“We like you too, Lyric,” Faith called.

She turned and grinned over her shoulder.

“And you have a very nice ass,” Julie said solemnly.

Connor closed his eyes. “For the love of God . . .”

“If I was a lesbian, I’d totally do you,” Serena offered.

Connor sighed. He stared at the women suspiciously. “Just how much have you girls had to drink?”

“Uhm, you’ll have to talk to the chef. Or the bartender. Yeah, the cute young guy. He makes the most yummy drinks,” Faith said.

Connor rubbed a hand through his hair. He glanced over at Angelina, who was tucked behind a float. “You okay, sweetie? You haven’t been drinking, have you?”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Oh, for Pete’s sake, Connor. I’m fine.”

“Can I get back in now or are you shutting us down?” Lyric asked.

“Would you listen if I said no?” he asked dryly.

She smiled cheekily. To his surprise she leaned up on tiptoe and kissed him full on the mouth. He was so shocked he just stood there with a blank look on his face as she pulled away.

“Probably not.”

With that she turned and hopped back into the pool amidst cheers from her very inebriated accomplices.

His cell phone rang and with a groan he pulled it out. “Yeah,” he said shortly.

“Is my wife over there? And more important, is she naked?” Nathan demanded.

“Hell,” Connor muttered.

“Get her some damn clothes. I don’t want the whole security team looking at what’s mine.”

“Too late.”

Nathan cursed. “What the hell are they thinking? Are they crazy?”

“You’re asking me?” Connor asked in exasperation. “They’re demented. But they’re not my damn responsibility. Only one woman is. You think I like seeing my sister in the buff? I’m going to have nightmares for a week.”

“I heard that!” Faith yelled. “Asshole.”

“I’ll kick his ass for you,” Julie said.

“You tell Julie to stay her ass in the pool,” Nathan said, overhearing Julie’s exclamation.

“Look, I’m not getting into this,” Connor said wearily. “They’re having some kind of goddamn party. Sam is here. I assume he’ll make sure they all get home okay. I’ll drive them myself if I have to.”

Before Nathan could argue further, Connor hung up. He surveyed the girls again, glad that dusk was falling and it was more difficult to make out their nudity in the water. But it was also getting cooler and they were just drunk enough not to figure out they risked hypothermia gallivanting around wet and naked.

“Let me guess. No one knows where you are.”

Serena snapped her lips shut and slowly shook her head.

“Nice. Throw me under the bus. Now all your husbands will be pissed at me,” he grumbled.

“You need to get that stick out of your ass,” Faith said darkly.

He stared at her in surprise.

“I’ve defended you long enough. You need to chill the fuck out.”

Connor’s eyes widened. “Uhm, Faith? Just how much have you had to drink tonight? I’m not sure it’s a good idea for you to be in the pool. It’s too chilly out here. You’re all going to get sick.”

“Sam’s acting as our lifeguard,” Julie pointed out. “Besides, the pool is heated. It’s only cold when we get out.”

“You need some help, Connor?” Kane asked lazily.

Connor turned and fixed Kane with his stare. “I told you to stay inside.”

“Yeah, well, you looked like you needed backup.”

Amusement was heavy in Kane’s voice.

“Uh-oh,” Lyric muttered. “Party’s over. Mr. Makes Connor Look Relaxed is here.”

Faith giggled. “Is he that bad? I don’t know, Lyric. He’s cute.”

Kane lifted an eyebrow. “Cute? Why do I think I’ve just been relegated to puppy-dog status?”

“He’s mean to me,” Lyric said. “Connor isn’t.”

Angelina frowned in Kane’s direction. Serena and Julie both crossed their arms over their breasts—thank God—and glared at Kane.

“Why are you being mean to Lyric?” Serena demanded. “Want us to kick his ass?” she asked Lyric.

Kane laughed softly. “You couldn’t fight your way out of a paper bag in your condition, sweetheart. I’m not mean to Ms. Jones. I just expect her to cooperate with my desire to keep her safe.”

“Oh,” Faith said. “Well, that’s different, I guess.”

“Now, as much as I’d like to let you ladies continue enjoying yourself in your present state, I’d appreciate it if you could stop giving my men a heart attack and maybe put on some robes if we got you some. We’ll be happy to ensure your safety if you’d like to continue eating or drinking. I’d just like you to be dressed and out of the pool when you do it.”

“Oh, he’s good, Lyric,” Serena murmured. “Very smooth.”

Kane smiled. “Glad you think so, Mrs. Roche.”

At that she frowned. “How do you know who I am?”

“It’s my job to know everyone who comes into contact with Ms. Jones.”

Faith thrust out her chin. “Just don’t be mean to Lyric. We’ll kick your ass.”

Kane chuckled. “I have no doubt you’d try, Mrs. Montgomery.”

“Oh, all right. Get us the robes,” Julie grumbled. “But I go on record saying you’re even less fun than Connor.”

Kane raised his hand and, a few seconds later, one of his men came out carrying several fluffy robes. Connor took them and then motioned for both Kane and his man to leave. He’d be damned if they saw any of the women naked.

He turned back in resignation of the evening ahead. “If I lay these on the table, can I trust you to get out of the pool and into them?”

“You know, if you’d just leave, we could enjoy our nekkid swim party,” Lyric grumbled.

“I think I’m being reasonable by allowing it to continue and not tossing everyone off the grounds.”

Several sounds of exasperation echoed from the water.

“I’d like to see you try to toss me anywhere, Connor Malone,” Julie muttered.

He grinned. “You know I love you all dearly, but you’re interfering in my job, not to mention I’ll now have to answer to guys I work with as to why I allowed their women to cavort around in the nude.”

“Oh, we can handle them,” Faith said with a sniff. “It’s not like we had an orgy or something.”

“Though that could be fun,” Lyric added. “I think the only thing I haven’t been accused of is a lesbian orgy. Maybe we should call one of the tabloids.”

Connor groaned. “For the love of God. Just get out of the pool and into your robes. I’ll make sure your bartender and the chef supply you with booze and food. If you really want to be good and get dried off and dressed, you can continue this inside where it’s warm.”

“Hot chocolate would be nice,” Serena mused. “And it is getting cooler. March is such a screwed-up month. Hot, cold, hot, cold.”

Connor closed his eyes and sighed. Any other man would be in heaven surrounded by gorgeous, naked women all slicked down with water and all sporting chill bumps from hell. He, on the other hand, was praying for deliverance and for a little cooperation before all hell broke loose.

“Okay, okay, he’s getting that look,” Lyric said. “Let’s get out and get dressed. We’ll take over the living room and kick all the guys out. What time are you guys supposed to be home anyway?”

There was a moment of silence and then Faith said, “What time is it?”

Connor checked his watch. “Six thirty.”

Serena giggled. “I think we said we’d be home by five. Oops.”

“Mr. Roche is aware of your delay,” Sam said calmly.

“It would appear that Mr. Montgomery and Mr. Tucker are as well,” Faith said on a laugh. “Which only leaves Micah. Angelina? Are you going to call him?”

Angelina shook her head. “Huh-uh. I’m still riding the marriage card. He’s so happy I said yes, he can’t possibly get pissed at me.”

“You know, I’m starting to feel real sorry for the guys,” Connor said.

Lyric climbed the steps from the pool and it took all his discipline not to stare. She walked over and snagged one of the robes and wrapped it around her shivering body. Hell, he wanted to wrap himself around her until she was warm and soft against him.

“Trust the guys to stick together,” she drawled. “Come on, girls. Let’s take this party inside.”

Connor whirled around and strode to the door before the other women took their exit from the pool. Their laughter followed him all the way inside.


Connor and Kane got Julie, Angelina, Serena and Faith into the car while Lyric watched from the front door. As they drove away, Lyric waved.

Connor and Kane walked back to the door and Connor looked harassed. His cell phone rang and he jammed his hand into his pocket to silence it.

“Get some damn clothes on,” he said under his breath when he walked by her into the house.

She tugged the robe tighter around her and grinned. “I’m perfectly covered!”

“Yeah, but I know your naked underneath that robe and so does everyone else. For God’s sake show a little mercy here.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll go up.” She hesitated a moment and then looked at both Connor and Kane. “Are you guys going to be around for a bit?”

Kane looked curiously at her. “If you need us to be.”

“I won’t be but a minute upstairs. I’d like . . . I’d like to talk to you when I get back down if you have the time.”

“Of course I have time.”

She glanced at Connor and he nodded, his eyes never leaving her face. She smiled. “Okay, I’ll be right back down.”

“Want some more hot chocolate?” Connor asked gruffly.

“Yeah. That would be nice. Thanks.”