Aubrey lets out a soft sigh. “Shit.”

   I lift a brow. “You want me to let you two talk?”

   “There isn’t anything to talk about.”

   I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing. Jake steps out in front of Aubrey as we get closer. “What?” she barks.

   His eyes avert from her to me. “Do you mind, partner?”

   I clench my fists.

“He doesn’t have to leave, because we’re going in to eat. Leave me alone.”

   He pulls at his hair. “Please, just talk to me. One second.”

   “No,” she says, pushing past him and through the double doors.

   Gritting his teeth, he turns back to me. “You think you’re going to come in here with your southern accent and charm the pants off of her? I’ll whoop your ass right now.”

   “I’d like to see you try, partner.” Before he has a chance to say anything, I walk through the double doors. I scan the seats until I find Aubrey sitting with Cassie. A frown is tugging at her lips, but her face softens when she sees me.

   I grab my plate and walk toward their table. Cassie waves. “Hi, Tanner. Where’s Eric?”

   I shrug. “He was moaning and groaning this mornin’. I think he had a late night.”

   Cassie’s cheeks flush, and she picks up a piece of bacon. “I’m sure he’ll recover.”

   Aubrey snorts, and she covers her mouth to stop the food. “I never thought I’d say this to a girl before, but you’re such a horndog.”

   She makes a slight howling noise and starts to choke on her food. I try not to laugh but I do, loudly. When I stop, Aubrey is staring at me. Her hazel eyes are wide, her lips parted. I can’t pinpoint her expression, but she’s shakes her head and goes back to eating before I can ask.

* * *

  She glances over my shoulder at the clipboard. “Are all the kids here?” she asks.

“Yeah, everyone but my stupid ass brother.”

   She laughs. “He’s coming.” She points toward a hill closest to us.

   Austin is taking his time, whistling and checking out every girl in the group. “Get your ass over here,” I say, my voice trembling. He is the most arrogant asshole I’ve even come in contact with.

   He rolls his hand through his blond hair and smiles. “You’re my tour guide today? This day couldn’t get any better.” He slaps his hand down on my shoulder.

   I push him away. “Be on time next time, Austin. Don’t be stupid. Please. Let’s just get through this shit.”

   He rolls his eyes and walks over to a group of girls.

   Aubrey is staring at me when I turn back around, but she averts her gaze. “Okay, guys!” she yells. “Put your packs on, make sure your water is filled and we’ll be ready to go.”

   The kids gather their things and line up behind us. The hike is only a few miles. It shouldn’t take but a couple of hours to get up there back. Aubrey follows alongside of me, keeping her eyes forward. “You’re not really close to Austin are you?”

   “Why do you ask that?”

   She shrugs. “I mean you two didn’t grow up together. You’re not close like buddy brothers.”

   I shake my head. “No, not at all. Momma’s ex-husband, Austin’s dad, moved and got custody of Austin when he was five. He did it out of spite, because obviously he didn’t raise him worth a shit.”

   “So, where’s your dad?”

   “Arkansas. Momma and him got back together about six years ago.”

   She nods and turns back to check on the kids. “You think you’re going to stay here or move back to Arkansas? I mean, do you think you’ll ever move back?”

   “I don’t know. I’m not sure what the fuck I’m doin’ anymore.”

   She bites her lip. “I know exactly what you mean.”

   Aubrey and I keep quiet most of the way. I steal glances at her a lot. She gets aggravated when the sweat building on her top lip starts to run into her mouth. She wipes it away with the back of her hand. Her shorts have ridden up her legs, showing each muscle in her thighs. Christ, I want to run my fingers against those legs. Spread them wide apart.

  “Yay,” she exhales out, “we’re freaking here. I feel like my legs are going to fall off.”

   Biting back a smile, I tug my backpack and toss it to the ground. “We sure as hell wouldn’t want that to happen.”

   Aubrey sets her things by mine. It’s another campfire with logs around it. It’s our stopping point. “Y’all get your lunches out and eat. Remember what we said about moderating your water. Y’all don’t want to run out.”

   Aubrey pulls out her sack lunch and we start to eat. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until now. A few seconds into my sandwich, I see Austin walking toward me, his canteen in hand. I lift a brow but wait for him to say something.

   He stops a foot away from us. “I’m out of water.”

   “Well, you should have moderated it like everyone else, Austin. You never listen.”

   “So, you’re not going to help me get some more? I’m fuckin—”

   “Watch your mouth,” I snap.

   His jaw tightens. “I need some more water, your highness.”

   Aubrey nudges my side with her elbow and shrugs. “There is a stream close by, I can hear it. We can get him some more water while everyone finishes their lunch.”

  Fuck. I was really enjoying this sandwich. “Watch these kids, Austin. If everything isn’t fine when we get back, I’m whoopin’ your ass in front of everybody.”

   He makes a grand show of tossing the canteen up so I have to reach out to catch it.

   I glance at Aubrey. “Ready?”

   The stream is only about one hundred yards away through a cluster of trees. It’s small, lots of rocks covering the bottom. Moss hangs from the trees above our heads. The low branches sway in the humid wind. “Okay,” Aubrey says, dipping the canteen into the water. A soft bird’s whistle carries through the air, and I see her eyes close to the sound.

   I fight back the urge to run my finger against her cheek. God, I want to kiss that pouty mouth. I want to fuck that pouty mouth. Standing up, she pulls the canteen’s strap over her head. “It’s really beautiful out here.”

   I nod. “What the…?” She points toward the rocks below us. A small bright purple lizard is perched on a rock, staring at us. Aubrey steps on a stone close to it, and I watch as her shoe starts to slip off the smooth surface. Reaching out, I pull her toward me, knocking us both back into the creek.

  Shit. Rocks dig into my back, when Aubrey lands on top of me. Her eyes are screwed shut, her lips pressed together. One eye peeks open, then the other. The green in them are brighter today. “You okay?” she whispers, her lips an inch away from my own.

   Groaning, I clench my fist into the back of her shirt. She has no idea how fucking okay I am. “I’ve never been any better, darlin’.”

   Her eyes widen, and her lips part, a small sigh escaping them. She takes her bottom lip between her teeth and shifts a bit on me. Fuck. I hope she can’t feel my dick. It’s pressed into her stomach. She feels so soft. So right. It’s nothing like Amanda use to feel…it’s different. It makes me feel more alive.

   Aubrey’s eyes slowly shut. She’s waiting for me to kiss her. And holy fuck I want to. I want to pick her up and drag her to my cabin where I can have my way with her. But, I don’t.

   I slide my hands against her shoulders and guide her to her feet. I’m such a fuckin’ pussy. “We better get back to the kids,” I say, pulling myself up. A dull ache is traveling along my back. That’s gonna bruise.

   “You’re hurt?” Aubrey asks, slinging the canteen back around to her front. “Let me see.”

   Fuck, no. If she touches me again I don’t think I could stop myself. “Later. Let’s get back to the kids.”

   She huffs, but starts toward the camp. I can tell she’s pissed. She doesn’t understand. I want her. This is the first time I’ve felt anything since Amanda died. The dull ache is my chest lifts when I’m around her. It’s fucking scary as hell.

   Austin is standing in the middle of the campers, crushing a random beer can using the top of his head. I pray he found it in the damn woods and didn’t bring it. Aubrey giggles.

“Austin…” I say.

   He turns around and gives us a salute. “All campers counted for, sir. You can count them yourselves.”

   I snatch the canteen from Aubrey and shove it at Austin’s chest. “Here. You’re welcome.”

* * *

   Aubrey barely looks at me on our way back. She is even walking a few steps ahead of me. She’s still limping on her left side. I want to ask her about it, but she’s still pissed.

   Once we get back, the campers go back to get ready before dinner. I grab Aubrey’s elbow and guide her a few steps toward the side.

   “Has anybody looked at that side of yours since you fell?”

   Her hand automatically goes to curl around her rib. “No, not yet.”

   I nod and lick my bottom lip. “I can look at it… if you want.” The hesitance in her eyes scares me. “You can take a look at my back for me. Sound good?”

   Biting her thumb nail, she shrugs. “Okay.”

   When I open my cabin door I’m so glad Eric’s not here. A few pieces of clothing are scattered around. I pick them up quickly and toss them in the pile of dirty laundry. “Well, this is it,” I say, pulling out our med kit from under my bed.

   “Our cabin is bigger than this. They probably knew Cassie’s shoes wouldn’t fit in that closet. Not that she’s going to need them.”

   I chuckle. “I take it you didn’t bring a lot of shoes?”