

When Luke added, “Both of you,” Sierra raised a questioning brow. Since when had he taken control of the situation?

Oh hell, who was she kidding? Luke had always had control. He owned her, as Cole so eloquently put it that long ago day in Vegas. He owned every part of her.

She kicked the unused towel with her foot, moving it closer to Luke’s feet, and she slowly went to her knees, waiting for Cole as he was much more defiant than she was.

Luke solved that problem by placing a hand on Cole’s muscled shoulder, easing him down until they were both kneeling before him, his cock standing proudly out from his body. Luke slid his hand into Cole’s shaggy, blond hair, holding his head firmly as he brushed the head of his cock against the man’s lips. Sierra watched with utter fascination as Cole continued to defy Luke, keeping his mouth closed. The muscle ticked in his jaw, and Sierra could see the lust in Cole’s eyes. He wanted this. He wanted this more than she did, but he didn’t give in the way she had. Which was what Luke needed.

The sudden realization was enlightening. She understood what made Luke tick, what made him hold himself back. He might need to dominate, he might need to control, but he didn’t want it to be easy. Knowing how easily he played her, how much she would give him, Sierra understood what he craved from Cole. Had he ever accepted that fact?