Why? Well, that he couldn’t explain. And maybe he wasn’t the martyr that he tried to make himself out to be. Staying away from Sierra for the greater good wasn’t his only motive. No, he’d found himself getting too attached to her. Too quickly at that. After that last night they spent together in Vegas, wrapped in each other’s arms, his cock sheathed deep inside her luscious body, Cole damn near lost his mind. And his heart.

The only conclusion he had come to was that he had already fallen hard and fast for the woman, and after everything Luke put her through, he didn’t want to be the rebound guy. Part of him hoped that by giving her space, she’d come to him. When that didn’t happen within the first couple of days of being home, Cole figured he was right. Sierra had needed comfort after Luke had so recklessly smashed her heart.

Oh, he wouldn’t be the one to tell Sierra that he had held her that first night when she cried. Considering she had been asleep, deep, soul wracking sobs torn from her chest, Cole hadn’t been able to wake her, so he settled for doing the only thing he knew to do. He held her until she finally settled back into a restless sleep. After that, Cole had been filled with hurt and anger and… confusion.

He loved Sierra. He’d be the first to admit it. At least to himself. But he wouldn’t share that little bit of knowledge with her because apparently she hadn’t felt the same way about him.

So in a matter of weeks, Cole had found love, only to let it slip so easily from his grasp. And what was worse than that, it was the second time it had happened in the last few months. As far as he was concerned, he had met his quota for a lifetime. No sense in torturing himself any longer, so he had let her go, right along with Luke.

Tonight he would settle for watching Sierra, knowing she was doing well and hoping like hell that once Luke realized she was here, all hell didn’t break loose.

* * *

For two hours, Sierra managed to mingle with the other guests, even being introduced to two more prospective clients. Cole was still nowhere to be found, but Sierra did her best not to care. That was much easier said than done. Thankfully Ashleigh seemed to be looking for an escape as well, so the two women stood on the back patio overlooking the beautiful pool and talked briefly. Neither woman admitted why they were trying to put distance between themselves and the party, but Sierra found solace in the fact that she wasn’t alone.

By the time she figured she had finally put in enough face time to call it a night, Sierra managed to find the guest bathroom where she was able to take care of business and wash her hands. As she exited the bathroom, determined to seek out Sam so she could say her goodbyes, Sierra heard a familiar voice coming from further down the hall.

“Don’t you get it? I’m not interested in that right now. You might have chosen to ignore everything that happened, but damn it, I can’t.” The male voice said, anger and frustration lighting up his words.

“I’ve moved on. You should too.”

The second voice brought her up short. She dreamed of that voice.

“You’re a heartless bastard, you know that?” The first voice said, sounding as though he were moving closer to where Sierra stood motionless in the hallway. “You might be able to give her up, but I can’t. It’s killing me, Luke.”

Was Cole talking about her? Sierra’s heart pounded erratically in her chest, her hands beginning to shake.

“That’s the fucking problem. I can’t give her up, but I don’t have a choice. She needs someone better than me, someone who can put her first.”

At that point, Sierra was certain they were talking about her, but she couldn’t move from where she stood. She couldn’t go back toward the party, and she couldn’t go forward. She was rooted to the ground, hanging on every word.

“You do what you need to do. You’re a selfish bastard as far as I’m concerned, and one day you’ll realize just what the hell you missed out on. I only hope I’m around for that day.”

The voice came closer and just when Sierra realized Cole was stepping around the corner, she also recognized she didn’t have time to run.

“Sierra.” Cole’s seductive voice washed over her, sounding hurt, yet hopeful.

Her eyes darted from Cole to the man standing just a few steps behind him, then back again. She was overwhelmed with a sense of déjà vu, feeling as though she had been here before, alone with these two men. The way they stared at her, she felt as though she was completely naked, and more than a little vulnerable. Unable to move, at least she managed not to fidget.

“Sorry, I was –” Sierra let her voice trail off, not knowing what she was going to say. The only thing she did know was that she was going to make her feet move, no matter what the hell they wanted. She had to get away from them because this was too awkward, and she felt as though the bottom of her stomach had dropped out. Shooting one last glance back at Luke, Sierra made sure he saw all of the emotion that welled up inside of her before she turned to go.

“Sierra, wait.” Luke called after her, but she didn’t stop.

Fuck him.

She heard what he had to say. She knew he didn’t have any intentions of apologizing, so why the hell did she need to hang around? It would only make things worse. Instead, she pretended not to hear him and kept moving toward the front door. She only hoped Sam wouldn’t come out because she didn’t think her voice would work long enough to say goodbye. As she breached the front door, she heard Cole call out her name, but again, she didn’t stop.

She was fumbling for her keys in her purse as she reached her car. She clicked the remote to unlock the doors, but before she had her hand on the door handle, Luke’s voice bellowed from behind her.

“Sierra. Stop.”

She froze in place, trying to hold back the sob that threatened to tear from her chest. There was no way she was going to get all emotional. Not after what he had done. When she moved her arm to reach for the door handle, his big, strong hand clamped onto her wrist.

She twirled around, jerking away from him and taking a step back until she was trapped between his massive body and her car. “Don’t touch me.” She ordered, keeping her voice low and controlled.

“Luke.” Cole’s deep voice thundered from behind Luke, but Sierra couldn’t see him. “Let her go.”

She was surprised when Luke turned abruptly, an angry glare directed right at Cole. Seeing an opportunity, she reached behind her and gripped her door handle, pulling up until the car door opened. Thinking she might actually have a chance to sneak away from them unscathed, Sierra took a step to the side, trying to get the door open further.

Then that angry glare was turned back at her, and Sierra saw something else in Luke’s gaze.

“I need to go.” She stated, but it came out almost like a question. As though she were asking his permission. But that couldn’t be because Sierra didn’t give a shit what Luke wanted.

“You weren’t supposed to be here.” He stated.

That took her by surprise. “What?

“You heard me.”

“Fuck you. I was invited.” Anger surged hot and fierce inside of her as she tried to figure out where Luke was going with this.

“I wouldn’t have come if I had known you would be here.” He looked thoroughly pissed, and Sierra would have taken another step back if she wasn’t already pressed up against her car door. When Cole stepped around to Luke’s side, she did her best not to tear her eyes away from Luke.

“Well, that makes two of us. Next time Sam invites me, I’ll make sure I ask so I don’t intrude. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to –” She was about to say go, but before she could get the word out, Luke was on her, his mouth crushing down on hers and damn her body, she couldn’t resist him as she threw her arms around his neck and pressed closer. The emotions were a whirlwind, sparking the flames and Sierra was lost, taken back to that night in the hotel room in Vegas.

Luke gripped her hair, twining it around his big fist, pulling her head back and breaking their kiss. Sierra could only stare up at him, her lips still tingling from his kiss.

“You don’t deserve this, Sierra.” Luke sounded tortured as he stared down at her. “But, I’m not strong enough to resist you.”

The strangled whimper that escaped betrayed her. She didn’t want to let him know just how much she still wanted him, despite what he had done. Despite everything. Sierra wanted him with an intensity she couldn’t control.

“Go home with me.” He said, and Sierra heard an underlying plea in his tone, even though the words were more a command than a request.

“I can’t.” She couldn’t. Damn it.

He brought his head closer, his lips hovering just above hers, his hands gripping her hips and pulling her flush against him until she felt his erection pressing against her belly.

“Go home with me, Sierra.” He demanded again.

Sierra wanted to stay strong.

She wanted to give in.

The pleasure she knew she would find in his arms, in his bed, was almost more than she could bear, but this was Luke. The same man who ran like a frightened child when things got too damn hot to handle.

“No.” She was startled by the conviction in her tone.

Luke took a step away from her, still staring down into her eyes, and though it was dark, Sierra could see the energy swirling in the green-brown hues. He wasn’t a man who was used to hearing that word, but as far as Sierra was concerned, he’d burned that bridge.

“I’m not as easy as you seem to think I am, Luke. I’m not one of those girls you can throw down on your bed, have your wicked way with, and then walk away from. I deserve better than that.”