She couldn’t catch her breath. She couldn’t do anything but go along for the ride and hope he never, ever stopped. Her hips were pulsing, her whole body tense. There was a rawness to the sex that almost frightened her, but in a good way. As if she could really be herself with this man.
He moved his lips against her, faster and faster. She moved with him, straining for her release. He moved in and out of her, drawing her orgasm from her.
“Come for me, baby.”
The unexpected words shocked her and then she was doing as he’d asked, arching her back as the spasms rippled through her, taking her over. Perfect pleasure, again and again, riding him to the end when she was finally still.
She tried to shift off of him, but he grabbed her hips, then eased her down his body.
“Not so fast,” he told her, looking very pleased with himself.
When she straddled his waist, he pulled a condom out of his shorts pocket, then pushed off the rest of his clothes. She moved aside to let him apply the protection, then got back on top.
He was hard and thick and ready, which felt exactly right to her quivering insides. She tensed in anticipation of how he was going to feel as he filled her, then she was easing down on him, stretching as he went deeper and deeper. They both groaned.
She leaned forward and put her hands on the mattress. He reached up and cupped her breasts. Her long hair tumbled down on his shoulders and chest.
“This is a really good fantasy,” he told her as he rubbed her tight, sensitive nipples.
“For me, too.”
“You did a hell of a job seducing me.”
“You were easy.”
“Part of my charm.”
She clenched her muscles, tightening around him. His eyes closed as he groaned. A sense of power swept through her. “You are charming,” she murmured and started to move.
“I’M NOT EATING NAKED,” Nicole said nearly thirty minutes later.
Hawk set the Chinese food on the nightstand. “A little kung pao on your stomach?”
She was gorgeous. Curvy and flushed, and still very naked. Just looking at her made him want to be inside her again.
“Try it,” he told her, opening one of the cartons and picking up one of the forks he’d brought upstairs. “One bite.”
“You’re insane,” she said, but she still stretched out on the bed. “If you tell anyone about this, I’ll deny it with my last breath.”
“I’m not going to be telling anyone.” Why would he want to share something this good?
He scooped up a piece of kung pao and placed it on her stomach, but instead of taking it, he leaned over and kissed her.
“Appetizer,” he said.
“It gets better.”
He bent down and took the piece of chicken in his mouth. After biting it in half, he gave her part, chewed his, then licked her belly clean.
She raised herself on one elbow. “It’s not an efficient way of eating.”
“It wasn’t horrible.”
He laughed. “Is that your way of saying you liked it?”
“Maybe. Let’s try it again.”
Nearly an hour later, he was dressed and walking out the front door. They’d never gotten to finish dinner beyond those couple of bites in her room. Not that he was complaining. What they’d done instead was much more interesting.
He whistled softly as he closed the door behind him, then came to a stop as he saw Raoul walking up the front steps.
Hawk nodded at the younger man, telling himself there was no reason to feel guilty. Raoul had helped him set up the evening with Nicole. Still, he felt…uncomfortable and couldn’t say why.
“You’re here late,” Raoul said, his expression unreadable in the darkness of the night.
“I am.”
The teenager was in his way. Hawk wasn’t about to move forward until the kid moved aside and Raoul didn’t seem to be in a hurry to do that.
They stared at each other.
“She’s special,” Raoul said, jerking his head toward the house.
“I know. I’m the one going out with her.”
“She doesn’t deserve to get hurt.”
Hawk couldn’t believe it. Raoul was his player. Hawk had always supported him, been there for him. Now Raoul was going to choose Nicole over him?
“You’re out of line,” Hawk told him. “This isn’t your business.”
“You’re wrong. Nicole thinks she’s plenty tough, but we both know that’s not true. You don’t do serious relationships. Nicole is the relationship type.”
Hawk wanted to rewind the last few minutes and get a do-over. Or be the hell out of the house before Raoul came home. This was not happening.
For one thing, he’d done nothing wrong. Where did Raoul get off judging him? Second, how did the kid know so much about Nicole?
An ugly, dark emotion blossomed inside of him. One that had Hawk curling his fingers into fists. He forced himself to relax as soon as he realized what he was doing, but the totally unreasonable suspicion wouldn’t go away.
Why did Raoul care so much? Was there something going on?
Even as he asked the questions, he knew he was being unfair to both Raoul and Nicole. She wasn’t interested in a teenager and Raoul was crazy about Brittany. But the jealousy felt primal. He wanted to take on Raoul, to beat the crap out of him, then pound on his own chest and proclaim himself the winner. What the hell was wrong with him?
“Don’t assume the worst about me,” Hawk said at last. “I’m not playing with Nicole.” Not the way Raoul thought. They had a deal, which had been her idea. He was the innocent party here.
“I’ve seen how the women look at you,” Raoul said. “How available they are. What you did before didn’t matter, but this does. She does. Think long and hard before you take any of them up on their offers.”
“Or what?”
“You don’t want to know.”
Did the kid really think he could take him? Hawk would have laughed if he hadn’t been so damn pissed off. “Where do you get off lecturing to me? What I do in my personal life is my business.”
“Nicole is my friend. She’s taken care of me when she didn’t have to. I’m not going to let anyone hurt her. Not even you.”
Normally Hawk enjoyed a good challenge, but this time there couldn’t be any winners. He was angry and frustrated with nowhere to put it.
He swore under his breath, then pushed past the kid, shoving Raoul harder than he needed.
“I don’t need this crap,” he muttered as he walked to his truck. “Go to hell.”
Raoul didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. In some way, he’d already won.
NICOLE WAS ACTUALLY looking forward to the game Friday night. Both she and Hawk had been busy, so she hadn’t had a chance to see him or speak with him in a couple of days. Not that she wasn’t still tingling. The man could work some serious miracles on her body and he was welcome to hone his skills anytime he wanted. She was so impressed, she was actually starting to think that if she’d known him a few months ago, when she’d had her surgeries, he could have cut her healing time in half.
She was still smiling at the memory as she walked into the stadium.
“Hey, Nicole,” one of the kids called.
Nicole sort of recognized her from the group that hung out at the house. There were a few regulars she knew and some that just stopped by every now and then. Eventually she would know them all. She waved as she made her way up to where most of the parents sat.
“Nicole! How’s it going?” Barbara asked.
“We’re going to win tonight,” Dylan, father of Aaron and Kyle, told her.
“I can feel it, too,” she said with a laugh.
There were more greetings. She settled by Missy and Greg, a quiet couple with two boys on the team.
From her bleacher seat, she could see the whole field. She looked around until she saw Hawk, then hoped her smile didn’t give away her quivery insides.
Their deal had been for him to get the sex he wanted and her to get a chance to show people she wasn’t a pity party of one. But she had a feeling she’d gotten the better part of the arrangement, because the sex certainly worked for her in a big way. Maybe tonight after pizza they could…
She caught sight of Raoul and remembered that inviting Hawk by after hours was no longer an option. Still, they were going to have to figure out something. She didn’t want to go weeks between encounters again.
Speaking of encounters, she saw Hawk on the field. When he looked toward the stands, she waved. He didn’t wave back. Nicole frowned. She would have sworn he’d seen her, but then he looked right past her. Of course, she was a long way from the field and it would be easy for him to miss her. Not that he’d ever missed her before.
A few minutes later Raoul spotted her. She half expected him to tell Hawk where she was, but he didn’t. Which was odd. Then Brittany bounced over to her boyfriend. Raoul said something and she looked up toward the stands. When she caught sight of Nicole, she waved her pom-poms and hurried over to her dad.
Anticipation tightened Nicole’s stomach. She tried not to smile, but it was as effective as trying to ignore the sun. She shimmied in her seat and told herself to act cool. Which turned out to be good advice.
Brittany spoke to Hawk, pointed toward the bleachers. Hawk glanced Nicole’s way once, then turned his back and walked away.
Nicole felt as if she’d been hit in the stomach. Her chest hurt and it was hard to breathe. Humiliation washed over her. Hawk had just rejected her-totally and publicly.
Heat burned her cheeks. She pretended to look for something in her purse so she could look down and let her hair hide her face.
What had just happened? Why had he done that? Dismissed her that way? Just a couple of days ago, they’d been laughing and making love in her bed. They hadn’t seen each other since or even spoken on the phone. So what could have gone wrong?
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