together in a very long time.

Even so, I braced myself for him to question me about "us"

when he dropped me off at work, but Austin didn't say

anything. He only kissed me and tweaked the single strand

of hair escaping from my braid. He waved as he drove

away, and I stood at the front doors and watched him until

he was gone.

Paul didn't ask my reasons for why I'd changed my mind

about the job working for Vivian. If he had, I'd have told

him the truth. That even though I hoped I wouldn't ever

have to take custody of my brother, I had to be prepared

in case I did. And that I was meant for more than being a

secretary, even if I'd never believed being a secretary was

being less of anything.

"Do you want me to cal her?" He was already reaching for

the phone, but put it back in the cradle when I shook my


"I'l just walk down and talk to her." I smiled at him, even though my insides were hopping like rabbits on crack.

Paul nodded and sat back in his chair. We didn't say

anything at first, just looked at each other, but we didn't

need words to share our thoughts. In some ways, Paul

would always be more than a boss to me, which was even

more reason why it was time for me to move on.

"Paige, I just want you to know…" He hesitated, and I

gave him the time he needed to say what he had to say.

"I've realy enjoyed working with you."

"Me, too, Paul."

"And I wanted you to know, too…that if not for you, I

don't think I'd have made it through the past couple of


I shook my head. "You're giving me too much credit."

"Maybe." His tone said he didn't agree, but he wasn't

going to fight me on it. "I just wanted you to know, though,

that every day I knew I could come in here to work and

find everything the way I wanted…no, needed it…every

find everything the way I wanted…no, needed it…every

day I faced knowing I didn't have to worry about anything

because it would al be done…I appreciate that."

He could've offered me a raise, a better computer, more

vacation time. He could easily have kept me, then, just by

asking. Paul could've kept me without much effort, but he


He let me go.

"I'm not sure there are any slots left in the program."

Vivian, for al her bravado, couldn't meet my eyes when

she spoke. She toyed with her files, her pen, the pad of

paper on her desk where she'd ostensibly taken notes

during my interview, but where she'd realy only scribbled

and doodled. "I'm afraid you should've applied sooner,


"Vivian," I said calmly. "I know why you wanted me to take part in the program."

She looked up, her eyes narrowing. "Oh?"

I nodded and let it sink if for a minute before she spoke


"Your qualifications are average," she said flatly. "But you come highly recommended."

I happened to be confident my qualifications were not

merely average, but I didn't push her on it. "I'm also the

best candidate you have for this program."

"You can't know that."

It was only a guess, but her answer told me I was right.

No matter how much she'd wanted to get me away from

Paul and under her thumb instead, she also had to hire

candidates who could do the work. I also knew this was

an in-house program, open only to current employees, that

even if it was "better" than being an executive assistant, it was stil considered entry level, and I could've counted al

the people working there who'd be interested in applying. I

didn't care if it was arrogant to say I was the best choice.

It was true.

Vivian cleared her throat and put down her pen. "What

does…Paul…say about this?"

I didn't miss the way she lingered on his name. "He's very

supportive of me."

"And you'd be wiling to leave him?"

"I wouldn't be sitting here if I didn't intend to take the job."

Again, she cleared her throat. I wanted to feel sorry for

her, but nobody had made her start an affair with a

married man. Knowing Paul the way I did, I doubted he

was even the one to initiate it. Hel. Even if he had, anyone

with two brain cels to rub together should know better

than to poach.

"I'l let you know," she said finaly.

I knew better than to poke. I stood and offered my hand,

which she took as though the gesture surprised her.

"Thanks for your time."

"I'l let you know," she said again.

"I'm sure you wil."

She opened her mouth as if she meant to say more, but

closed it abruptly. Without another word she bent back to

her work and I left her to it. I passed Brenda in the hal,

and she gave me a squinty look.

and she gave me a squinty look.

"Were you just talking to Vivian?"

"Yep. Is that where you're going?"

She nodded. "I hope she hires me, Paige. This is my

second interview for the program." She paused. "I thought

you said you weren't interested."

"Things change," was al I said.

Brenda nodded. "Yeah, I guess they do."

"Good luck," I said, and meant it.

"You, too," she said, but probably didn't. "Though I'd be


She stopped. I waited.


She shook her head, then gestured me closer. "It's just

that…wel, you know. I didn't think Vivian would want to

work with you because of you know what."

I kept my expression neutral. "No, what?"

I kept my expression neutral. "No, what?"

"Paul," Brenda whispered harshly. Her eyes glittered.

"What about him?"

"She…and him…you know."

"I realy don't," I said calmly. I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction.

"Don't you? Because everyone knows they are…?"

I studied her, wondering if she and her "sweetie" ever did it doggie-style.

"Or were…?" Brenda lilted, waiting for me to respond.

"Not a clue what you mean, Brenda."

She frowned, maybe unwiling to go there. "Oh, okay, if

you hadn't heard. But people are saying it, so I thought

you knew."

"What would that have to do with me, anyway?"

Brenda looked uncomfortable. "Wel, you have lasted

longer than any of his other assistants."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Not that I think you and Paul," she said. "You know."

I lifted my chin toward the bathroom at the end of the hal.

"I have to run. Good luck with the interview."

She nodded and turned on her heel. I watched her for a

moment before I went into the bathroom, where I ran cold

water in the sink and dampened a paper towel to press to

my forehead and against the back of my neck.

I wasn't my mother, but nobody here knew that. Months

ago I'd have been sick to my guts thinking anyone believed

I was fucking my boss, but now it simply didn't matter. I

knew the truth. So did Paul. Paul, who I was leaving.

I didn't need to use the toilet, but I went into the stal

anyway. I put the lid down and crouched there, my head in

my hands. I took a deep breath, but the scent of ammonia

and those nasty pink toilet cleaners overwhelmed me and I

covered my nose and mouth with my hand. I tried to catch

a whiff of Austin, but could only faintly smel the lotion I'd

smoothed on this morning.

smoothed on this morning.

I could remember, though. How he smeled. How he felt

and tasted, and not just because of last night and this


From before.

Austin's behind me, his breathing heavy like he'd just

run up the stairs. He's got his hand wrapped in my

hair, tipping back my head so it's hard for me to

swallow. His prick jerks inside me, but he's not

thrusting right now. He's close to coming.

I am, too.

"Pul it," I tel him. "Harder."

His fingers tighten but he doesn't pul. "I don't want to hurt

you, Paige."

I want him to hurt me. He's bigger than me. Stronger. He

holds my heart in his hands every day and doesn't break it,

at least not very much. But I want him to hurt me now, in

this moment, when my cunt is clutching on his cock and

I'm ready to burst into an orgasm that wil blind me. I don't

know why. I just want it, and I want Austin to be the one

know why. I just want it, and I want Austin to be the one

to give it to me.

"Pul my fucking hair!" I grit out the words around a groan.

His fingers tighten as he pushes inside me, then puls out,

but he doesn't do more than tug. This boy has tackled

other boys on the footbal field hard enough to break their

bones and knock them out. I know he could pul my hair

harder than he is.

He fucks into me smoothly as his fingers find my clit and

his other hand releases my hair. My head fals forward. On

my hands and knees I can put my head down and look

under my body to see where he's joined me. Instead, I

bury my face in the pilow and lift my ass in the air, push

harder against him, force him to slam his body into mine.

It does hurt, but hurts so good. Pain and pleasure are

mingling. I've read about this but never understood it,

even though it made me creep my hands into my