"With your teeth," she told him.

"You are a very bad girl," he said, but, kneeling, he pulled the scrap of silk and lace off with his teeth.

"I need to be spanked," Ashley told him, stepping away from her last garment. As he stood she grabbed one of his hands and began to suck his fingers one by one in a very provocative manner. "Bad girls," she said as she sucked, "are always better for a good spanking, Ryan, and I've been a bad girl."

"Get over here," he said roughly, sitting back down in the chair and pulling her over his knee. "Yeah, you really do need a spanking, baby." His big hand fell on her plump buttocks, and she squealed. Jesus, she really knew how to turn him on. This was a whole new side of his wife. He smacked her several times until her cute butt was beginning to get pink. "Are you going to be a good girl now?" he said.

"No!" she told him.

His hand came down a few more times, and the pink deepened. "You're a very disobedient girl," he scolded her as he spanked her. "Now are you going to be a good girl, Ashley?" He gave her a final whack with his big open palm.

She didn't answer him at first, and then she said, "Maybe."

He laughed. "Okay, that's good enough for now, baby."

She scrambled off of his lap. "You really know how to spank a girl," she told him. "I like being spanked now and again." She knelt before him and took his dick in her hand. "Have you ever been spanked, Ryan? I mean by a lover?" She kissed the tip of his penis, and then began to lick about the head of it.

"No," he answered her. "Do you want to spank me, Ash?"

"Sometime. Not tonight," she said.

"Have you ever spanked a man?" he wondered.

"Not in this life." She giggled. Well, the Channel wasn't really this life, was it? The Channel was a fantasy world. "But I've always wanted to, Ryan. I hear a good spanking can make a man's cock hard for a very long time." She took him into her mouth and began to suck.

"I could have never found a woman like you on my own," he told her. "You've got a libido as hot as mine, Ashley. Ohh, baby, that's nice, but don't make me come. I want to fuck you hard and deep before that." His big hand stroked her dark head gently. "The lawyers were just considering how to save our inheritances when they matched us up. They could not have known how good a match it was going to be, could they?" He closed his eyes and briefly enjoyed her mouth on him. She sucked him gently, teasingly, not enough to bring him on, but he wanted to put it in her. "Enough," he said. "On your back, wife, and spread yourself for me now." He slid between her thighs as she quickly complied with his command.

Her tongue ran over her lips. "Do it!" she hissed at him. "I am so hot for you, Ryan. I'm going to explode if you don't get that big cock of yours into me now. Ohhh, yes, darling! Just like that. Hard! Deep! And fast!" Her eyes closed as he filled her and began to fuck her just as she asked of him. Her legs wrapped about him, allowing him deeper, and she moaned with pleasure as he touched that wicked little spot that always started her toward the edge. But this time he would touch it once or twice, and then avoid it for several more strokes of his big dick. Her heels drummed against his back, and he laughed softly.

"Don't like being teased?" he taunted her. "Funny, I like teasing you." He touched the magic spot again several more times before drawing away, and Ashley whimpered beneath him. He felt her nails begin to dig into his shoulders.

"Oh, Ryan." She gasped. "Don't. Make me come, darling! Make me come!"

"Not yet," he told her. "You're too greedy, Ashley. You want to savor this."

"No, damn it, I want to come!" she yelled.

He put a hand over her mouth. "We don't want to draw attention to what we're doing, do we?" He laughed. She bit his hand, and he pulled it back with a yelp. "Okay, you little bitch," he growled at her. "You want to come? Then I'll make you come!" And he honed in on her G-spot, fucking and fucking and fucking her until she climaxed with a small scream of pure pleasure.

"Oh, God, that was so good." Ashley sighed gustily.

"Was it?" he purred in her ear. "And in just a little while you're going to do it again, baby, because while you're satisfied, I'm sure as hell not."

And then she realized that he was still in her. And he was still very, very hard. "I'm sorry," she said softly. "I didn't mean to be so greedy."

"Yes, you did," he responded. "But you're going to pay for it, wife." And he began to move on her again, this time with long, slow strokes of his cock, and Ashley was soon moaning, her head thrashing as he began to bring the passion in her out again. She had never felt so overcome with such undiluted lust as she did now. Her legs, which had fallen away from his torso when she had last come, now encircled him again. And he was going deeper and harder, harder and deeper. Her nails raked down his long back, and he stopped briefly to catch her hands up and put them above her head, where he might control her better. "You like this, don't you?" he whispered in her ear.

"Yes! Yes!" she whispered back. "Kiss me, Ryan!"

His lips eagerly found hers, and his tongue slipped into the hot cavern of her mouth, thrusting in time with his penis. Ashley sucked on the tongue, clutching it even as the muscles in her vagina were suddenly contracting about the massive cock fucking her. He groaned, and she pushed her hips up to meet his downward thrust. They would come together this time, and when they did it was in an explosion of beating hearts, a roaring in the ears, and a flood of their juices mingling hotly togethet

"Oh, my God," Ashley finally managed to gasp as she pushed him off of her. "I have never in my life had such incredible sex. Are we alive?"

"I think so." He groaned and, reaching out, took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips to kiss. "You are an incredible woman, and I am so glad we found each other. I love you, Ashley," he said. "I never thought to say that to a woman and mean it, but I love you, baby."

"I love you too," she admitted softly. "I never believed in fate before, Ryan, but I sure as hell believe in fate now. Only something like fate could have brought us together. It would appear that we are perfect for each other."

They lay silently and quietly together on the rug before the fire for some minutes, and Ashley thought afterward that perhaps they even dozed off for a short time. Finally he said, "We'd better go upstairs, baby. I'm falling asleep with all that terrific exercise." They didn't bother to dress, because they knew that no one was about. Lina would be fast sleep in a guest room, and the Byrneses were at the other end of the house completely. Gathering their clothing, they hurried up the wide staircase, down the broad upstairs hall, and into their own bedroom suite, where they fell into bed, exhausted from their passion.


Ryan awoke earlier than the woman by his side. After showering and dressing, he kissed his sleeping wife and went downstairs to the kitchen to put on the coffee. To his surprise his mother joined him almost immediately. She had obviously been out walking.

"You're up," he said to her. "Good morning. Juice? We have orange, pineapple, and tomato."

"Pineapple," Lina said. "I can have orange any day."

He poured it for her, handing her the glass.

"You are happy," she said. It was a statement, not a question.

"I owe you one, mamma mia," he said. "I love her."

"You might not have," Lina reminded him.

"Ashley says it's fate," Ryan told his mother.

Angelina Mulcahy smiled. "She believes in fate?"

"She didn't, she says, until now," Ryan answered.

"Fate is what brought your father and me together," she told him.

"You were happy," he said.

"We were content," Angelina Mulcahy said candidly. "And no matter that he was Irish and I was Italian; we had much in common. A religion, a work ethic. But I never loved Finbar Mulcahy. I was fond of him, yes. But I never loved him."

"But you had seven kids!" Ryan exclaimed.

"We both liked sex," she said bluntly. "I know that isn't something a mother should say to her son, but that's the. truth of it. Your father and I enjoyed a healthy sexual relationship. That was another thing we had in common. That and we wanted a family. We never meant to have seven kids, but your father wanted a son, and I kept having girls. And then after you were born we tried for another boy and got Francesca. That's when we decided the pope be damned, and your dad started using condoms until I got through the change. Do you know how lucky you are, Ryan? You actually have fallen in love. It's a blessing, mio figlio."

"I never knew just how much until now, Ma," he told her. "Want some breakfast? I make pretty good scrambled eggs. I learned from an expert."

Angelina smiled. "Where is Ashley?"

"I'm letting her sleep," he said. "Eggs?"

His mother laughed. "Yes, please," she said. Then she grew serious. "Tell me, Ryan, does she love you? And will you give me grandchildren?"

"She loves me," he responded, "and she says as soon as she gets these two new shops open and going, she'll throw away her birth control pills. Haven't you got enough grandchildren, Ma?" he teased her.

"I have grandchildren," Angelina said. "But no Mulcahy grandchildren."

"Ashley wants kids. Don't worry about it," he told her.

"The couple? They don't work on Sundays?" Lina wanted to know.

"Sundays and Wednesdays are their days off," Ryan said as he took eggs from the fridge and began breaking them into a bowl. "Hey, how long has it been since you and I had breakfast together, Ma?"