It dawned on her that she’d often referred to those she generally associated with as being big, but she realized as she watched the two men that she had been speaking in relative terms. At four feet, ten and three quarter inches – yes, she tacked on every fraction – she often felt inadequate.
However, seeing these two predatory males as they approached, both of them standing well over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and wide chests, carried by powerfully thick thighs, Sierra realized she hadn’t known what big actually meant. These men took up some serious real estate with their massive forms.
The smile Cole threw her way sent a warm shiver straight down her spine, and she immediately felt some of the strain of the day wear off. Secretly, she had wished that Luke would smile at her similarly, but he looked distracted and intent.
“Are you two nearly finished?” She asked, rising from her chair.
With both men so close, sitting was not an option. Though she was a full foot and some change shorter than either of them, standing was the only way to bring herself to a more even playing field. Never having been intimidated by those who were larger than she was, there was something about them that made her feel much smaller and vastly more feminine than she ever had before.
“I need to take care of a few things, so why don’t you and Cole have dinner and meet me back at the casino in two hours.” Luke offered, moving in close to her.
Standing beside him, she had to look up to see his face, the warmth of his body and the spicy, sexy scent of his cologne an all too familiar feeling at this point. A surge of disappointment came over her at his inability to join them for dinner, but when Sierra looked up at Cole, the disappointment faded.
“I made reservations for two at the steakhouse in the hotel under Cole’s name. I’ll try and get away as soon as possible.” Luke stated as he leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on her lips.
Unable to hide her surprise, Sierra was forced to hold herself upright. His kiss was tender and familiar. Like they had shared that same kiss every day for as long as she could remember. Keeping in mind where they were, and who was still hanging around, Sierra pulled back quickly, giving Luke a flashy smile.
Before she had a chance to say anything, Luke was walking away and Sierra was left staring after him. When Cole cleared his throat, she darted her eyes to him, seeing the sexy smile that eased some of the tension she had felt moments earlier.
“Shall we?” He asked, holding out his arm so she could hook her hand inside the crook of his elbow.
“Absolutely.” Without hesitation, Sierra took hold of his arm, feeling the play of his well-toned muscles beneath her fingers as he led her through the banquet hall, back through the casino and out onto the strip.
The wonders of Vegas were upon her when she stepped outside to find it was already dark, and the lights of the strip filled every crook and crevice of the buildings around them. Snaking through the throngs of people, she stayed close to Cole as they made their way across the pedestrian bridge.
“How did you meet Luke?” Sierra asked when they had to stop to let a large group of people go by.
“At the club.” He offered, glancing down at her when he spoke.
His uniquely masculine scent was equally as arousing as Luke’s but in an entirely different way. Sierra found that she liked being close to Cole, and she was strangely attracted to him despite the fact that she found herself overwhelmingly attracted to another man at the same time. Maybe it was the vibe she got from both Luke and Cole.
If the rumors were true, then there might be something more going on between the two men than met the eye, but deep down, Sierra got the feeling that they weren’t looking to be exclusive. The club was all about threesomes, and though she had never experienced one of her own, she definitely wasn’t opposed to the idea. Especially not one that involved men like Luke and Cole.
“Are you a member?” She asked as they descended the outdoor escalator that would take them to the sidewalk on Las Vegas Blvd.
“I am.”
“Does that mean you’re active in the lifestyle?” Sierra knew the answer to the question before he answered, but she was trying to make small talk.
Cole glanced over at her, one golden eyebrow lifted as though trying to read her. “Yes.” He said solemnly, followed immediately by, “Does that bother you?”
Sierra hadn’t had a chance to talk to Cole much throughout the day, having seen him only briefly, but she already felt comfortable with him. She could read his hesitancy; feel the way his arm tensed briefly as he anticipated her answer.
“Not at all.” She stopped walking so that she could look up at him. “I’m not aware of the dynamic between you and Luke, but I want to get to know you better. If I overstep my boundaries, feel free to let me know.”
When Cole stepped closer, placing his hands on her hips, Sierra struggled to maintain her composure, her hands instinctively going to his chest.
“I’d like that more than you know.” He whispered.
When his eyes moved to her mouth, Sierra fought the urge to reach up and kiss him. And where the hell had that come from? How could she even consider kissing Cole after what she had done with Luke earlier that morning? There was just something… something familiar about him that made her want to get closer.
Cole was a stocky man, muscular and tall, intense, but he didn’t emit the illusion of danger that she felt from Luke. Cole made her feel safe somehow, and standing so intimately close to him now, wanting to feel his lips on hers, was a little disconcerting… all things considered.
“I’m not sure what’s happening here.” Sierra whispered softly.
“I’m not either, but whatever it is, I like where this is going.” Cole slid one finger down the side of her cheek in a gesture so tender, Sierra felt tears prick behind her eyelids.
Had a man ever touched her so sweetly, while still making her feel desired?
When he lowered his hand, he took hers and twined their fingers together before turning toward their hotel.
“Hungry?” He asked as they stepped inside their hotel’s casino, the bright lights, the sounds of slot machines, and the overpowering smell of cigarette smoke assaulting her senses all at once.
“Starving. Have you ever been to this restaurant before?” Sierra asked as they walked down the aisles that intersected the casino floor, the bright red carpet and gold accents giving it an elegant, upscale feel.
“No. Vegas isn’t my thing. I’ve come out a couple of times, but I don’t frequent it enough to have tried many of the restaurants. How about you?”
“Once. I wasn’t disappointed, I know that much. My friends and I made it a goal to try a different restaurant each time we came. Needless to say, we’ve had both good and bad.”
Cole approached the hostess desk and offered his name. The girl glanced down at a book in front of her and then beamed a smile back at them. “Right this way.”
With Cole’s hand on her back, Sierra followed the woman through the dimly lit restaurant to a table in the back. Before she could do it herself, Cole pulled out her chair and waited for her to take her seat. Once he was seated, and their drink orders were taken, Sierra gave him her full attention.
“Tell me what you do for a living.” Sierra started the conversation, hoping she could get him to share some information about himself.
He didn’t seem to be any more forthcoming with information than Luke was, but Sierra figured there was a time and place for everything. With nothing else to do, hopefully Cole would find talking easier than staring blankly at one another.
“It’s complicated.” Cole said.
Sierra got the sense that Cole had some hidden insecurities, though based on what she had heard throughout the day, he was exceptionally sharp and communicated easily with the type of people they had been in contact with.
“I’m intelligent. I think I can handle an explanation.” Sierra grinned, then sat back in her chair as a waiter placed two wine glasses on their table, then filled them.
“Technically, I’m self-employed.” Cole took a sip of the wine, then nodded at the waiter with his approval. “Give us a few minutes.” He instructed the man hovering over them.
“What is it that you do?” Sierra asked when they were alone again.
“I contract out my services.”
Sierra’s eyes went wide. Was he saying…?
Cole laughed, a deep, thunderous rumble that went straight to her core, lighting up all of her nerve endings along the way. Unlike Luke, this man had a laugh that came out easily.
“Not those services, naughty girl.” He clarified. “Lets order and I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”
Glancing down at the menu in front of her, Sierra tried to focus on the words. She smiled despite herself. The way he called her naughty, thrilled her.
“You like steak?” He asked, interrupting her thoughts.
“I do.”
“My kind of woman.” And with that, they were silent for a few minutes while they both scanned the menu, placing their orders when the waiter returned.
“Back to what you do, you know, the services you contract out.”
“Aside from living off of my trust fund,” Cole began, watching her for her reaction, “I do various odd jobs. Sort of like a handyman might contract his services, I do the same, although not manual labor. For example, this conference, I’m filling in for Alex McDermott, the owner of CISS. I’ve got a head for business, and I enjoy the political aspect.”
“A public relation’s front man?” She asked.
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