Sierra remembered his instruction from earlier, and she responded with a confident “yes” before his lips locked with hers once more.
She wasn’t sure how much time passed while she devoured him, her hands roaming over the hard planes of his chest, the taut muscles bunching and flexing beneath her fingers. She used her hands to get familiar with his body, feeling the thick, corded muscles along his shoulders, the hard, rounded muscles of his biceps, the restrained, tense sinew on his forearms. The man was a complete work of art, all suppressed power and dark, swirling passion.
When the limo stopped, and Luke pulled back, she realized they had already made it to the hotel. Instead of leaping off of his lap, she pulled back and looked into his eyes, noting the churning hunger in the sensual, almost amber color, waiting for his next move. She wanted this – needed this – and Sierra was scared that if she took matters into her own hands, he would disappear, or she would end up running fast and hard. If her brain had a minute to catch up with her libido that might just happen, so she remained where she was.
“Let’s check into the hotel, then we’ll pick up where we left off later.” Luke instructed, his eyes darting from hers to the man sitting behind her.
Holy shit. Sierra turned abruptly, realizing that Cole had been in the limo the entire time she and Luke had been making out for the last how many ever minutes. What the hell was she thinking? How did she forget that they had an audience?
Luke situated himself and then moved her from his lap before he opened the limo door and exited, waiting patiently while she climbed out behind him. Once she was out, she stepped just out of his reach, trying to put a little distance between them.
He might’ve made her lose all common sense for the fifteen minute trip from the airport, but Sierra wasn’t going to give in that easily. She hadn’t spent her entire life looking for a man who could tolerate her need for independence only to give in the second he kissed her.
She needed a moment to regain her equilibrium and being close to Luke wouldn’t help matters.
Cole had to adjust himself because his jeans were now painfully tight. After having a front row seat to Luke and Sierra’s prelude to what would likely be the most explosive sex any of them had ever known, no amount of counting backward from one million was going to disperse the blood pounding insistently in his cock.
The way Sierra had taken charge, straddling Luke, had Cole’s breath hitching in his chest. The only thing that would have been hotter was if she had turned that intensity on him.
During the flight, Cole had managed not to think about Luke and Sierra sitting so close, their heads tilted toward one another as they spoke in hushed whispers. He hadn’t heard what they were talking about, but the couple of times that he heard Luke laugh, he’d been fixated on the seats they occupied. Luke McCoy didn’t laugh. At least not often. But, he had with Sierra which surprised the hell out of Cole.
When he had first ventured down the aisle in search of a seat, he had been initially surprised to see the two of them sitting together, but after his own reaction to Sierra, he understood Luke’s attraction. But he couldn’t help notice that she was not the type of woman that Luke was generally attracted to. First of all, she was too small. Luke stood damn near six and a half feet tall and a frame that large was heavy in its own right. Add to that the muscle that Luke carried around on his massive frame and Luke dwarfed Sierra.
Not that it had stopped Cole from thinking about how she would feel beneath him, or better yet, between him and Luke. That thought had sent the blood rushing to his groin, his cock throbbing incessantly. Thankfully, while on the airplane, sitting next to a couple who had to have been in their eighties, Cole had managed to rein in his thoughts. That hadn’t been the case in the limo.
Luke’s low growls mixed with Sierra’s insistent whimpers had Cole wanting to release his cock and stroke it as he watched the couple make out like he was watching live porn. But then they’d arrived at the hotel, and when Luke’s eyes had made contact with his, Cole felt the heat that simmered between them begin a rolling boil. They might have avoided one another for the last couple of months, and they might have had issues to work out, but this trip was going to be the coup de grace so to speak. What they had circumvented was quickly becoming something that neither of them could deny.
No matter how much Luke wanted it to just go away.
Exiting the limo, Cole fell into step beside Sierra, not making small talk because it appeared she was trying to regain her composure. The way her eyes widened when she realized he was still there told Cole more than she knew. She might be open to new sexual experiences, but she clearly wasn’t familiar with those preferences.
Hopefully by the end of the four days, they’d be able to change all that.
Chapter Seven
Luke conceded to Sierra’s need for space when she successfully put a few feet between them. For now. She insisted on walking a step or two in front of him, and with a view like that, he wasn’t about to complain. The way those jeans hugged her heart shaped ass and molded to her toned thighs had him wishing he could remove them just to see what she wore underneath.
Once inside the hotel, he headed straight for the concierge desk, doing his level best to get his mind out of the gutter. He wasn’t surprised to see that Sierra had stayed back a considerable distance with Cole.
“Checking in.” Luke told the friendly woman who eyed him with a questionable look. Giving the woman all three of their names, advising that they needed three rooms, Luke added a few instructions of his own.
If things went the way he hoped, one of those three rooms would go unused anyway, but he wasn’t going to predict the future just yet. If he knew anything about the mysterious woman he’d just spent three hours with, he knew she would give him a run for his money.
The woman was a firecracker, and when he had pulled her onto his lap in the limo, the way she had lost all of her inhibitions had nearly been his undoing. He was secretly drawn to her unbridled fascination, yet apparent innocence, regarding his lifestyle. If he wasn’t mistaken, she was intrigued by his dominant nature, though Sierra Sellers was anything but submissive.
The thought of a woman who wanted to be dominated, yet didn’t want to hand him the reins was compelling, and still so far outside of his realm of experience Luke was almost at a loss. Submissives were a dime a dozen back at Club Destiny, some of the actual D/s variety, so finding a woman who went up in flames when he took control, but in the same sense didn’t give in easily, was new for him. She was a challenge that Luke looked forward to.
He was inherently attracted to a woman who wasn’t afraid to go after what she wanted, but in his world, they were few and far between. Most of the women he came into contact with wanted to be told what to do and bowed their heads, diverting their eyes because they thought that was how it worked. Maybe that was the case for some men, but not Luke.
That was a significant part of his attraction to Cole. The underlying hostility that was on constant simmer in Luke’s bloodstream wasn’t satisfied with a simple submissive. The temerity that both Cole and Sierra possessed struck a tense, sensual chord inside of him, and Luke looked forward to the challenge.
His initial apprehension had immediately been thwarted when Sierra easily molded to him in the limo, her hands reading him like a book while her soft, sweet tongue dueled with his, searching, pleading for more. She didn’t make excuses for her desire, nor did she back down when she was just as overwhelmed by the sexual tension as he had been.
Luke’s natural inclination to dominate, to control, was stronger than even him, and having her so pliant and willing in his arms had been a temptation he was barely able to resist. Although he sensed that Sierra forgot Cole was even there, she hadn’t been intimidated when realization dawned.
The woman in front of him clicked away at the keyboard, and ran a few plastic key cards through some gadget before turning her attention back on him. A moment later, she handed him a small paper folder containing the room keys as a genuine smile tipped her lips when she sweetly said, “Enjoy your stay, Mr. McCoy.”
He intended to.
“I’ll send someone over for your luggage, sir.”
Luke nodded his head, then dared a quick glance behind him. He found Cole and Sierra standing beside one another only a few inches between them. They were smiling, not an ounce of awkward tension as he had initially anticipated.
Yes, he fully intended to enjoy his stay.
A few minutes later, Luke was walking Sierra to her room and handing over her key card. The air sizzled between them as he waited momentarily before kissing her lightly on the lips, then urging her inside of her room. Alone.
He’d give her a few minutes. It’s the least he could do… considering.
Once her door clicked shut, he turned his attention back toward the man whose mere presence filled Luke with a foreign sensation. Something he couldn’t pinpoint. Animal magnetism maybe.
It was almost as though that constant, overwhelming aggression that filled his bloodstream had found an outlet, which explained the way his body reacted to Cole’s heated stare.
“We’ll talk, but not right now.” Luke told Cole, turning to walk down the hall where the other two rooms were located.
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