And now Sierra was on her way to meet Sam and Ashleigh for lunch at one of Dallas’ renowned steakhouses. This would be the first time she would be talking to Ashleigh for more than a brief introduction, and admittedly, Sierra was a little nervous.

After having met the woman at Sam’s party, she had to admit she was a little star struck. Perhaps Ashleigh wasn’t aware Sierra knew she was none other than Ashton Leigh, the well-known erotic romance author whose books had been dubbed some of the hottest ever written.

Not that she would blow Ashleigh’s cover, but since the woman’s books were on her own bookshelves at home, she longed to get insight into how she came up with the scandalous and highly erotic scenes that had kept Sierra up many a night. When Sam invited her to have lunch with them, Sierra assured her friend she wouldn’t say a word unless Ashleigh brought up the subject.

Pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant, Sierra opted for valet parking, choosing to forego the torturous walk from the far recesses of the parking lot. She’d gotten in enough exercise for one week as far as she was concerned. The heated reminder sent a blush across her cheeks, and Sierra only hoped the valet didn’t notice. Handing him her keys after he opened her door, she looked the other way, trying to avoid the man’s inquisitive eyes, just in case.

Once inside, she gave her name to the pretty young woman standing at the hostess stand. Moments later, she was being seated alongside Sam at a table in the back.

“Ashleigh’s on her way. She said she got sidetracked this morning, and the time had gotten away from her.”

Sierra smiled knowingly. “Is Alex still pursuing her relentlessly?”

“That would be my guess, but I don’t know for sure.” She said quietly. “Logan mentioned that the two of them had been seen at the club over the weekend. Together.”

“Well, that’s progress at least.” The waitress returned and asked for Sierra’s drink order, in which she gave. Once the two women were alone again Sierra turned to her friend. “I know I’m not supposed to ask, and you are definitely not supposed to tell, but is Alex a member of the club?”

Sam glanced in both directions, as though trying to ensure there wasn’t a Club Destiny spy hanging out in the near vicinity before lowering her voice even more. “Yes.”

“Does he –” Before Sierra could finish the question – engage in threesomes – Ashleigh approached the table, a glowing smile gracing her beautiful features.

“Hey, ladies.” Ashleigh greeted, as though they were all long lost friends. Since Sierra didn’t have any close friends in the Dallas area, she and Sam had discussed on occasion reaching out to Ashleigh to see if the woman would be interested in joining their weekly girls’ lunch get-togethers. Apparently Ashleigh had been onboard with the idea.

“Hey, Ash.” Sam greeted, and then turned to Sierra with a conspiratorial twinkle in her eye. “Is it me or is she glowing?”

“Oh hush.” Ashleigh said sweetly, taking the vacant seat between the two women. “I am definitely not glowing. Alex couldn’t get that lucky.”

Sierra grinned, relieved that Ashleigh could at least joke about the not so subtle man who was doing everything in his power to make his interest known.

“Well, that’s a shame.” Sam stated, perusing the menu. “I was hoping at least one of us could share some juicy details about their love life.”

Was it her or did Sam sound disappointed? She heard the woman’s attempt at light hearted banter, but Sierra got the impression there was some truth to the statement. Instead of responding, the three women reviewed their menus until the waitress returned to take their order. Once the girl was off to put in their lunch order, they all turned back to one another.

“So, since I’m fresh out of sexy stories, I’m all ears if either of you would like to share.” Ashleigh stated with a grin.

Right. As if the woman didn’t have lewd and lustful thoughts filling that brain of hers. How she managed to come up with some of the creative scenes in those books of hers was beyond Sierra. When both women’s gazes landed on her, Sierra blushed. Profusely.

What?” She asked, realizing the guilt was front and center in the single word.

“Spill it.” Sam stated firmly.

“There’s nothing to spill.” Sierra knew how transparent she sounded, but good grief, she couldn’t imagine sharing the intimate details of what happened between her and Luke and Cole with anyone. Even Sam.

“If the grapevine is accurate, and, unfortunately, it usually is, I heard Cole was invited to Luke’s house on Valentine’s night. Would there be any truth to that rumor?” Sam asked ever so bluntly.

Sierra stared back at both women, and for the first time she actually longed to share her thoughts with them. She longed to have the kind of relationships she had left behind in Nashville, ones where she could share her life with her friends and feel safe and secure in doing so. She hadn’t had that since she moved to Dallas. After a second of thought, she shrugged her shoulders and decided to go for it.

“Maybe.” She told Sam, glancing over at Ashleigh and noticing how the woman turned her full attention on her.

“Do tell.” Ashleigh encouraged and Sierra found herself sharing some of the details – definitely not all – with the two women over lunch. By the time she was through with her story, her face was on fire, and both women were hanging on her every word.

“Who knew that I’d walk away from this lunch with so much material for my books?” Then, as though she just realized she’d spoken out loud, Ashleigh’s hand flew to her mouth, and she looked stricken.

Sierra laughed out loud, and Sam joined in. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with us.”

“Oh my God! Do others know?” Ashleigh asked, truly startled that her secret was out.

“Just a few.” Sam told her, pushing her plate away. “I only have one question.”

Ashleigh stared back at Sam in disbelief and Sierra hung on for the one question that was burning a hole in Sam’s mind.

“Do you ever worry that you’ll put something inappropriate in one of those children’s books you write?”

Ashleigh’s eyes went wide and then the woman laughed out loud, a sound so sexy, Sierra couldn’t help but stare at her. Damn. It was quite possible that Ashleigh Thomas was close to perfect. Down to earth, friendly, beautiful, and apparently pretty damn horny. Every man’s dream.

“I do actually. I know, funny, right? But seriously, could you imagine? Even if my editor were to read it, I’d be so mortified.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, how did you get your start in writing erotic romance?” Sierra asked the question, but Sam appeared to be just as interested in Ashleigh’s answer.

“Since I was young I’ve been writing, whether in my journal or just some form of creative writing. I loved it. Then, as I got older, I started writing stories that I would just dream up in my head. And then I started writing children’s books, figuring that was the safe, respectable way to go and no one would look at me cross eyed for talking about magical horses, or princesses. But, deep down, there’s always been a part of me that I kept under wraps, and I would allow myself to write those stories, but never dreamed of publishing them.

“One day, on a whim, I decided I would publish anonymously, going the independent route because heaven forbid anyone ever find out that I write those types of stories. And then out of left field, they started selling. Like crazy.” Ashleigh told them, completely serious, keeping both Sam and Sierra riveted on the story. “I’m not sure how anyone ever tied me back to Ashton Leigh, and I will be mortified if my grandfather ever finds out.”

“Well, like we said earlier, your secret is safe with us. It isn’t our place to tell. And honestly, I only know of two other people who know the truth.” Sam stated, glancing from Ashleigh to Sierra and back again.

“Who?” Ashleigh asked, clearly concerned.

“Logan and… Alex.” Sam didn’t smile when she mentioned Alex’s name.

“Oh God! Are you serious?” Ashleigh asked, her face turning bright pink. “Well, no wonder the man chases me around so much. He must think…”

“Wait. No.” Sam interjected, placing her hand on top of Ashleigh’s. “That’s not it at all. I can assure you Alex has no preconceived notions about your sexuality.”

Ashleigh looked down at her hand, the woman was apparently lost in thought and Sierra wondered about the situation between her and Alex. Did she really think that was the only thing Alex would be interested in? Was the woman really that clueless? Not that Sierra even knew Alex, nor had she even met the man, but one look at Ashleigh Thomas and Sierra knew, regardless of her moonlighting as an erotic romance author, men would flock to her like a moth to a flame. She was that beautiful. And fun.

“So, I think turnabout is fair play.” Sierra suddenly said, hoping to divert Ashleigh’s attention. “Since you and I have both shared our intimate secrets, I think it’s time Sam gives up something as well.” She smiled sweetly back at Sam who now looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

“Me? Why me?” Sam asked, clearly stalling.

“I agree.” Ashleigh said, turning those piercing gray eyes on Sam as well. “I think it’s your turn to talk.”

The waitress returned to refill their drinks, take their discarded plates and offer them dessert. Each woman kindly declined the offer of dessert and waited for the waitress to get out of earshot before they focused on Sam once more.

“Ok. Fine.” Sam tried to sound exasperated, but Sierra noticed the smile in her eyes. “It’s no secret that Logan and I have had our share of threesomes, however, since the man we had originally chosen to come to our bed has so graciously declined because apparently the man is in love…” Sam paused for effect, grinning mischievously at Sierra. “Well, do either of you know anything about Tag Murphy?”