Dialing Cassie’s number it rings until her voicemail picks up. Shit. I try Eric and he picks up on the third ring. “Hello!” he’s shouting. The music from the BBQ is loud behind him.

   “Come to your cabin. Please now, Tanner’s gone. It’s a wreck—”

   “Hey? I can’t hear you hold on a second.” I hear ruffling on the other end. “Okay, what is it?”

   “Tanner’s gone. Your cabin is destroyed. I need you to come here now.”

   “What? Aubrey, where the hell are you?”

   God! “Eric. Come to your cabin right now. Now. Please I need your help.”

   “Okay, give me a second.” He hangs up, and I bring my phone to my forehead. Please God, let Tanner be okay. Please. I can’t handle him not being here. Not now. Not ever.

   The window is opened to the left and it picks up several papers blowing them along the cabin floor. That when I see the Post-It note. It’s the same writing as the one on the other note. The same familiar writing. Despite it being light it feels heavy in my hand and I squeeze it tightly between my fingers.

   Aubrey. Come alone or I’ll kill him.

   Aubrey. He knows my name. He knows I’m here. And I know that writing. Michael Powers is out of prison.

   The note soars to the floor, fluttering down without worry. Alone? I can’t go alone, he’ll kill me. He failed the first time, but he won’t the second. Why hasn’t anyone called me? Why hasn’t the police been sent to get me? What the fuck is going on! I’m screaming in my head, pulling my hair.

   Eric’s shadow passes by the window, and I turn toward the one above Tanner’s bed. He can’t see me. He can’t come. He’ll kill Tanner. He can’t kill Tanner. Scurrying toward his bed, I open the window and slide out before Eric gets through the door. I land with a soft thud and sneak around until I’m hidden behind another boys’ cabin.

   This can’t be happening. It can’t be. I have no idea where they could be. He didn’t give me any directions. Think, Aubrey. Think. Pressing my face into my palms, I try to control my breathing. Just like Tanner taught me.

   I’ve only ever seen him at the cabin and… the abandoned house. It wasn’t a hallucination. It never was. It was always him. Michael stalked me before the incident and now he’s out to do it again. Only this time he won’t fail.

   My legs wobble as I stand up, but I know I have to go. I can’t let Tanner die because of my problems. I’m going to save him. Tanner’s truck is still sitting in the parking lot. Eric is searching the woods behind the cabins and calling out my name. Tears slip down my cheeks, but I gently open the passenger door and reach underneath the seat for his hatchet. My fingers land on clothes that are mine and finally grip onto the handle of the tool. I sling it to my side and look down. It feels unfamiliar in my hands, but I know it’s my only hope. Tanner’s keys aren’t in his truck, so I run.

   I’m pushing myself harder than I’ve ever pushed myself before. The road that takes me to the abandoned house is three miles away from the camp. I have no idea where this strength came from, but I’m pushing through the burn. I road with Cassie here and I’m not bringing anyone else into this. Having Tanner in the middle is already too much.

   Sweat coats my body, sliding down to absorb in my clothes. My hair clings to my skin. The trees clear for a small section showing me the trail. It’s not dark, but the sun is starting to dip lower in the sky. It makes me run faster. The dark always makes everything worse.

   The house looks just as frightening in the setting sun. The shutters clack against the house in the wind, and the porch swing sways slowly. The wood squeaks underneath my weight. I wonder if he knows I’m here yet. I can feel eyes crawling over me. A silent sob is trying to break from my lips, but I push it down. Tears aren’t going to fix this situation.

   I’m not even sure I’m moving. I don’t feel like I’m controlling myself. A dreamy gaze seems to be hovering over me. I don’t feel real. My body is numb. The door opens slowly sending a small creak across the room. Everything looks the same. Same cobwebs. Creepy photo. Same dusty floors.

   Light spills in from the windows, but it’s darkening in front of me. The sun is setting farther behind the trees, leaving the moon the job of helping me see. No noise. No movement. It looks empty, but I know it’s not. Taking small steps, I tiptoe up the stairs. I saw him in the room at the end of the hall. I’m crying like a baby now, trying to keep myself calm. My grip tightens around the hatchet, and I tuck it as closely to me as possible.

   The hallway is clear. Each eerie person in the pictures watches me as I walk by. The last of the sunbeams for the day flows through the windows as I walk by every room. The large wood door at the end is closed. Pressing my free hand against it, I push it open. It looks like the master bedroom. A huge oak bed sets in the middle, the sheets torn and ragged. My eyes settle on the dresser, then the desk. Everything looks in place. Did I not come to the right spot? Sorrow is building in my throat. This has to be the right place.

   Taking a step, I ease my way into the room. Checking behind the door and then to the closet. I swing it open, and my breath catches in my throat. Tanner is sitting in the corner, blood dripping from his head down his cheek. Falling to my knees I crawl to him and cradle his head in my hands. “Tanner… no! Tanner, please.” I’m rocking back and forth, feeling for a pulse. A straggling pulse moves against my fingertip.

   “He’s alive.”

   Voices are so unique and everyone has their own. Some you forget and others you don’t. I will never forget this one.

   Moving my eyes up the floor, I glaze up at Michael. He’s sitting on the bed, legs spread wide. His fingers interlaced with one another. The white cap covers his face, but when he meets my eyes I see him. A rush of memories flood my brain. The good. The bad. The fucking terrible. All of it. He looks the same. Same blue eyes. Same strong jaw.


   He screws his eyes shut and grips his hair. “Don’t!” he yells, jumping to his feet. “You.” He points his finger at me. He’s way bigger than I remember. Maybe it’s because I’m cowering down in the closet holding my boyfriend’s bloody head in my lap. “Aubrey, I’ve been watching you.” He grins and it sends ice over my bones. “Since the summer started. My mom had mentioned you were here. I knew it was the best place to get you. The best place…” He trails off, his eyes focusing on nothing.

   “Michael. Please let me go. Let us go.”

   He snarls and stalks toward me, dropping to his knees in front of me. “Aubrey,” he coos, running a finger along my skin. I try not to snatch away from him. I don’t want to make him any angrier. “You smell so fucking good. I can remember that smell.” He leans in and sniffs my hair. I jump, shaking from his closeness.

   He recoils back as if I slapped him. “You’ll let him touch you, but you won’t let me? I had you first! You’re mine!” He’s yelling so loud. My ears hurt from the sound. He looks down at Tanner and jumps to his feet. Before I can think, he’s moving his leg back to kick Tanner’s head. Covering him with my body, he lands a hard kick to my upper back.

   I scream at the throbbing pain—my eyes blurry, my body hurting. Michael grabs my hair and pulls me toward him. Every single hair in my head burns. I’m trying to grab his arms, but he’s moving too fast. My feet slide against the wooden floors, my clothes snagging at the old wood. I’m screaming and tears pour down my face. I kick, hit and bite. He growls, pulls me up and tosses me on the bed. No. No, this isn’t happening. No.

I land on the old bed, the covers smell of mildew. The sheets are torn and smell like death. Michael stands over me, staring down at me like I’m his lover. I once was. I once loved that face. That small smirk. Those blue eyes. Not now. Vomit is rising from my throat. Tanner’s body slumps against the wall. He’s out of it. Wake up!

   Grabbing his shirt, he pulls it off his chest. No. Tears stream down my face. His knees touch the bed. His gaze crawls down my body, and then back up to my face. “Stop crying. You didn’t cry when he fucked you, did you? Stop it or I’ll break his goddamn neck.”

   Shaking, I lie still, waiting for him to touch me. I have to get out of here, but I can’t leave Tanner. I just can’t. Michael leans down and trails a finger from the top of my foot all the way to my short shorts. He groans, massaging my thigh. “You use to shiver when I would do this,” he whispers. A distant look is on his face and then it’s gone. Back to sinister. “Now, you’re gonna scream.”

   Michael climbs on top of me, and I know it’s my only chance. Kicking my leg straight up, I hit him between the legs. “Fuck!’ he screams, rolling over to his side.

  He’ll be up in two seconds. I scramble to the floor, tossing my phone toward Tanner. I grab my hatchet and run.

   My body is heaving from leaving Tanner behind. But I know Michael is coming after me. He doesn’t have time to deal with Tanner. I take the stairs two at a time, sliding against the wooden floors and fumbling with the door. I hear his hard footsteps behind me. They’re getting closer. It’s completely dark when I get outside. The moonbeams send enough light to barely see the trail. Jesus, please let me make it. Please. The trail will take me to the road, and I can cut across toward the camp.

  “Stop running, Aubrey. I’m going to catch you either way.”

   He’s so close. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. The hatchet in my hand feels like it weighs a thousand pounds. My legs are burning, my throat on fire. I have to make it. I have to get out of here.